
生活学习2024-03-11 19:58:36自考教育网




除了housewives之外,还有一些同义词可以用来表示“家庭主妇”的意思,比如homemaker、stay-at-home mom、domestic engineer等。例如,“She is a homemaker and takes care of her children at home.”





1. 家庭主妇

最常见的用法是指没有工作或职业的已婚女性,在家照顾孩子和家务的人。同义词有homemaker、stay-at-home mom、domestic engineer等。例如:“She used to work as a lawyer, but now she's a housewife taking care of her three children.”(她曾经做过律师,但现在是一名家庭主妇照顾三个孩子。)

2. 家政服务员

另一种用法是指从事家政服务工作的女性。同义词有housekeeper、domestic worker等。例如:“The housewife comes to clean our house every week.”(这位家政服务员每周来打扫我们的房子。)

3. 贤妻良母

有时候,housewives也可以用来形容那些在家务和照顾家人方面做得很好的女性。同义词有good wife、perfect mother等。例如:“She is not only a successful businesswoman, but also a great housewife who takes care of her family very well.”(她不仅是一位成功的女商人,也是一位非常出色的贤妻良母,照顾家人得很好。)

4. 家庭主妇型男

近年来,随着男性在家庭中承担更多责任的趋势,出现了“househusband”这个词,指那些在家照顾孩子和家务的男性。同义词有stay-at-home dad、domestic engineer等。例如:“He quit his job to become a househusband and take care of his children while his wife works.”(他辞职成为一名家庭主夫,在他妻子工作时照顾孩子。)


1. Housewives的读音是“haus-wahyvz”,别忘了发出清脆的“v”音哦。

2. Housewives还有一个常用的同义词是homemakers,指的是在家照顾家庭和孩子的妇女。

3. “Housewives”一词也可以用来形容那些经常在家做家务、料理家庭事务的女性,例如:“She is a full-time housewife, taking care of her children and the household.”

4. 另一个类似的短语是“stay-at-home mom”,意为“在家待着的妈妈”,常用来形容那些放弃工作在家照顾孩子和家庭的女性。

5. 如果你想要更加俏皮地描述这个角色,可以使用“domestic goddess”,意为“家庭女神”,强调她们在料理家务方面的能力和功力。

6. “Housewives”也可以被用来指代电视节目《Real Housewives》中出现的富裕、时尚但充满戏剧性的主妇们。例如:“I can't believe she watches Real Housewives all day, what a waste of time!”

7. 在英国,有时也会把这个词用来指代那些不工作依靠丈夫收入生活的女性。例如:“She's just a typical housewife, living off her husband's money.”

8. “Housewives”也可以用来形容那些不满足于在家做家务的女性,她们渴望有自己的事业和工作。例如:“She may be a housewife now, but she has big dreams of starting her own business one day.”

9. 如果你想要用一种更加幽默的方式来形容这个角色,可以说她们是“CEO of the household”,意为“家庭首席执行官”,强调她们在家庭中的重要地位和责任。

10. 总的来说,无论是怎么读还是怎么形容,housewives都是一个充满魅力和多样性的词汇,它代表着那些在家庭中扮演重要角色的女性们


1. Homemakers:家庭主妇,指负责家务和照顾家庭的女性。

例句:Many modern women choose to be homemakers and focus on taking care of their families.

2. Stay-at-home moms:全职妈妈,指放弃工作专心照顾孩子和家庭的女性。

例句:Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job, but it's also the most rewarding one.

3. Domestic engineers:家务工程师,指负责管理和运营家庭事务的女性。

例句:Domestic engineers are highly skilled at multitasking and keeping the household running smoothly.

4. Household managers:家务经理,指负责管理和组织家庭事务的女性。

例句:Household managers play a crucial role in ensuring that everything runs smoothly in the home.

5. Family caregivers:家庭护理人员,指负责照顾家人和处理家务的女性。

例句:Family caregivers often have to juggle multiple responsibilities to take care of their loved ones.

6. Domestic goddesses:家居女神,指擅长处理各种家务事的女性。

例句:Some women have a natural talent for being domestic goddesses and effortlessly manage their household.

7. Home executives:家庭主管,指负责管理和运营整个家庭的女性。

例句:Home executives have to make important decisions and ensure that everything runs smoothly in the household.

8. Household CEOs:家庭CEO,指负责管理和运营家庭的女性。

例句:Being a household CEO requires strong leadership skills and the ability to handle various tasks and responsibilities.

9. Domestic divas:家居女王,指在家务方面有出色表现的女性。

例句:Some women are true domestic divas and can turn their homes into a beautiful and organized sanctuary.

10. Home engineers:家庭工程师,指负责管理和运营家庭的女性。

例句:Home engineers have to be resourceful and efficient in managing the household budget and maintaining the home


1. 家庭主妇 - homemaker

例句:She chose to be a homemaker and take care of her family instead of pursuing a career.

2. 家庭管理人 - household manager

例句:As the household manager, she is responsible for all the daily tasks and chores in the house.

3. 家务劳动者 - domestic worker

例句:Many women in developing countries are forced to work as domestic workers, often leaving their own families behind.

4. 家庭经理人 - household executive

例句:She may not have a job title, but as the household executive, she runs the show at home.

5. 家政专家 - domestic expert

例句:After years of being a stay-at-home mom, she has become quite the domestic expert in managing her household.

6. 贤妻良母 - virtuous wife and mother

例句:She may not have a high-paying job, but she takes pride in being a virtuous wife and mother to her family.

7. 家庭支柱 - backbone of the family

例句:Without her hard work and dedication as a housewife, the family would not be able to function smoothly.

8. 家务全能者 - domestic all-rounder

例句:As a housewife, she has to be a domestic all-rounder, juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities every day.

9. 居家女性 - stay-at-home woman

例句:Some women choose to be stay-at-home moms while others are forced into this role due to societal expectations.

10. 市井之臣 - queen of the household

例句:In many traditional families, the housewife is often referred to as the queen of the household, responsible for managing everything at home

