
生活学习2024-03-11 15:48:36自考教育网


The pronunciation of homemade

1. "Homemade"是一个由两个单词组成的复合词,读作[hohm-meyd],重音在第一个音节上。

2. 它的意思是“自制的”,通常指由个人在家中制作的物品或食品。


3. 同义词包括"home-cooked"、"handmade"和"DIY"等。

4. 例如:"I love the taste of homemade cookies."(我喜欢自制的饼干的味道。)

5. "Homemade"也可以用来描述某样东西看起来或感觉像是由个人在家中制作的,而不是工厂生产的。

6. 例如:"She wore a homemade dress to the party."(她穿了一件像是自己做的裙子去参加派对。)

7. 总之,"homemade"是一个常用于形容食品和物品的形容词,它带有亲切和温暖的感觉,让人想起家庭和爱

Is homemade an idiom?

1. 独特性强的原创内容


2. 不要出现超链接


3. 内容精准详细








a. I love the homemade cookies that my mom bakes every weekend.


b. This sweater is not store-bought, it's homemade by my grandma.


c. We had a delicious dinner with all the homemade dishes.



Usage and examples of homemade

1. What does homemade mean?

Homemade refers to something that is made at home, rather than being bought from a store or made in a factory. It can also refer to something that is made by hand, using simple tools or methods.

2. How do you pronounce homemade?

Homemade is pronounced as "home-meyd". The first syllable is stressed and the "e" in the second syllable is pronounced like the "a" in "say".

3. Synonyms for homemade

- Handmade: Something that is made by hand, often with a unique or personal touch.

- Home-cooked: Refers to food that is prepared and cooked at home.

- Artisanal: Describes something that is made using traditional methods and high-quality ingredients.

- DIY (Do It Yourself): Refers to activities or projects that are done by oneself without professional help.

4. Examples of homemade

- My mom's homemade cookies are the best!

- We had a delicious home-cooked meal for dinner.

- She sells her handmade jewelry at local markets.

- The artisanal cheese from this farm is all homemade.

- We decided to DIY our own furniture instead of buying it from a store.

5. Importance of homemade

Homemade products are becoming increasingly popular due to their uniqueness and quality. They are often seen as more authentic and have a personal touch compared to mass-produced items. Making things at home also allows people to have control over the ingredients and materials used, making them healthier and more environmentally friendly options.

6. Advantages of homemade

There are many advantages of making things at home, including:

- Cost-effective: Homemade products can save money as they do not include added costs such as packaging and marketing.

- Personalization: By making things at home, you can customize them according to your preferences and needs.

- Quality control: You have control over the ingredients or materials used, ensuring a higher quality product.

- Creativity: Making things at home allows for creativity and experimentation, resulting in unique and one-of-a-kind items.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, homemade refers to something that is made at home or by hand. It is often associated with uniqueness, quality, and personalization. With the rise of DIY culture and the desire for more authentic products, homemade items are becoming increasingly popular. So next time you have the option, why not try making it yourself at home?

Antonyms and synonyms of homemade

1. Antonyms of homemade:

- Factory-made

- Store-bought

- Mass-produced

2. Synonyms of homemade:

- Handmade

- Home-cooked

- DIY (Do It Yourself)

3. Example sentences using "homemade":

- My mom's homemade cookies are the best!

- I prefer homemade meals over fast food.

- She sells her homemade crafts online.

4. Example sentences using antonyms of "homemade":

- I don't have time to cook, so I always buy store-bought meals.

- The factory-made furniture is cheaper, but not as durable as handmade ones.

- I prefer mass-produced clothing because it's more affordable.

5. Example sentences using synonyms of "homemade":

- We had a delicious dinner with all the homemade dishes.

- My friend is really good at making handmade jewelry.

- We decided to save money by doing a DIY renovation for our house

Explanation of the meaning of homemade



1. I love the homemade cookies my mom bakes, they taste so much better than store-bought ones.(我喜欢我妈妈烤的那些自制饼干,味道比商店买的好多了。)

2. She wore a beautiful homemade dress to the party last night.(她昨晚穿了一件漂亮的自制连衣裙去参加派对。)

3. My dad is really good at making homemade furniture, he built our dining table and chairs himself.(我爸爸很擅长做自制家具,他亲手建造了我们的餐桌和椅子。)


1. This restaurant is known for their delicious homemade dishes made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients.(这家餐厅以用新鲜的当地食材制作的美味自制菜肴而闻名。)

2. I prefer homemade skincare products because they don't contain any harmful chemicals.(我更喜欢使用自制的护肤产品,因为它们不含有害化学物质。)

3. The children had a blast making homemade crafts with their parents during the weekend.(孩子们在周末和父母一起做自制手工艺品玩得很开心。)


