
生活学习2024-03-11 20:26:17自考教育网




1. however的定义


2. however的含义


例如:He is very intelligent; however, he lacks common sense.(他很聪明,但是缺乏常识。)


例如:The weather is cold; however, it's not unbearable.(天气很冷,但并不难以忍受。)

3. however的读音


4. however同义词及例句


例如:I know it's risky; nevertheless, I'm willing to take the chance.(我知道这很冒险,但我愿意冒险一试。)


例如:He failed the test; nonetheless, he didn't give up and kept studying.(他考试不及格,但是没有放弃,继续学习。)


例如:I told him not to do it, but he still went ahead and did it.(我告诉他不要做,但他还是去做了。)


例如:She is a great actress, but however talented she is, she still has room for improvement.(她是一位伟大的演员,但无论她多么有天赋,她仍有提高空间。)


1. 读音:[haʊˈevər],注意发音时要将重音放在第二个音节上。

2. 音标:/haʊˈevər/

3. 同义词:nevertheless, nonetheless, yet

4. 例句:

- However hard I try, I just can't seem to get this math problem right.


- She didn't study for the test; however, she still managed to get an A.


- He loves her; however, she doesn't feel the same way.



1. however的意思是“然而,但是”,常用于句首或句中,表示转折关系。例如:However hard he tried, he couldn't solve the problem. (无论他多努力,都无法解决这个问题。)

2. however的读音为/hɑːr'evər/,注意第一个音节发长音。

3. however的同义词包括but、yet、nevertheless等,它们都表示转折关系,但在使用场景和语气上略有不同。

4. 以下是一些例句,帮助你更好地理解however的用法:

- He is very smart, however, he lacks common sense.


- She was tired, however, she continued to work.


- I want to go out and play, however, I have to finish my homework first.


- However difficult the task may be, we must try our best to complete it.


- However much you may dislike him, you have to admit that he is a good leader.



1. Nonetheless - 尽管如此,然而

例句:I know it's risky, but nonetheless, I want to try it.


2. Nevertheless - 然而,不过

例句:She was very tired; nevertheless, she continued to work.


3. Yet - 然而,但是

例句:I thought she would be angry, yet she just laughed it off.


4. Still - 仍然,不过

例句:He said he would quit smoking, but still, he hasn't stopped.


5. However - 不过,可是

例句:I know you're busy, however, can you spare some time for me?


6. On the other hand - 另一方面

例句:The project will bring economic benefits; on the other hand, it may harm the environment.


7. In contrast - 相比之下

例句:The two brothers are in complete contrast in terms of personality.


8. Despite this - 尽管如此

例句:Despite this setback, we will continue to move forward.


9. Whereas - 然而,却

例句:She loves to travel and explore new places, whereas I prefer staying at home.


10. Nonetheless - 尽管如此,还是

例句:I know it's a long shot, nonetheless, I want to give it a try.



1. Nevertheless

- Definition: in spite of that; notwithstanding; however

- Example: He studied hard for the test, nevertheless he still failed.

2. Nonetheless

- Definition: in spite of that; nevertheless; however

- Example: She was exhausted, nonetheless she continued to work.

3. Yet

- Definition: but at the same time; nevertheless; however

- Example: He is a talented musician, yet he struggles with stage fright.

4. Regardless

- Definition: without regard or consideration for something; despite everything

- Example: She went on the rollercoaster regardless of her fear of heights.

5. Notwithstanding

- Definition: in spite of; despite; regardless of

- Example: The team lost the game, notwithstanding their efforts to win.

6. Albeit

- Definition: although; even though; however

- Example: Albeit it was raining, we still went on our hike.

7. In contrast

- Definition: showing a difference or opposition between two things

- Example: The first half of the movie was action-packed, in contrast to the slower second half.

8. Conversely

- Definition: introducing a statement or idea that is different from one just mentioned

- Example: She loves spicy food, conversely her sister prefers mild flavors.

9. On the other hand

- Definition: used to introduce a contrasting point or idea

- Example: Some people enjoy winter sports, on the other hand others prefer summer activities.

10. In contradiction

- Definition: expressing disagreement or opposition between two things


The results were in contradiction to what we had predicted based on our research

