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What does "horror" mean?

Horror is a word that often evokes feelings of fear and terror. It is a genre that has been popularized in books, movies, and other forms of media. But what does "horror" actually mean?

1. The Definition of Horror

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, horror is defined as "a very strong feeling of fear, dread, and shock." It can also refer to something that causes these feelings, such as a scary movie or a haunted house. In simpler terms, horror is all about creating a sense of terror and unease.

2. How to Pronounce "Horror"

The word "horror" is pronounced as hawr-er in American English and hawr-or in British English. The emphasis is on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for Horror

Some synonyms for horror include terror, dread, fright, panic, and alarm. These words all convey a sense of fear and unease similar to horror.

4. Examples of Horror in Literature and Film

Horror can be found in various forms of media, such as books and movies. Some popular examples include Stephen King's novel "It," which tells the story of an evil clown terrorizing a town, and the classic film "The Exorcist," which follows the possession of a young girl by a demonic entity.

5. The Appeal of Horror

Despite its frightening nature, horror continues to be a popular genre among audiences. This may be due to its ability to evoke strong emotions and provide an adrenaline rush while also allowing people to confront their fears in a safe environment.

In conclusion, horror can be defined as an intense feeling of fear or something that causes this feeling. It has become an integral part of pop culture and continues to captivate audiences with its ability to terrify and thrill them at the same time

How do you pronounce "horror"?


1. "horror"的意思是什么?


2. "horror"怎么读?


3. "horror"的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句

- The movie was full of horror scenes that made me cover my eyes.


- I have a horror of spiders, so I can't even look at pictures of them.


- The thought of being alone in the dark fills me with horror.



Usage and examples of "horror"

1. Definition and meaning of "horror"

- "Horror" is a noun that refers to a feeling of extreme fear, terror, or disgust.

- It can also refer to something that causes this feeling, such as a terrifying event, situation, or object.

- In literature and film, "horror" is a genre that focuses on creating feelings of fear and terror in the audience through supernatural or disturbing elements.

2. How to pronounce "horror"

- The word "horror" is pronounced as /ˈhɔːrər/ in British English and /ˈhɔːrər/ in American English.

- It is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "horror"

- Terror, dread, fear, fright, panic

- Revulsion, disgust, repugnance

- Nightmare, nightmare-inducing

4. Examples of usage

a) "The horror movie kept me on the edge of my seat with its terrifying plot."

b) "I couldn't sleep last night because I had a nightmare about being chased by a monster."

c) "The horrors of war are depicted in this novel through vivid descriptions of violence and destruction."

d) "She screamed in horror when she saw the ghostly figure standing behind her."

5. Idioms related to "horror"

a) Horror-struck: extremely shocked or frightened

Example: The villagers were horror-struck when they saw the giant creature emerge from the lake.

b) Horror story: an unsettling or frightening tale

Example: My friend loves to tell horror stories around the campfire.

c) Horror show: a chaotic or disastrous situation

Example: The company's financial reports were a horror show this quarter.

6. Famous works in the horror genre

a) Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - A classic novel about a scientist who creates a monster.

b) The Shining by Stephen King - A novel about a family who moves into a haunted hotel.

c) The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty - A novel about a young girl who becomes possessed by a demonic entity.

d) The Sixth Sense directed by M. Night Shyamalan - A film about a boy who can see ghosts.

7. Conclusion

In summary, "horror" is an intense feeling of fear, terror, or disgust that can be caused by something frightening or disturbing. It is also a genre in literature and film that aims to evoke these feelings in the audience. With its various synonyms and idiomatic expressions, "horror" is a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday language and popular culture

Phrases with "horror"

1. Horror films - 恐怖电影

Horror films are a popular genre of movies that aim to scare or shock the audience with frightening or disturbing content.

2. Horror stories - 恐怖故事

Horror stories are fictional tales that often involve supernatural elements, monsters, or other terrifying scenarios.

3. Horror genre - 恐怖类型

The horror genre refers to a category of artistic works, such as films, books, or music, that focus on themes of fear and terror.

