
生活学习2024-03-11 08:42:34自考教育网




1. "帮助"的意思


作为动词,help通常用来表示提供帮助或支持。比如,你可以说"I can help you with your homework."(我可以帮你做作业)或者"You can help me carry these boxes."(你可以帮我搬这些盒子)。在这些句子中,help都起到了"帮助"的作用。

2. "救命"的含义

除了表示一般的帮助外,help还可以用来表达紧急求救的意思。比如,当你发现有人遇到危险时,你可以大喊"Help!"(救命!)来寻求帮助。此外,在一些紧急情况下,人们也会使用短语"I need help."(我需要帮助)来请求他人的援助。

3. "辅导员"的称呼


4. "有益的"含义


1. "help"是一个英语单词,可以分为两个音节,读作/hep/。

2. 在美国英语中,"help"的发音可能会略有不同,更接近/heɫp/的音节。

3. "help"的意思是帮助、援助或协助。它可以作为动词或名词使用。

4. 作为动词时,"help"表示提供帮助或支持。例如:"Can you help me with my homework?"(你能帮我做作业吗?)

5. 作为名词时,"help"指代帮助或援助的行为。例如:"I need your help."(我需要你的帮助。)

6. "help"也可以用来表示请求帮助的意思。例如:"Help! I'm stuck!"(救命!我被困住了!)

7. 当用于口语中时,有时会将"help"缩短为"'elp",但这并不是标准发音。

8. 在英式英语中,有时会将单词末尾的"-p"发音变得更轻一些,读作/hepə/。

9. "helpful"是由动词形式衍生而来的形容词,意思是乐于助人的、有益的。它的发音与动词形式相同。

10. "helper"则是由动词形式衍生而来的名词,指代提供帮助的人。它的发音为/'hɛl.pər/。

11. "helping"是"help"的现在分词形式,可以作为形容词或名词使用。作为形容词时,意思是有益的、有用的;作为名词时,指一份食物中的一份。它的发音与动词形式相同。

12. 总结:"help"是一个常用的英语单词,读作/hep/,意思是帮助、援助或协助。它可以作为动词或名词使用,并且有相关衍生形式如"helpful"和"helper"。在英式英语中可能会稍有不同的发音


1. "Help"是一个常见的英语单词,它可以作为名词、动词和感叹词使用。作为名词时,它表示帮助、援助的意思;作为动词时,它表示帮助、协助的行为;作为感叹词时,它可以用来表达请求帮助或惊讶的情绪。

2. 在日常生活中,我们经常会用到"help"这个单词。比如,当你需要别人帮你做事情时,你可以说:"Can you help me with this?"(你能帮我做这件事吗?)当你想要表达感谢时,也可以说:"Thank you for your help."(谢谢你的帮助。)此外,在一些求救场景中,比如遇到紧急情况或遇到困难时,我们也会大声呼喊:"Help!"(救命!)

3. "Help"这个单词也有一些常见的搭配用法。比如:"help someone do something"(帮助某人做某事)、"help someone with something"(帮助某人处理某事)、"help out"(帮忙)、"help yourself to something"(随便吃喝)等等。

4. 下面是一些双语例句,让我们更好地理解"help"的用法:

- Can you help me carry this bag?(你能帮我拎这个包吗?)

- I need your help to finish this project.(我需要你的帮助来完成这个项目。)

- Thank you for helping me with my homework.(谢谢你帮我做作业。)

- The firefighters came to help put out the fire.(消防员来了帮忙灭火。)

- Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.(需要帮助时不要害怕求助。)

5. 总的来说,"help"是一个非常实用的单词,在日常生活中经常会用到。它可以表达请求、感谢、求救等多种情绪,也可以与其他词语搭配使用,表达更多的意思。所以,记住这个单词并多加练习使用它吧!


1. Give someone a helping hand - 给某人帮助

2. Ask for help - 请求帮助

3. Offer help - 提供帮助

4. Need help - 需要帮助

5. Seek help - 寻求帮助

6. Offer a helping hand - 伸出援手

7. Get help from someone - 向某人求助

8. Help out - 帮忙,协助

9. Call for help - 求救,呼叫帮助

10. Help with something - 协助做某事

11. Help someone with something - 帮某人做某事

12. Lend a helping hand - 伸出援手,给予帮助

13. Help is on the way - 帮助即将到来

14. Come to someone's aid/help - 来到某人的救援/帮助之下

15.Help is just around the corner- 帮助就在附近

16.Extend a helping hand- 伸出援手

17.Helping others helps oneself- 帮助他人也是在帮助自己

18.Help make a difference- 做出改变的帮手

19.Help in times of need- 在需要的时候提供帮助

20.Help someone in distress- 帮扶处于困境中的人


1. Assist - This word is often used interchangeably with "help" and has a similar meaning of giving aid or support to someone.

2. Aid - Another synonym for "help" that emphasizes the idea of providing assistance or support to someone in need.

3. Support - This word can also be used as a synonym for "help" and suggests the act of giving encouragement or backing to someone.

4. Aid and abet - This phrase means to help or encourage someone to do something, often with negative connotations.

5. Facilitate - To facilitate means to make something easier or more convenient, which can also be seen as a form of helping.

6. Assistive - This adjective describes something that is designed or intended to help someone, such as assistive technology for individuals with disabilities.

7. Collaborate - Working together with someone towards a common goal can also be seen as a form of helping each other out.

8. Serve - In addition to its literal meaning of providing food or drink, this word can also be used in a broader sense to describe helping or assisting others in any way.

9. Lend a hand - A colloquial phrase that means to help someone out, often used when offering assistance in a physical task.

10. Supportive - Similar to "support," this adjective describes someone who is helpful and encouraging towards others.

11. Aid in/with/on - These prepositions are often used with the verb "aid" and indicate the specific area or aspect in which help is being provided.

12. Give assistance/aid/support - These phrases offer more formal ways of saying "help."

13. Pitch in/contribute/participate - These verbs suggest actively joining in and contributing towards a common goal, which can be seen as a form of helping out.

14. Be there for/side by side/supporting hand – These phrases emphasize the idea of being present and available to give help or support when needed.

15. Offer a helping hand - A common expression that means to offer assistance or support to someone in need.

16. Take care of - This phrase can also be used as a synonym for "help," especially in the sense of taking care of someone's needs or well-being.

17. Aid package - This term is often used in a political or economic context to refer to a set of measures designed to help a particular group or country.

18. Be of service/use - These phrases suggest being helpful and useful to others, which can also be seen as a form of helping.

19. Give a leg up - A figurative expression that means to help someone get ahead or make progress in some way.

20. Assistants/aides/supporters - These nouns describe people who provide help and support to others, often in a professional capacity

