
生活学习2024-03-11 14:36:59自考教育网





1. 名词:hoist作为名词时,指的是一种机械装置或设备,用于举起或升降重物。它通常由一个支架、一个绞盘以及一根绳索组成。人们可以通过操作绞盘来控制绳索的收放,从而实现对重物的升降。hoist这种装置广泛应用于建筑工地、港口码头等需要进行大型货物运输的场所。

2. 动词:作为动词时,hoist指的是使用升降机或其他类似设备将重物举起或抬高。例如,“工人们正在hoist一块巨大的石头到建筑工地上”。此外,在军事上也常用到这个动词,表示“举起旗帜”或“提升军旗”的意思。

3. 同义词:除了上文提到的lift、elevate、raise外,还有其他与hoist含义相近的单词,如heave、elevate、uplift等。它们都可以表示“举起、提升”的意思,但在具体使用时仍有一些细微差别。

4. 例句:下面列举几个常用的例句来帮助理解hoist的含义和用法。

- The crane was used to hoist heavy cargo onto the ship. (这台起重机被用来将重货吊装到船上。)

- The workers are hoisting the flag to celebrate Independence Day.(工人们正在升起国旗庆祝独立日。)

- The soldiers hoisted their weapons in preparation for battle.(士兵们举起武器为战斗做准备。)

- The elevator can hoist up to 20 people at a time.(这部电梯一次可以运送20人。)






1. The workers used a crane to hoist the heavy steel beam onto the building. (工人们用起重机将沉重的钢梁吊装到建筑物上。)

2. The sailors hoisted the sails to catch the wind. (水手们把帆扬起来,以便捕捉风力。)

3. Can you help me hoist this box onto the shelf? (你能帮我把这个盒子吊到架子上吗?)



1. hoist是什么意思


2. hoist怎么读

Hoist的发音为/ hɔɪst /,其中的“oi”发音为/ ɔɪ /。

3. hoist同义词

- Lift:意为“举起、抬起”,与hoist的意思相似。

- Raise:意为“提高、抬高”,也可以表示hoist的意思。

- Elevate:意为“抬升、提升”,可以用来替换hoist。

- Crane:意为“吊车、起重机”,也可以表示hoist的含义。

4. hoist例句

- The workers hoisted the heavy boxes onto the truck.


- The flag was hoisted to the top of the pole.


- We need to hoist the sail before we can start sailing.


5. Hoist在工业领域的用法


- The hoist is used to lift the heavy machinery onto the construction site.


- The warehouse workers use a hoist to move the crates onto the shelves.


6. Hoist在航海领域的用法


- The captain ordered the crew to hoist the sails and set off for their journey.


- We need to repair the hoist before we can continue our voyage.


7. Hoist在体育运动中的用法


- The weightlifter easily hoisted the heavy barbell above his head.


- She struggled to hoist herself up onto the pull-up bar, but eventually succeeded.




1. Lift - "Hoist" is often used as a synonym for "lift", meaning to raise or elevate something.

例句:The construction workers used a crane to hoist the heavy beams onto the roof.

2. Raise - Similar to "lift", "hoist" can also mean to raise or move something upwards.

例句:The flag was hoisted up the flagpole during the national anthem.

3. Elevate - This word can be used interchangeably with "hoist" in terms of raising or lifting something.

例句:The elevator hoisted us up to the top floor of the building.

4. Heave - To heave means to lift or pull with effort, which is often associated with using a pulley system to hoist heavy objects.

例句:They heaved the boat onto the trailer using a hoist.

5. Haul - Similar to "heave", this word also implies using force to lift or pull something, especially with the help of machinery.

例句:The truck driver used a hoist to haul the cargo onto his vehicle.

6. Winch - A winch is a type of machine that is commonly used for hoisting and pulling heavy objects.

例句:The fishermen used a winch to hoist their nets out of the water.

7. Elevator - In British English, an elevator is sometimes referred to as a "hoist".

例句:She pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to arrive on her floor.

8. Crane - A crane is another type of machinery that is often used for lifting and moving heavy loads, similar to a hoist.

例句:The construction site had several cranes set up to hoist materials onto different levels of the building.

9. Pulley - A pulley is a simple machine that uses ropes and wheels to hoist or lift objects.

例句:The rock climbers used a pulley system to hoist their gear up the steep cliff.

10. Raise up - This phrase can be used as a synonym for "hoist", emphasizing the action of lifting or elevating something.

例句:The students worked together to raise up the banner using a hoist


1. Hoist up:把...吊起来,提升

例句:The workers used a crane to hoist up the heavy machinery onto the truck.

2. Hoist a flag:升起旗帜

例句:They will hoist the national flag at 8am every morning.

3. Hoist the sails:升起帆

例句:The sailors quickly hoisted the sails as they set off on their journey.

4. Hoist a glass/toast:举杯祝酒

例句:Let's all hoist a glass to celebrate our success!

5. Hoist by one's own petard:被自己的计谋所害

例句:He thought he could cheat his way to the top, but in the end he was hoisted by his own petard.

6. Hoist on/with one's own petard: 用自己的计谋所害

例句:His plan backfired and he was hoisted with his own petard.

7. Hoist a person on/with/to one's own petard: 让某人自作自受

例句:She was hoisted with her own petard when her lies were exposed.

8. Hoist with/by one's own petard: 被自己的计谋所害,处于困境中

例句:He found himself hoisted with his own petard when his lies were discovered.

9. Hoist (someone) onto (something): 把某人抬上(某物)

例句:The firefighters quickly hoisted the trapped hiker onto their helicopter and flew him to safety.

10. Hoist (someone) up: 把某人抬起来,提升某人的地位

例句:The new CEO was hoisted up by his colleagues and given a warm welcome.

11. Hoist (something) over/above (someone's head): 把某物举过(某人)的头顶

例句:The victorious team hoisted the trophy over their captain's head.

12. Hoist (oneself) out of: 挣脱,摆脱

例句:He managed to hoist himself out of the quicksand before it was too late.

13. Hoist on one's own petard: 自作自受,自食其果

例句:His lies were exposed and he was hoisted on his own petard.

14. Hoist with one's own petard: 被自己的计谋所害,处于困境中

例句:She thought she could deceive us, but in the end she was hoisted with her own petard.

15. Hoist the white flag: 举白旗,投降

例句:After hours of negotiation, they finally decided to hoist the white flag and end the conflict peacefully.

16. Hoist a burden/weight: 承担重任/负担

例句:As the new manager, he had to hoist the burden of turning around a failing company.

17. Hoist oneself by one's bootstraps: 自力更生,靠自己奋斗成功

例句:She came from a poor family but managed to hoist herself by her bootstraps and become a successful businesswoman.

18. Hoist a sail:升起帆

例句:The sailors hoisted the sails and set off on their voyage.

19. Hoist a person with one's own petard: 让某人自作自受,让某人因自己的计谋而失败

例句:He thought he could manipulate others, but in the end he was hoisted with his own petard.

20. Hoist a person onto one's shoulders: 把某人抬到肩膀上,表达敬意或庆祝

例句:The crowd hoisted the winning athlete onto their shoulders in celebration of his victory

