
生活学习2024-03-11 12:48:38自考教育网


The pronunciation of hiney

1. What does "hiney" mean?

- "Hiney" is a slang term used to refer to a person's buttocks or rear end. It is considered a more playful and casual way of saying "bottom" or "butt."


2. How do you pronounce "hiney"?

- The word "hiney" is pronounced as /ˈhaɪni/ or HAI-nee. The stress is on the first syllable, and the last syllable is pronounced with a long "e" sound.

3. Synonyms for "hiney"

- Some common synonyms for "hiney" include: butt, bottom, derriere, rear end, behind, posterior, and booty.

4. Example sentences using "hiney"

- He fell down and landed right on his hiney.

- She was wearing a tight dress that showed off her hiney.

- I can't sit down comfortably because I bruised my hiney during the game yesterday.

- My dog loves to chase his tail and bite his own hiney.

- You better watch out or I'll kick your hiney!

5. Other variations of the word "hiney"

- Some people may use different spellings or variations of the word such as: heinie, hinie, heiny, heiniehole, etc. These are all considered informal and slang terms.

6. Origin of the word

- The exact origin of the word "hiney" is unknown, but it has been in use since at least the early 20th century in American English. It may be derived from words like hindquarters or hind end.

7. Usage of the word

- As mentioned before, "hiney" is an informal and playful term used to refer to someone's buttocks. It can be used in a lighthearted and humorous way among friends, but it may be considered rude or offensive in more formal settings. It is best to use this word with caution and only in appropriate situations.

In conclusion, "hiney" is a slang term that means buttocks and is pronounced as /ˈhaɪni/. It has been in use for many years and has various synonyms and variations. Just remember to use it carefully and appropriately in conversations

Is hiney an idiom?

1. What is hiney?

Hiney is a slang term used to refer to the buttocks or backside of a person. It can also be used as a term of endearment for a loved one, similar to "honey" or "sweetie."

2. How do you pronounce hiney?

Hiney is pronounced as "hi-nee." The "h" is silent and the emphasis is on the second syllable.

3. Is hiney an idiom?

No, hiney is not considered an idiom. An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. Hiney, on the other hand, has a straightforward and literal meaning.

4. Other synonyms for hiney

- Derriere

- Rear end

- Bottom

- Bum

- Booty

5. Example sentences using hiney:

- "She fell down and landed right on her hiney."

- "I can't believe he pinched my hiney in public!"

- "Come here, my little hiney, I have something for you."

6. Similar terms:

Hiney may be similar to other slang terms used to refer to the buttocks, such as tush, booty, or caboose. However, each term may have slightly different connotations or levels of vulgarity.

7. Cultural significance:

The use of slang terms like hiney can vary depending on cultural context and personal preference. Some people may find it playful and endearing while others may find it crude or offensive.

8. Origin of the term:

The origin of the term hiney is unclear but it is believed to have originated in American English in the 1920s. It may have derived from the word hindquarters, which refers to the back part of an animal's body.

9. Inappropriate use:

As with any slang term, the use of hiney may be considered inappropriate in certain situations or by certain individuals. It is important to be aware of the context and audience before using this term.

10. Conclusion:

In summary, hiney is a slang term used to refer to the buttocks or backside of a person. It is not an idiom and has a literal meaning. While it may be used as a term of endearment, it is important to be mindful of its appropriateness in different situations

Usage and examples of hiney

1. Hiney的意思


2. Hiney的发音


3. Hiney的同义词


4. Hiney的例句

a) She has a nice hiney.


b) I need to work on my hiney at the gym.


c) He couldn't resist staring at her hiney as she walked away.


d) She slipped and fell on her hiney.


5. 使用注意事项


Antonyms and synonyms of hiney

1. Antonyms of hiney

- Front: front is an antonym of hiney, meaning the opposite or contrary. It can be used to describe the anterior side of something, such as the front of a building or the front of a line.

Example: The front of the car was badly damaged in the accident.

- Face: face is another antonym for hiney and refers to the front part of something, especially a person's head. It can also mean to confront or deal with something directly.

Example: She turned her face away from the camera.

- Top: top is an antonym for hiney that describes the highest or uppermost part of something. It can also mean to surpass or exceed something.

Example: The mountain top was covered in snow.

- Head: head is another antonym for hiney, referring to the uppermost part of a person's body or an animal's body. It can also mean to lead or be in charge.

Example: She shook her head in disbelief.

2. Synonyms of hiney

- Butt: butt is a synonym for hiney and refers to the posterior part of a human body, especially when sitting down. It can also be used informally to refer to someone's buttocks.

Example: She sat on her butt on the couch.

- Rear: rear is another synonym for hiney and describes the back part of something, such as a car or a building. It can also mean behind or at the back.

Example: The rear door was locked.

- Behind: behind is a synonym for hiney that means at or towards the back of something. It can also mean after or following something.

Example: He walked behind me.

- Bottom: bottom is another synonym for hiney and refers to the lower end or base of something. It can also mean lowest point or position.

Example: The bottom of the stairs was slippery.

3. Example sentences using hiney and its synonyms

- Hiney: She fell on her hiney while ice skating.

- Front: The front of the house was painted blue.

- Face: He turned his face away from the sun.

- Top: The top of the mountain was covered in fog.

- Head: She hit her head on the low ceiling.

- Butt: She sat on her butt while waiting for the bus.

- Rear: The rear of the car was dented in the accident.

- Behind: He walked behind me to avoid getting lost.

- Bottom: She sat at the bottom of the stairs, exhausted

Explanation of the meaning of hiney

1. Introduction

Hiney is a slang term commonly used in American English. It is often used to refer to a person's buttocks, specifically the area of the buttocks that is considered attractive or desirable. In this article, we will explore the meaning of hiney, how to pronounce it, and provide some synonyms and examples of its usage.

2. Meaning of Hiney

The term hiney originated from the word "hind," which means the back part or rear of something. It is believed to have originated in the southern United States and has since become popularized in mainstream American culture. Hiney can be used as a noun or an adjective to describe a person's buttocks.

3. Pronunciation

Hiney is pronounced as "hi-nee" with the emphasis on the first syllable. It can also be pronounced as "hi-nay," depending on regional dialects and personal preference.

4. Synonyms for Hiney

There are many synonyms for hiney, including:

- Butt: This is a more common term used to refer to the buttocks.

- Booty: This term is often used in a playful or flirtatious manner.

- Bum: This word has multiple meanings, but it can also be used to refer to one's buttocks.

- Derriere: This is a French term that has been adopted into English and refers specifically to one's rear end.

- Rear end: This refers to the backside of someone's body.

- Tush: This word is often used in a humorous or lighthearted way.

5. Examples of Usage

- "Wow, she has a great hiney!"

- "I need to do some squats at the gym to tone my hiney."

- "Don't touch my hiney!"

- "He fell down and landed right on his hiney."

- "She's got a cute little hiney."

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, hiney is a slang term used to refer to a person's buttocks. It has become popularized in American culture and has many synonyms and variations in pronunciation. Despite its informal nature, it is important to use this term respectfully and appropriately in social situations

