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What does hesitated mean?


Hesitated的同义词包括:pause、delay、dither、waver、vacillate等。例如:She hesitated before answering the question.(她在回答问题前犹豫了一下。)


1. She hesitated for a moment before making her decision.


2. He hesitated to ask for help because he didn't want to bother anyone.


3. The actor hesitated before delivering his lines, trying to remember his next cue.


4. The company's stock price has been hesitating for the past few weeks, showing no significant increase or decrease.


5. She hesitated to accept the job offer because it required her to move to a new city.


How to pronounce hesitated?

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Hesitated的同义词包括:waver, hesitate, pause, falter, delay等。下面将结合例句来详细解释这些同义词的含义及用法。

- Waver表示在做决定时摇摆不定,犹豫不决。例如:“She wavered between studying abroad or staying in her hometown for college.”


- Hesitate指因为担心或不确定而暂停或延迟做出决定或行动。例如:“He hesitated before answering the question.”


- Pause指暂停做某事,通常是为了思考或等待。例如:“He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.”


- Falter表示因为缺乏信心或勇气而犹豫或停顿。例如:“She faltered when asked to give a presentation in front of a large audience.”


- Delay指延迟或推迟做某事,通常是因为有其他事情要处理。例如:“The flight was delayed due to bad weather.”


Usage and examples of hesitated

1. Definition of hesitated

Hesitated is a verb that means to pause or hold back in uncertainty or indecision. It can also refer to a delay in taking action or making a decision.

2. Pronunciation of hesitated

Hesitated is pronounced as "hez-i-tey-tid" with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms of hesitated

- Halt: to come to a sudden stop or pause

- Waver: to be uncertain or indecisive

- Dither: to be hesitant or indecisive due to anxiety or confusion

- Vacillate: to alternate between two choices or opinions

- Flounder: to struggle with making a decision

4. Examples of hesitated in sentences

Example 1:

She hesitated before answering the question, unsure of how her response would be received.

Example 2:

After much deliberation, he finally decided on a course of action and didn't hesitate in carrying it out.

Example 3:

The team captain didn't hesitate to make changes in the lineup when they were losing the game.

Example 4:

I could see her hesitation as she stood at the edge of the cliff, unsure if she should jump into the water below.

Example 5:

He hesitated before signing the contract, wanting to make sure he fully understood all the terms and conditions.

Example 6:

The politician's hesitation in giving a clear answer only fueled speculation about his true intentions.

5. Common phrases using hesitated

- Hesitate before doing something: To pause and think carefully before taking an action.

- Hesitate for a moment: To briefly pause and consider before making a decision.

- Hesitate to do something: To feel uncertain about doing something.

- Without hesitation: To act without any delay or doubt.

- Moment's hesitation: A brief pause or delay before taking action.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, hesitated means to pause or hold back in uncertainty or indecision. It can also refer to a delay in taking action or making a decision. This word is often used in situations where one is unsure or hesitant about what to do. Remember, hesitation is a natural part of decision-making and it's important to take the time to think things through before acting

Phrases with hesitated

1. "Hesitated"的意思是犹豫不决,指在做出决定或行动之前出现的迟疑和不确定。

2. "Hesitated"的发音为/hezɪteɪtɪd/,重音在第二个音节。

3. 同义词包括:hesitate, pause, delay, waver, dither。

4. 例句:

- She hesitated before answering the question.


- He hesitated to make a decision without more information.


- The team's performance was affected by their hesitation in the final minutes of the game.


- She hesitated at the edge of the cliff, unsure if she should jump or not.


- He hesitated to ask for help, afraid of being judged.


Synonyms for hesitated with examples

1. Synonyms for hesitated

- Hesitate: to pause before doing or saying something, often because you are uncertain or nervous.

- Dither: to be uncertain or indecisive.

- Waver: to hesitate between two choices or opinions.

- Vacillate: to be unable to decide between different opinions or actions.

- Falter: to hesitate in speech, action, or movement.

2. Examples of hesitated in a sentence

- She hesitated before answering the question.

- He dithered for a moment before making his decision.

- The politician wavered on his stance regarding the issue.

- I could see her vacillating between staying and leaving the party.

- His voice faltered as he tried to explain his actions.

3. Other ways to express hesitation

- Pause: to stop for a moment before continuing.

- Stutter: to speak with difficulty, pausing frequently and repeating words or sounds.

- Flounder: to struggle mentally; show signs of confusion or uncertainty.

- Teeter: to move unsteadily; waver between two choices or opinions.

4. Examples of other expressions for hesitation

- She paused for a moment before answering the question.

- He stuttered nervously when asked about his grades.

- The student floundered during the exam due to lack of preparation.

- The team teetered between winning and losing until the final moments.

5. Synonyms for hesitation in different contexts

Hesitation can also be expressed in various ways depending on the situation:

- Doubt (uncertainty): I doubt that he will come tonight.

- Indecision (unable to make a decision): She was paralyzed by indecision when choosing her major.

- Reluctance (unwillingness): There was some reluctance on her part when it came to trying new foods.

6. Examples of synonyms for hesitation in different contexts

- I have doubts about his ability to complete the project on time.

- Her indecision caused her to miss out on many opportunities.

- He showed reluctance to participate in the team building activity.

In conclusion, hesitation can be expressed in various ways and it is important to choose the right synonym depending on the context. Whether it's pausing before making a decision or struggling with uncertainty, there are many ways to convey hesitation in English. So next time you hesitate, remember these synonyms and examples to help you express yourself better

hesitated是一个常用的动词,它的意思是犹豫、踌躇不决。它的发音是 /ˈhezɪteɪt/。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到需要做出抉择的时候,此时hesitated就可以帮助我们表达自己的心情。比如,“I hesitated for a moment before making the decision.”(在做出决定之前,我犹豫了一下。)除了hesitated这个词本身,还有一些与之相关的短语和同义词也值得我们注意。比如,“to hesitate to do something”(犹豫做某事)、“to be hesitant about something”(对某事感到犹豫)、“to pause”(暂停)等等。如果你想要提高自己的英语水平,记住这些词汇并加以运用将会非常有益。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望本文能够帮助到你,并且如果你喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!