4. Horror movie marathon - 恐怖电影马拉松

A horror movie marathon is an event where multiple horror films are screened back-to-back for an extended period of time.

5. Scream with horror - 惊恐尖叫

To scream with horror means to let out a loud cry of fear or terror.

6. The horrors of war - 战争的恐怖

This phrase is often used to describe the terrible and horrifying experiences of soldiers and civilians during times of war.

7. In sheer horror - 极度恐惧地

In sheer horror means in a state of extreme fear or terror.

8. Face your worst horrors - 面对你最大的恐惧

To face your worst horrors means to confront your biggest fears or phobias.

9. A sense of horror - 强烈的恐惧感

A sense of horror refers to a feeling of intense fear or dread.

10. The horrors of the past - 过去的恐怖经历

This phrase is often used to refer to traumatic events from one's past that continue to cause distress and fear in the present.

11. A look of horror on one's face - 脸上露出惊恐的表情

To have a look of horror on one's face means to have a facial expression that shows extreme fear or shock.

12. Horror-stricken - 惊恐万分的

Horror-stricken describes someone who is filled with intense fear or terror.

13. Horror vacui - 恐惧空虚

Horror vacui is a Latin term that refers to the fear of empty spaces, often used in the context of art and design.

14. The horror, the horror - 那恐怖,那恐怖

This famous phrase from Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness is often used to express a sense of overwhelming horror or dread.

15. Horror show - 恐怖表演

A horror show can refer to a live performance, TV show, or film that features elements of the horror genre.

16. Horror-struck - 被恐惧震撼的

Horror-struck describes someone who has been deeply affected by fear or terror.

17. The horrors of addiction - 上瘾的恐怖经历

This phrase is often used to describe the devastating effects and consequences of drug or alcohol addiction.

18. A tale of horror and suspense - 一部充满恐怖和悬疑的故事

A tale of horror and suspense refers to a story that combines elements of both fear and mystery.

19. The horrors of poverty - 贫穷的恐怖经历

This phrase is often used to describe the difficult and frightening experiences faced by those living in poverty.

20. Horror-stricken silence - 惊慌失措的沉默

Horror-stricken silence refers to a moment when people are too terrified to speak or make any noise

Synonyms for "horror" with examples

1. Definition of "horror"

"Horror" is a feeling of extreme fear, shock, or disgust. It can also refer to something that is frightening or terrifying.

2. How to pronounce "horror"

The word "horror" is pronounced as "hawr-er" with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "horror"

- Terror: a feeling of extreme fear or dread

Example: The horror movie filled me with terror.

- Dread: a feeling of fear or apprehension about something that may happen

Example: She felt a sense of dread when she heard the strange noises in her house.

- Fright: sudden intense fear

Example: The loud crash gave me such a fright.

- Panic: sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety

Example: The crowd began to panic when they heard the gunshots.

- Revulsion: intense disgust or loathing

Example: The horror on her face was replaced by revulsion when she saw the gruesome scene.

4. Examples using "horror"

- I couldn't sleep after watching that horror movie last night.

- The haunted house was filled with horrors that made my skin crawl.

- She let out a scream of horror when she saw the monster in front of her.

- The news report showed images of the horrors of war.

- His face was contorted in horror as he watched his worst nightmare come true.

In conclusion, "horror" is a powerful emotion that can evoke feelings of fear, disgust, and shock. It can be described using synonyms such as terror, dread, fright, panic, and revulsion. So next time you watch a scary movie or read a chilling novel, remember these words to describe your feelings!

In conclusion, "horror" is a word that can be used to describe a feeling of fear or terror. It can also refer to something that is extremely unpleasant or shocking. Remember to pronounce it with the emphasis on the first syllable, "HOR-ror". As for usage, you can use "horror" in phrases such as "horror movie", "horror story", or "the horrors of war". If you're looking for synonyms, some options include terror, dread, and fright. For example, "The horror of the haunted house left me trembling with terror." As an editor for this website, I hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you enjoyed it, don't forget to follow me for more interesting language topics. Thank you for reading!
