
生活学习2024-03-11 08:01:38自考教育网




1. held的拼写:held,发音为[held],注意不要读成[heɪld]。

2. held的意思:held是动词hold的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“举行、举办”、“握住、抓住”、“保持、持有”等。可以用来表示某个活动或事件的进行或某物被紧紧抓住。

3. held的同义词:held的同义词包括conducted、organized、grasped、gripped等。

4. held的例句:

- The conference was held in the hotel's ballroom.


- The child held onto his mother's hand tightly.


- She has been held in high regard by her colleagues.



1. held的词性:动词

2. held的词义解释:被持有或掌握,过去式和过去分词形式为hold。

3. held的同义词:grasped, possessed, retained

4. held的例句:

- She held the baby in her arms.


- The company held a meeting to discuss the new project.


- He held onto his beliefs despite criticism from others.



1. held的意思是“持有,拥有”,常用于表示某人或某物拥有某样东西。例如:“I held a pen in my hand.”(我手里拿着一支笔。)

2. held的发音为/hɛld/,读音与单词“held”相同。

3. held的同义词包括:possessed, owned, grasped等。

4. 例句1:She held a bouquet of flowers in her hands as she walked down the aisle.(她手里拿着一束花,在走廊上走动。)

例句2:The company is currently held by a group of investors.(这家公司目前由一群投资者持有。)

例句3:I held my breath as I waited for the final results.(我屏住呼吸等待最终结果。)

5. 双语例句:

- The little girl proudly held her new toy in her hands.


- He tightly held onto the railing as he climbed up the stairs.


- The painting was once owned by a famous collector and is now being held by a private museum.



1. 意思:意味着、表示、暗示、象征、意义、内涵

2. 读音:[held],类似于“海尔德”

3. 同义词:grasped, seized, kept, maintained, clutched

4. 例句:

- The trophy was held high in the air by the winning team.


- The suspect was held in custody for further questioning.


- She held onto her dream of becoming a doctor despite all the challenges.


- The meeting was held in a conference room.



1. Grasped

例句:She held onto the railing tightly as she climbed the stairs.

2. Clutched

例句:He held the trophy in his hands with a sense of pride.

3. Gripped

例句:The little boy held his mother's hand tightly as they crossed the street.

4. Embraced

例句:The couple held each other in a warm embrace.

5. Grappled

例句:The wrestler held his opponent in a tight hold.

6. Clenched

例句:She held her fists clenched, ready for a fight.

7. Seized

例句:The police officer held onto the suspect's arm as he tried to escape.

8. Captured

例句:The photographer held the perfect moment in his camera lens.

9. Retained

例句:He held onto his memories of her, even after she was gone.

10. Maintained

例句:She held her composure despite the chaos around her

held是一个常用的动词,意为“抓住,拿着”,它的发音是[hɛld]。它可以用来表示物理上的抓握,也可以引申为掌控、保持等含义。在使用时,我们可以根据具体语境来选择合适的同义词替换,如grasp、grip、hold等。同时,held也可以作为一些短语和相关词汇中的关键词出现,如held back、held up等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个单词。

