
生活学习2024-03-11 18:33:45自考教育网



horseman是一个英文单词,意思是骑兵或骑手。它的发音为[hawrs-muh n],其中“hors”读作[hawrs],“man”读作[muh n]。horseman有时也可以指马术运动中的参赛者。





1. horseman的发音

horseman一词的发音为[hawrs-muh n],其中“hors”发音为[awrs],“man”发音为[muh n]。注意,“hors”中的“r”是轻声的,不要发出清晰的[r]音。

2. horseman的读法


- 第一个音节:[hawrs]

- 第二个音节:[muh]

- 第三个音节:[n]

3. 同义词


- equestrian: [ih-kwes-tree-uhn], 骑马人

- rider: [rahy-der], 骑手

- jockey: [jok-ee], 赛马骑师

4. 例句


- The horseman rode his horse gracefully across the field.


- The cowboy was a skilled horseman who could handle any wild horse.


- The knight, dressed in shining armor, was a brave and fearless horseman.


horseman一词的发音为[hawrs-muh n],读法为[hawrs-muh-n],可以与equestrian、rider、jockey等同义词替换使用,常见于描述骑马人的场景。希望本小节能够帮助您更好地理解和使用horseman一词


1. horseman的意思是骑马的人,也可以指马术运动员。例如:He is a skilled horseman.(他是一个熟练的马术运动员。)

2. horseman的读音为[hawrs-muhn],其中“horse”发音为[hawrs],“man”发音为[muhn]。

3. horseman的同义词包括equestrian、rider、jockey等。例如:She is an accomplished equestrian.(她是一位有成就的骑手。)

4. 下面列举几个关于horseman的双语例句:

- The horseman skillfully guided his horse through the obstacles.


- The young boy dreams of becoming a famous horseman one day.


- The cowboy was not only a skilled horseman, but also a talented singer.


- As a professional jockey, he has won numerous races and gained recognition as a top horseman.



1. Horseman的词组

- Horseman of the Apocalypse: 天启骑士,指《圣经》中的四位骑士,代表战争、饥荒、瘟疫和死亡。

- Horseman's Word: 马术师的秘密语言,用于驯服马匹。

- Horseman's Blade: 骑士剑,指专门用于骑术的剑。

- Horseman's Handshake: 骑士握手,指马术界的一种特殊握手方式。

- Horseman's Lament: 骑士哀歌,指骑手对马匹的哀悼之歌。

2. Horseman的短语

- Ride like a horseman: 骑得像个骑手,形容驾驭能力出众。

- A true horseman knows no fear: 真正的骑手无所畏惧,形容勇敢无畏的精神。

- Horseman's wisdom: 马术智慧,指从马匹身上学到的智慧和经验。

- In the saddle like a horseman: 像个骑手一样坐在马鞍上,形容坐姿端正、稳定。

- To be a horseman of renown: 成为有名望的骑手,指拥有出色的驾驭技巧。

3. Horseman的同义词

- Equestrian: 骑手,指马术运动员或马术爱好者。

- Horse rider: 马手,指骑马的人。

- Cavalier: 骑士,指骑马作战的士兵或骑士精神。

- Jockey: 赛马骑手,指参加赛马比赛的专业骑手。

- Rider: 驾驭者,指驾驭动物或交通工具的人。

4. Horseman的例句

- The horseman skillfully guided his horse through the obstacle course.


- As a true horseman, he had no fear of galloping at full speed.


- The old man shared his horseman's wisdom with the young riders at the stable.


- She sat in the saddle like a true horseman, her posture elegant and confident.


- He had become a horseman of renown, winning numerous competitions and earning the respect of his peers.



1. Cavalier - 骑士

例句:The horseman rode into battle with his trusty sword in hand.


2. Equestrian - 骑手

例句:The equestrian gracefully guided her horse through the obstacle course.


3. Rider - 骑手

例句:The skilled rider effortlessly controlled his horse's movements.


4. Horseback rider - 马背骑手

例句:The experienced horseback rider took the lead in the race.


5. Horseman/woman - 马术运动员

例句:The talented horsewoman won first place in the dressage competition.


6. Jockey - 赛马骑师

例句:The jockey skillfully guided his horse to victory in the race.


7. Horse-rider - 马匹骑手

例句:The horse-rider expertly navigated through the challenging terrain.


8. Horseman/woman - 马术运动员

例句:The horseman/woman showed great skill in the show jumping event.


9. Equestrian athlete - 马术运动员

例句:The equestrian athlete trained hard to prepare for the upcoming competition.


10. Horse rider - 马匹骑手

例句:The horse rider confidently rode her horse in the dressage routine.


