
生活学习2024-03-11 13:11:27自考教育网






3.作为名词时,hip可以指人体的部位,即髋部或臀部。例如:“She fell and hurt her hip.”(她摔倒了,伤了髋部。)同时,它也可以指臀围的测量标准。例如:“Her hips are 36 inches.”(她的臀围是36英寸。)

4.作为动词时,hip可以表示“使某人意识到”或“告知某人”。例如:“I need to hip you to the latest news.”(我需要告诉你最新消息。)此外,它也可以指用臀部推撞或撞击某人。例如:“He hipped me and I fell down.”(他用臀部推撞我,结果我摔倒了。)

5.作为形容词时,hip常被用来形容某物时髦、时尚、新潮或跟上最新潮流。例如:“She always wears hip clothes.”(她总是穿着时髦的衣服。)此外,它也可以表示对某事物感兴趣或熟悉。例如:“He is really hip to the latest technology.”(他对最新技术非常熟悉。)


7.在日常生活中,我们也可以用hip来表示赞同或支持。例如:“I’m totally hip to your idea.”(我完全支持你的想法。)此外,hip也可以指代某个社会群体或文化趋势。例如:“She is part of the hip crowd.”(她是时髦群体中的一员。)




1. hip的发音是什么?

首先,我们需要知道hip的正确发音。它的读音是/ hɪp /,其中/h/发音类似于英语单词"he"中的/h/,而/i/和/p/分别发出短促的/i/和/p/音。

2. hip的意思是什么?

现在我们已经知道了hip的正确发音,但它究竟是什么意思呢?实际上,hip可以有多种含义。作为一个名词,它可以指代人体髋部或臀部。例如,“She broke her hip in a skiing accident.”(她在滑雪事故中摔断了髋部)。此外,hip也可以用作形容词来形容时髦、潮流或新潮。例如,“That outfit is so hip.”(那件衣服真时髦)。

3. hip在当下年轻人中有哪些流行用法?

除了上面提到的基本含义外,在当下年轻人中,hip还有一些流行用法。比如,“on the hip”意为“了解最新消息”,“to give someone the hip”意为“告诉某人最新消息”,“hip to something”意为“对某事物很熟悉”。这些用法通常在非正式场合中使用,所以你可能会在电影、歌曲或社交媒体上经常看到它们


1. Hip的基本含义


2. Hip作为形容词的用法


3. Hip作为名词的用法


4. Hip与其他同义词的区别


5. 双语例句

1) This neighborhood is always full of hip vibes. (这个街区总是充满着时髦的气息。)

2) The brand has always been very hip. (这个品牌一直都很与时俱进。)

3) Her style is so cool and hip. (她的风格非常酷且时尚。)

4) The restaurant attracts a lot of trendy young people. (这家餐厅吸引了很多潮流年轻人。)

5) She always wears the most fashionable clothes. (她总是穿最时尚的衣服。)


1. On the hip: 被动的,处于不利地位的

2. Hip and happening: 时髦的,流行的

3. Hip hop: 嘻哈音乐,一种流行音乐风格

4. Hip replacement: 髋关节置换术,一种手术治疗髋关节疾病

5. Hipster: 文艺青年,追求时尚和个性的人群

6. Hip flask: 髋部酒瓶,可以放在口袋中携带的小型酒瓶

7. Hip check: 髋部撞击,冰球比赛中用腰部撞击对手的动作

8. Hip joint: 髋关节,连接大腿骨和骨盆的关节

9. Hips don't lie: 臀部不会说谎,一句流行歌曲歌词,意指身体语言比言语更真实。

10. Get hip to something: 对某事物有所了解或接受


1. Cool - "Hip" is often used to describe something or someone who is cool, trendy, or fashionable. For example, "That new restaurant downtown is really hip."

2. Trendy - Similar to "cool," this word is often used to describe something that is currently popular or in fashion. For example, "Those skinny jeans are so hip right now."

3. Stylish - This word can also be used as a synonym for "hip," especially when describing someone who has a unique and fashionable sense of style. For example, "She always looks so stylish and hip."

4. Fashionable - Another word that can be used interchangeably with "hip" to describe something that is trendy or stylish. For example, "The new art exhibit at the museum is very fashionable and hip."

5. In vogue - This phrase means something that is currently popular or in fashion, similar to the meaning of "hip." For example, "That new band's music is definitely in vogue right now."

6. Cutting-edge - This phrase describes something that is innovative and ahead of its time, which can also be associated with being hip or cool. For example, "Their new technology is so cutting-edge and hip."

7. Avant-garde - Similar to "cutting-edge," this word refers to something that is unconventional and experimental, often associated with being hip or trendy in the art world. For example, "The avant-garde fashion show was full of hip and edgy designs."

8. Edgy - This word has a similar meaning to both "cutting-edge" and "avant-garde," describing something that is unconventional and daring in a cool way. For example, "Her edgy style always makes her look so hip."

9. Chic - Often used as a synonym for stylish or fashionable, this word can also be associated with being hip or cool in a sophisticated way. For example, "The new boutique has a very chic and hip atmosphere."

10. Swanky - This word describes something that is stylish and luxurious, often associated with being hip or trendy in a high-end way. For example, "The new rooftop bar is so swanky and hip."

