
生活学习2024-03-11 10:17:00自考教育网



The pronunciation of her

1. Her的意思是什么?


2. Her怎么读?


3. Her的同义词有哪些?


4. Her的例句有哪些?

(1) She is her mother's pride and joy.


(2) I gave her a gift for her birthday.


(3) The girls are playing with their dolls. One of them has lost her hat.


(4) The queen and her entourage arrived at the palace.



How to pronounce her

1. Introduction to "her"

"Her" is a pronoun that refers to a female person or animal. It is the objective form of the pronoun "she." In this article, we will discuss how to pronounce "her," including its synonyms and example sentences.

2. Pronunciation of "her"

The pronunciation of "her" is /hər/. It is pronounced as a single syllable with a short vowel sound. The "h" is silent, and the emphasis is on the second part of the word.

3. Similar words for "her"

- She: This is the subjective form of the pronoun and can be used interchangeably with "her."

- Herself: This is the reflexive form of the pronoun and refers to something done by or for herself.

- Female: This word can be used as a synonym for "her" when referring to animals.

4. Example sentences

- I saw her at the store yesterday.

- Her hair was styled beautifully.

- She hurt herself while playing soccer.

- The female lion was hunting for her cubs.

5. Tips for pronunciation

To pronounce "her" correctly, remember to:

- Use a short vowel sound for the first syllable.

- Emphasize the second syllable.

- Keep in mind that the "h" is silent.

6. Common mistakes in pronunciation

Some common mistakes when pronouncing "her" include:

- Pronouncing it as two syllables instead of one (/heər/).

- Emphasizing the first syllable instead of the second (/hɜːr/).

To avoid these mistakes, practice saying it slowly and pay attention to your pronunciation.

7. Practice exercises

To improve your pronunciation of "her," try these exercises:

a) Repeat after me: /hər/

b) Say these sentences out loud:

- Her dress was beautiful.

- She gave her dog a bath.

- The female elephant was protecting her calf.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, "her" is pronounced as /hər/ and is the objective form of the pronoun "she." It can be used interchangeably with "she" and has synonyms such as "herself" and "female." Remember to use a short vowel sound, emphasize the second syllable, and keep the silent "h" in mind when pronouncing it. With practice, you will be able to pronounce "her" correctly in no time

Usage and examples of her

1. What does her mean?

Her is a possessive pronoun that is used to show ownership or possession of something by a female person or animal. It is the feminine form of the pronoun "his" and can be used to refer to a single female or a group of females.

2. How do you pronounce her?

Her is pronounced as "hur" with a short and clear "u" sound. It is similar to the word "fur" without the "f" sound.

3. Synonyms for her

- Herself: This is another possessive pronoun that can be used instead of her, especially when referring to actions done by a female.

- She: This is the subject pronoun for females and can also be used instead of her in some cases.

- Female: This word can be used as a noun or an adjective to refer to women or girls.

- Feminine: This adjective describes things that are characteristic of or appropriate for females.

4. Examples of using her

- She put on her coat before leaving the house.

- The cat licked her paws clean after eating.

- Her friends threw her a surprise birthday party.

- The queen showed off her new crown at the ceremony.

5. Using her with reflexive pronouns

When using reflexive pronouns, we add "-self" at the end of "her" to make it match with the subject. For example:

- She hurt herself while playing basketball.

- Her mother taught herself how to play guitar.

6. Using her with possessive adjectives

We use possessive adjectives before nouns to show possession, but we use possessive pronouns instead when there is no noun after them. For example:

- Her car is parked outside.

- That car over there? It's hers.

7. Using her in comparisons

When comparing two things, we use "hers" to refer to the thing that belongs to the female person or animal. For example:

- My car is bigger than hers.

- Her grades are better than mine.

8. Using her in idiomatic expressions

There are some common idiomatic expressions that use "her" in a figurative sense, such as:

- To have her hands full: To be very busy or have a lot of responsibilities.

- To have her heart set on something: To be determined to get or achieve something.

- To give her a hand: To help someone out.

In conclusion, her is a versatile pronoun that is used to show possession or ownership by a female. It can also be used in comparisons and idiomatic expressions. Make sure to use it correctly and appropriately in your writing or speech

Phrases with her

1. With her: 拥有她,和她在一起

例句:He went to the party with her last night.

2. By her side: 在她身边

例句:She always has her best friend by her side.

3. To her: 对她来说

例句:This gift is special to her.

4. For her: 为了她,给她

例句:He bought flowers for her on Valentine's Day.

5. From her: 来自她的,由她提供的

例句:I received a beautiful necklace from her.

6. About her: 关于她的,对她的看法

例句:We had a long discussion about her last night.

7. With all of her heart: 全心全意地,真心地

例句:She loves him with all of her heart.

8. In front of her: 在她面前

例句:He always behaves differently in front of her.

9. Behind her back: 背着她,背地里

例句:They were talking about her behind her back.

10. Beside herself with joy/grief/anger, etc.: 非常高兴/悲伤/愤怒等等

例句:She was beside herself with joy when she received the good news.

11. In honor of her: 为了纪念她,向她致敬

例句:The event was organized in honor of her contributions to the community.

12. On behalf of her: 代表她,为了代表她

例句:I am here to accept this award on behalf of her.

13. With her own two hands: 用她自己的双手

例句:She built the house with her own two hands.

14. To take after her: 像她,和她相似

例句:She takes after her mother in terms of personality and looks.

15. To look up to her: 尊敬她,仰慕她

例句:She is a role model for many young girls who look up to her

Synonyms for her with examples

1. Definition of her

Her is a possessive pronoun that is used to refer to a female person, animal or thing that has already been mentioned or is known from the context. It is the third-person singular feminine possessive form of the pronoun "she."

2. How to pronounce her

Her is pronounced as /hər/ in American English and /hɜːr/ in British English.

3. Synonyms for her

- Herself: This is a reflexive pronoun that can be used instead of her when referring to a female subject.

Example: She hurt herself while playing basketball.

- She: This is the subject pronoun for a female person and can be used instead of her in some cases.

Example: She loves reading books.

- Female: This word can be used as an adjective or noun to refer to a woman or girl instead of using her.

Example: The female doctor was very kind.

- Lady: This term can be used as a synonym for her when referring to a woman, especially in formal situations.

Example: The lady at the front desk helped me with my reservation.

- Gal: This slang term can be used informally as a synonym for her when referring to a female person, especially among friends.

Example: My gal pal and I went shopping together.

4. Examples using synonyms for her

- Herself:

She bought herself a new dress for the party.

(The dress belongs to her and she bought it for herself.)

- She:

She was happy with the surprise party we threw for her.

(She refers to the birthday girl and it was her surprise party.)

- Female:

The female CEO of the company gave an inspiring speech at the conference.

(The CEO is a woman.)

- Lady:

The lady sitting next to me on the plane was afraid of flying.

(The woman sitting next to me.)

- Gal:

My gal pal and I went to the beach for a girls' weekend.

(My female friend and I.)

In conclusion, her is a commonly used pronoun in English, often used to refer to a female person or animal. Its pronunciation can vary depending on the speaker's accent or dialect, but it is generally pronounced as "hər" or "hɜːr". As a language learner, it's important to practice and perfect your pronunciation of her to effectively communicate with native speakers.

I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning of her and how to correctly pronounce it. Remember, practice makes perfect! If you have any other questions about English pronunciation, feel free to leave a comment below. And don't forget to follow me for more language tips and tricks. I am your friendly website editor and I am here to help you improve your English skills. Thank you for reading and happy learning!
