
生活学习2024-03-11 14:09:18自考教育网





1. "hɑbi:z"的真正含义


2. 你有什么"hobbies"?


3. "hɑbi:z"与健康


4. "hɑbi:z"的种类


5. "hɑbi:z"与社交



1. 爱好是什么意思?


2. "hobbies"怎么读?


3. 有哪些常见的爱好?


4. 为什么要有爱好?


5. 怎样培养一个新的爱好?


- 寻找你感兴趣的领域,如运动、艺术、手工等。

- 参加相关的课程或活动,结识志同道合的朋友。

- 在网上搜索相关信息,学习技巧和知识。

- 坚持练习和学习,慢慢地就会发现自己对这个爱好越来越有兴趣。

6. 爱好和兴趣有什么区别?


7. 怎样选择适合自己的爱好?



1. Hobbies的定义


2. Hobbies的用法

a. 作为名词使用:My hobbies include reading, hiking and playing guitar.(我的爱好包括阅读、徒步旅行和弹吉他。)

b. 作为动词使用:I like to hobby in my free time.(我喜欢在空闲时间进行我的爱好。)

3. Hobbies的双语例句

a. My hobbies are diverse, from painting to cooking, I always find joy and relaxation in them.


b. Some people turn their hobbies into careers, but for me, it's just a way to unwind after a long day at work.


c. I have been practicing yoga as a hobby for years, and it has greatly improved my physical and mental well-being.


d. Collecting stamps may seem like a boring hobby to some, but for me, it's a way to learn about different cultures and histories.


e. Hobbies can bring people with similar interests together, creating a sense of community and connection.



1. 爱好是什么意思 - 指的是个人喜欢做的事情,通常是为了放松、娱乐或者充实自己而进行的活动。

2. 热门爱好 - 指的是当下流行和受欢迎的爱好,如旅游、摄影、绘画等。

3. 个人爱好 - 指的是每个人独特的喜好和兴趣,可以包括任何领域,如运动、音乐、阅读等。

4. 培养爱好 - 指的是通过学习和练习来发展和提升自己的爱好,使其成为一项技能或专长。

5. 兴趣爱好 - 指的是对某种事物或领域感兴趣并投入精力去探索和学习。

6. 社交爱好 - 指的是通过参加社交活动来满足社交需求,并结识新朋友和拓展社交圈子。

7. 创造性爱好 - 指的是通过创作来表达自己的想法和情感,如写作、绘画、编曲等。

8. 收藏爱好 - 指收集特定物品或收藏品作为业余爱好,并享受其带来的乐趣和满足感。

9. 休闲爱好 - 指的是通过参与放松的活动来缓解压力和放松身心,如瑜伽、冥想等。

10. 热爱的爱好 - 指对某种活动或领域有着强烈的热情和兴趣,并把它作为生活中重要的一部分


1. Interests

- Interests refer to activities or topics that one enjoys or finds pleasure in. It can also be used as a synonym for hobbies, as both terms involve engaging in something that brings enjoyment.

- Example: My interests include playing guitar, reading books, and hiking.

2. Pastimes

- Pastimes are activities that one does regularly for enjoyment, especially during their free time. It is often used interchangeably with hobbies, as they both involve engaging in an activity for leisure.

- Example: Some of my favorite pastimes include painting, cooking, and watching movies.

3. Leisure pursuits

- Leisure pursuits are activities that one engages in during their free time for leisure or relaxation. It is similar to hobbies in the sense that it involves doing something enjoyable outside of work or responsibilities.

- Example: My leisure pursuits include traveling, photography, and playing sports.

4. Recreational activities

- Recreational activities are actions that one does for fun or relaxation. It can also be used as a synonym for hobbies since both terms involve participating in an activity for enjoyment rather than work.

- Example: I enjoy a variety of recreational activities such as swimming, dancing, and playing board games.

5. Avocations

- Avocations refer to hobbies or interests that one pursues outside of their main occupation or profession. It is often seen as a side passion or hobby rather than a primary source of income.

- Example: My avocations include gardening, writing poetry, and volunteering at animal shelters.

6. Diversions

- Diversions are activities that provide entertainment or amusement and can be used synonymously with hobbies since they both involve engaging in something enjoyable.

- Example: Reading and painting are my favorite diversions when I need to relax and unwind after a busy day.

7. Spare-time activities

- Spare-time activities refer to things one does during their free time for enjoyment or relaxation. It is similar to hobbies in the sense that it involves engaging in an activity for leisure rather than work.

- Example: My spare-time activities include playing video games, hiking, and attending concerts.

8. Pursuits

- Pursuits refer to activities that one engages in actively or persistently. It can also be used as a synonym for hobbies, as both terms involve actively engaging in an activity for enjoyment.

- Example: One of my pursuits is learning new languages, and I also enjoy painting and cooking.

9. Side interests

- Side interests are hobbies or activities that one enjoys outside of their main focus or responsibilities. It is often seen as a secondary passion or hobby rather than a primary one.

- Example: My side interests include playing sports, listening to music, and learning about different cultures.

10. Amusements

- Amusements refer to things that provide entertainment or enjoyment and can be used interchangeably with hobbies since they both involve engaging in something enjoyable.

- Example: Some of my amusements include watching TV shows, playing board games, and going on road trips with friends

