
生活学习2024-03-11 19:59:29自考教育网










1. 什么是"housewives"?


2. 如何读这个单词?


3. 为什么要用引号?


4. "housewives"在当今社会的地位如何?


5. 这个单词有没有贬义?


6. 有什么幽默的用法吗?



1. "housewives"的用法


2. 双语例句

- The majority of housewives have no income of their own.


- She is a housewife and takes care of her family.


- Housewives are often undervalued for their contributions to the household.


- Many women choose to be housewives in order to take care of their children.


- Housewives often have a busy schedule taking care of the household and children.


3. "housewives"与其他相关词汇


4. "housewives"的同义词

- Homemaker: 指在家照料家务的妻子或丈夫。

- Stay-at-home mom/dad: 指选择在家照顾孩子而不是工作的父母。

- Domestic engineer: 指负责管理和运作家庭的人,通常指女性。

- Full-time parent: 指全职照顾孩子和家庭的人,通常指父母中的一方


1. 家庭主妇:在英语中,“housewives”一词通常指的是那些在家庭中负责照顾家务、照顾孩子和支持家庭的女性。这些女性被称为“housewives”,也可以简称为“wives”。

2. 家庭经理人:除了照顾家务和孩子,许多“housewives”还充当着家庭的经理人。她们负责制定预算、购买食物和日常用品、安排家庭活动等等。因此,她们也被称为“family managers”。

3. 家务专家:由于长期从事家务工作,许多“housewives”对于清洁、做饭、衣物护理等方面都有着丰富的经验和技巧。因此,她们也可以被称为“homemaking experts”。

4. 家庭教师:除了照顾孩子的日常生活,许多“housewives”还承担着教育孩子的重要任务。她们不仅是孩子们的第一任老师,也是他们最重要的榜样。因此,“housewives”也可以被称为“family educators”。

5. 家庭厨师:在英语中,“housewife”一词也经常与厨艺相关联。由于她们经常负责做饭,许多“housewives”也被称为“home cooks”。她们不仅能够烹饪出美味的家常菜,还可以根据家人的喜好和健康需求来制定餐单。

6. 家庭心理医生:在家庭中,许多“housewives”也扮演着解决家庭成员之间关系问题的角色。她们可以通过倾听、安慰和给予建议来缓解紧张的气氛,因此也被称为“family therapists”。

7. 家庭支柱:最后但同样重要的是,“housewives”也是家庭中最重要的支柱。她们通过自己的努力和付出,保证了整个家庭的运转和幸福。因此,我们也可以将她们称为“family pillars”


1. Homemakers

- This term refers to women who primarily take care of their household and family, including cooking, cleaning, and managing household finances.

2. Stay-at-home moms

- This term is used to describe mothers who have chosen to leave their careers and stay at home to take care of their children and household responsibilities.

3. Domestic engineers

- This term is often used in a humorous or ironic way to describe the work that stay-at-home moms do in managing a household.

4. House managers

- This term refers to women who are responsible for managing all aspects of a household, including budgeting, scheduling, and overseeing domestic staff.

5. Family managers

- Similar to house managers, this term emphasizes the role of women in managing not just the physical aspects of a household, but also the emotional well-being of their family members.

6. Home executives

- This term highlights the organizational and managerial skills required for running a household effectively.

7. Household CEOs (Chief Executive Officers)

- Drawing on corporate terminology, this term emphasizes the leadership role that women play in managing their households.

8. Domestic goddesses

- This playful term is often used to describe women who excel in homemaking tasks such as cooking, decorating, and entertaining guests.

9. Home economists

- While this term can also refer to professionals who study how people manage resources within a household, it can also be used to describe women who are skilled in managing their own homes.

10. Lady of the house

- This traditional title refers to the woman who is responsible for running her household with grace and efficiency.

11. Domestic divas

- Similar to domestic goddesses, this term highlights the domestic talents and skills of women in managing their homes.

12. Homebodies

- This informal term describes someone who enjoys spending time at home and takes pride in maintaining a comfortable and organized living space for themselves and their family.

13. Household managers

- This term refers to women who are responsible for managing all aspects of a household, including budgeting, scheduling, and overseeing domestic staff.

14. Home-makers

- This term emphasizes the active role that women play in creating a warm and welcoming home for their families.

15. Domestic coordinators

- This term highlights the organizational skills required for managing a household effectively, including coordinating schedules and delegating tasks to other family members

