
生活学习2024-03-11 18:27:24自考教育网



1. 定义



2. 含义


- 恐怖电影:指那些以恐怖、血腥和惊悚为主题的电影作品,旨在引起观众的恐惧和紧张感。

- 恐怖故事:指那些具有恐怖元素的虚构故事,通常包含鬼魂、僵尸、巫术等超自然现象。

- 战争暴行:指战争中发生的残忍、残暴和令人震惊的事件,例如大屠杀、强奸等。

- 恶梦:指那些令人害怕或不愉快的梦境,通常会在睡眠中出现。

3. 同义词


4. 例句

- The horrors of war are unimaginable.(战争的暴行令人难以想象。)

- She loves watching horrors, but I can't stand them.(她喜欢看恐怖电影,但我受不了。)

- The old house was filled with horrors and ghost stories.(那座老房子里充满了恐怖和鬼故事。)

- I had a nightmare last night, it was full of horrors.(昨晚我做了一个噩梦,充满了恐怖。)


1. 发音:horrors的发音为[hɒrəz],其中[hɒr]读作“哈”,[əz]读作“兹”。

2. 读音:horrors的读音可以分为两个部分来解释。首先,单词中的“horr”部分,读作[ˈhɒrə],其中的重音在第一个“o”上。其次,“ors”部分,读作[əz],其中的重音在最后一个“o”上。

3. 同义词:horrors的同义词有terror(恐怖)、fears(恐惧)、dread(畏惧)等。

4. 例句:

a. The movie was full of horrors that kept me on the edge of my seat.


b. She couldn't get the horrors of the accident out of her mind.


c. The horrors of war are unimaginable for those who have not experienced it.


5. 发音技巧:

a. 注意单词中每个字母的发音,尤其是重复出现的字母。

b. 注意最后一个字母“s”的发音,它在单词中被读作[əz]而不是[s]。

c. 注意单词中的重音,它可以帮助你正确地读出单词。

6. 常见错误:

a. 将“horrors”读作[ˈhɒrəs],这是因为最后一个字母“s”的发音被误读为[s]而不是[əz]。

b. 将“horrors”读作[ˈhɒrəz],这是因为单词中的重音被忽略了。

7. 练习:

a. 请尝试用英文解释“horrors”的意思。

b. 请尝试用英文发音表达“horrors”这个单词。

c. 请尝试用英文造句来使用“horrors”


1. horrors的意思是“恐怖”,通常指令人感到害怕、恐惧或厌恶的事物。

例句:The movie was filled with horrors and I couldn't sleep at night.

2. horrors的读音为[hawr-erz],其中[hawr]读作/hɔːr/,[erz]读作/ərz/。

例句:She shuddered at the thought of facing her worst horrors.

3. horrors的同义词包括:fears, terrors, nightmares, phobias等。

例句:He had to face his deepest fears and confront the horrors of his past.

4. horrors也可以用来形容某件事物或情况令人感到极度不快或可怕。

例句:The living conditions in the slums were beyond description, it was a world of horrors.

5. 在口语中,horrors也可以用来表示某件事情令人感到不满或厌烦。

例句:I can't believe she's wearing that outfit, it's just too horrible for words! The horrors!

6. 除了作为名词使用外,horrors还可以作为动词,“使惊骇”、“使恐惧”、“使厌恶”的意思。

例句:The mere thought of spiders horrifies me. The atrocities committed by the dictator horrified the world.

7. 另外,horrors还可以用来表示极端的痛苦、折磨或痛苦的经历。

例句:The horrors of war left deep scars on the soldiers' minds.

8. horrors也可以用来表示某种不幸或灾难。

例句:The horrors of the natural disaster were captured on camera and broadcasted around the world.

9. 最后,horrors也可以指某种令人反感的事物或行为。

例句:The horrors of animal cruelty must be stopped


1. Terrors - 恐怖的事物,与horrors有相似的含义,通常用来描述令人害怕或不快的事物。

例句:The horrors of war cannot be ignored.

2. Nightmares - 噩梦,指令人恐惧或焦虑的梦境,可以用来形容horrors所带来的不安和不愉快。

例句:The horrors of the haunted house gave me nightmares for weeks.

3. Frights - 惊吓,与horrors类似,指令人感到害怕或惊恐的事物。

例句:The horrors of the roller coaster ride were too much for me to handle.

4. Chills - 寒意,指令人感到恐惧或不安的感觉,可以用来形容horrors所带来的冷漠和恐惧。

例句:The horror movie sent chills down my spine.

