
生活学习2024-03-11 08:34:40自考教育网


The pronunciation of helper

1. What does "helper" mean?

- "Helper" means someone or something that assists or aids in a task or activity.


2. How do you pronounce "helper"?

- "Helper" is pronounced as [hel-per], with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "helper"

- Some synonyms for "helper" include assistant, supporter, aide, collaborator, and partner.

4. Examples of using "helper"

- My little sister is my helper when I bake cookies.

- Can you please ask your helper to bring me some water?

- Technology has become an indispensable helper in our daily lives.

- My dog is always my loyal helper when I'm feeling down.

5. So, what's the meaning of "helper" in a nutshell?

- In short, "helper" refers to someone or something that provides assistance or support in a task or activity

How to pronounce helper


1. 发音:helper的正确发音为[ˈhɛlpər]。注意其中的“p”和“l”的发音。

2. 同义词:如果你想要使用同义词来替换helper,可以考虑使用aid、assistant、supporter等单词。

3. 例句:下面是一些例句,帮助你更好地理解helper的用法:

- Can you be my helper and hold this ladder for me while I climb up?


- The volunteer helpers were essential in organizing the event.


- My dog is my constant helper, always by my side.



The usage and examples of helper

1. Helper的含义:Helper是英文中的一个名词,意为“帮手”,通常指在某项工作或活动中提供帮助的人或物。

2. Helper的发音:helper的读音为[ˈhɛlpər],其中“h”发音为清辅音,“e”发音为短元音,“lp”连读发音,最后的“er”发音为弱元音。

3. Helper的同义词:helper的同义词包括assistant, aide, supporter等,它们都有“帮助”的意思。

4. Helper的例句:

- My little brother is my helper in the kitchen, he always helps me with cooking.


- As a language model AI, I can be a helpful helper for those who are learning English.


- The new app is designed to be a helper for busy parents, helping them manage their children's schedules and activities.


- The little girl was excited to receive her new toy robot, which she named “Helper” because it could help her clean up her room.


- The local community organized a volunteer group called “Community Helpers” to assist the elderly and disabled residents in their daily tasks.


Phrases with helper

1. Definition of helper

- Helper is a noun that refers to someone or something that assists or aids in a task or situation.

- In some contexts, it can also refer to a person who provides support and assistance to someone in need.

2. Pronunciation of helper

- The word "helper" is pronounced as /ˈhɛlpər/ in American English and /ˈhɛlpə/ in British English.

- The stress is on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for helper

- Aide: This noun refers to someone who assists another person with a task or situation.

Example: My sister was my aide during my presentation, helping me with the slides and answering questions from the audience.

- Assistant: This noun can also mean someone who helps another person with a task or situation, but it can also refer to a person who holds a position of responsibility and authority.

Example: John's assistant was out sick, so he had to handle all the tasks by himself.

- Supporter: This noun refers to someone who provides encouragement and assistance to another person.

Example: My parents have always been my biggest supporters, helping me achieve my goals.

- Partner: This noun can be used to refer to someone who works together with another person on a task or project, providing support and assistance.

Example: My business partner has been instrumental in our company's success.

4. Examples of phrases using helper

- Helper monkey: This phrase refers to monkeys that are trained to assist people with disabilities in daily tasks such as opening doors, picking up objects, etc.

Example: The helper monkey helped the disabled man retrieve his dropped phone from under the table.

- Little helper: This phrase is often used affectionately to refer to young children who are eager to help with tasks around the house.

Example: My little helper loves helping me bake cookies in the kitchen.

- Helper dog: This phrase refers to dogs that are trained to assist people with disabilities in daily tasks, similar to helper monkeys.

Example: The helper dog helped the blind woman cross the street safely.

- Helper app: This phrase refers to a software application that assists users with specific tasks or provides support and guidance.

Example: The helper app helps users track their daily water intake and reminds them to stay hydrated.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, "helper" is a versatile noun that can refer to a person or thing that assists or supports in a task or situation. It can also have different synonyms depending on the context, such as aide, assistant, supporter, or partner. Some common phrases using "helper" include helper monkey, little helper, helper dog, and helper app

Synonyms for helper with examples

1. Synonyms for helper

- Assistant: someone who helps or aids another person in their work or tasks.

Example: The teacher's assistant was a great helper in the classroom, assisting with grading papers and organizing activities.

- Aide: a person who assists someone in a position of authority, especially in a political setting.

Example: The president's aide was his trusted helper, always by his side during important meetings and events.

- Supporter: someone who provides assistance or help to another person or cause.

Example: The volunteers were an essential part of the event, acting as helpers and supporters throughout the day.

- Ally: a person who supports and helps another person or group, especially in a difficult situation.

Example: The two countries formed an alliance, with one being the main helper in the other's time of need.

2. Examples of helpers

- In the workplace, coworkers can be helpers by assisting each other with tasks and projects.

- Parents are often seen as helpers to their children, providing guidance and support throughout their lives.

- In sports, teammates act as helpers to each other on the field or court, working together towards a common goal.

- Teachers can be great helpers to their students by providing knowledge and guidance in their academic pursuits.

- Friends can also be considered helpers, offering support and assistance during tough times.

3. Other words for helper

- Assistant - Aide - Supporter - Ally - Partner - Collaborator - Comrade - Patron - Protector - Facilitator

4. Examples of synonyms for helper

- Instead of saying "helper," you can use "assistant" in this sentence: She was my main assistant during the project, helping me with all aspects of it.

- Instead of saying "helper," you can use "aide" in this sentence: The senator's aide was instrumental in drafting the new bill that passed through Congress.

- Instead of saying "helper," you can use "supporter" in this sentence: The organization's supporters were crucial in raising funds for their cause.

- Instead of saying "helper," you can use "ally" in this sentence: The two countries became allies, working together to achieve peace and stability.

- Instead of saying "helper," you can use "partner" in this sentence: My business partner was a great helper in managing the day-to-day operations of our company

In conclusion, helper is a commonly used word that refers to someone or something that assists or supports others. It is pronounced as "help-er" and has various synonyms such as assistant, aide, supporter, and more. As a website editor, I hope this article has helped clarify the meaning and pronunciation of helper for you. If you enjoyed reading this article, please consider following me for more interesting language-related content. Thank you for your attention and best of luck in your language learning journey!