5. Dreads - 恐惧,与horrors有相同的含义,指令人感到害怕或焦虑。

例句:I have a dread of spiders, they give me the horrors.

6. Night Terrors - 夜魔般的恐惧,指夜间发生的极其可怕和令人不安的恶梦。

例句:He woke up screaming from the night terrors that haunted him in his sleep.

7. Phobias - 恐惧症,指对某种事物或情况的极端恐惧,可以用来形容horrors所带来的强烈恐惧。

例句:Her horror of heights prevented her from climbing the tall building.

8. Panics - 恐慌,指突然发生的极度恐惧和混乱状态,可以用来形容horrors所带来的不安和惊慌。

例句:The horrors of the earthquake caused widespread panic among the residents.

9. Trepidations - 担忧,指内心的不安和焦虑,可以用来形容horrors所带来的不祥预感。

例句:She had trepidations about entering the abandoned house, knowing its horrors.

10. Shudders - 颤抖,指因为害怕或恐惧而身体发生颤抖,可以用来形容horrors所带来的不安和恐惧。

例句:The horrors of the haunted forest gave me shudders as I walked through it alone


1. 恐怖(horror):与horrors同义,指令人感到恐惧、惊悚的事物或情况。

例句:The movie was full of horrors, making the audience scream in fear.

2. 可怕(terrifying):指令人感到极度恐惧的事物或情况。

例句:The haunted house was filled with terrifying creatures that made everyone run away in fear.

3. 惊悚(thrilling):指令人感到兴奋和紧张的事物或情况。

例句:The roller coaster ride was thrilling, with its twists and turns making us scream in excitement.

4. 恐怖片(horror movie):指以恐怖、惊悚为主题的电影。

例句:I can't watch horror movies alone, they always give me nightmares.

5. 魔鬼(devil):指邪恶的存在,常用于描述恐怖故事中的主角。

例句:The devil in the story was portrayed as a cunning and manipulative character.

6. 噩梦(nightmare):指令人感到恐惧和不安的梦境。

例句:I had a nightmare last night about being chased by a monster.

7. 鬼魂(ghost):指死后灵魂无法安息,继续在世间游荡的幽灵。

例句:Some people claim to have seen ghosts in this old house.

8. 恐慌(panic):指因恐惧而失去理智,陷入混乱的状态。

例句:The sudden loud noise caused a panic among the crowd.

9. 恶魔(demon):指邪恶的存在,常用于描述恐怖故事中的反派。

例句:The demon in the story was defeated by the brave hero.

10. 剧情(suspense):指令人感到紧张和焦虑的情节发展。

例句:The suspense in the book kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end.

11. 哥特风格(Gothic style):指以黑暗、神秘和恐怖为主题的文学、艺术风格。

例句:The Gothic style of this building gives off a creepy vibe.

12. 恐怖气氛(atmosphere of horror):指一种令人感到恐惧和不安的氛围。

例句:The atmosphere of horror in this abandoned hospital is suffocating.

13. 吓人(terrifying/scary):形容令人感到恐惧、害怕的事物或情况。

例句:The haunted house was so scary that I couldn't even go inside.

14. 诡异(eerie):形容令人感到不安和毛骨悚然的气氛或事物。

例句:The eerie silence in the forest made me feel like I was being watched.

15. 恐怖故事(horror story):指以恐怖为主题的故事。

例句:We sat around the campfire, telling each other horror stories late into the night.

16. 骇人听闻(horrifying):形容令人感到极度恐惧和震惊的事物或情况。

例句:The news of the serial killer's brutal murders was horrifying.

17. 惊吓(scare):指因突然的惊讶或恐惧而感到害怕。

例句:The loud thunder scared my dog and he hid under the bed.

18. 阴森(gloomy):形容令人感到沮丧和不安的气氛。

例句:The abandoned house had a gloomy atmosphere, with its broken windows and peeling paint.

19. 痛苦(agony):指极度的痛苦和折磨。

例句:The victim's family went through agony waiting for news of their missing loved one.

20. 惊恐(terror):指极度的恐惧和惊慌。

例句:The passengers on the plane felt terror when they encountered turbulence

horrors一词既可以指代令人恐惧的事物,也可以表示极其不愉快的经历。它的发音为[hawr-er],读者可以通过多次练习来掌握。在使用时,我们也可以选择一些同义词如terrors、fears等来丰富表达。除此之外,与horrors相关的词汇和短语还有nightmares、dreadful experiences等。最后,我是网站编辑小张,在这里我希望能够为大家带来更多有趣、有用的知识与信息。如果你喜欢本文内容,请关注我获取更多精彩内容吧!谢谢阅读!
