
生活学习2024-03-11 21:20:04自考教育网



Definition of hub

1. Hub的含义


2. Hub的发音


3. Hub的同义词

根据不同的含义,Hub可以有不同的同义词。例如,在指代一个中心点或者枢纽时,它可以与center, focal point, pivot等同义;在表示连接或者聚集时,它可以与connect, gather, concentrate等同义。

4. Hub的例句

(1) The city's central park serves as a hub for outdoor activities.


(2) The airport is a major hub for international flights.


(3) The internet has become the hub of global communication.


(4) The company's headquarters serves as the hub for all its operations.


(5) The bicycle wheel has a hub in the center for attaching the spokes.



Pronunciation of hub

1. What does "hub" mean?

"Hub" is a noun that refers to the central or main part of something, often used to describe a place or activity that is the focal point or center of a larger network or system.

2. How do you pronounce "hub"?

"Hub" is pronounced as [huhb], with a short "u" sound and a silent "h."

3. Synonyms for "hub"

Other words that can be used interchangeably with "hub" include center, core, nucleus, heart, and epicenter.

4. Examples of using "hub"

- The city's downtown area serves as the cultural hub, with museums, theaters, and art galleries.

- The airport is the main hub for international flights in this region.

- The company's headquarters acts as the hub for all its global operations.

So next time you hear someone talking about a "hub," you'll know exactly what they mean!

Usage and examples of hub

1. Definition of hub

A hub is a central point or device that connects multiple devices or networks together, allowing them to communicate with each other. It serves as a central connection point for data transmission and distribution.

2. How to pronounce hub

The word "hub" is pronounced as /hʌb/, with the "h" being silent.

3. Synonyms of hub

- Center: This refers to the central point or location where things come together.

- Nexus: This refers to a connection or link between different things.

- Node: This refers to a point of connection within a network.

- Pivot: This refers to a central point around which something revolves or rotates.

4. Examples of hub in different contexts

- In computer networking, a hub is a device that connects multiple computers together in a local area network (LAN).

- In transportation, a hub can refer to an airport or train station that serves as a central connecting point for flights or trains.

- In sports, the term "hub city" is used to describe a city where multiple teams gather and compete in one location.

- In business, a hub can refer to the main office or headquarters of a company.

- In biology, the term "hub gene" is used to describe genes that play important roles in regulating other genes within an organism.

5. Usage of hub in sentences

- The airport serves as the main hub for international flights.

- The company's headquarters acts as the central hub for all its branches around the world.

- The city has become an important transportation hub due to its strategic location.

- The gene has been identified as a key hub in regulating various biological processes.

- The new computer network uses hubs instead of switches for better connectivity.

6. Conclusion

In summary, a hub is an essential component in various industries and contexts, serving as a central point for connecting and facilitating communication between different entities. Understanding its meaning, pronunciation, and usage can help in effectively using the term in different situations

Phrases with hub

1. The hub of the wheel: 轮子的中心,比喻事物的核心或重要部分。

例句:The city's financial district is considered the hub of the wheel when it comes to business and commerce.

2. Hub of activity: 活动中心,指某个地区或场所具有活跃的氛围。

例句:During the summer, the beach becomes a hub of activity with tourists and locals alike enjoying the sun and sand.

3. Hub of information: 信息中心,指提供大量信息的地方或机构。

例句:The library is seen as a hub of information for students, providing access to books, journals, and online resources.

4. Hub of transportation: 交通枢纽,指连接不同交通方式的重要节点。

例句:The airport serves as a major hub of transportation for travelers, offering flights to various destinations around the world.

5. Hub-and-spoke system: 中心枢纽系统,指以一个主要中心为核心,辐射出多个支线的组织结构。

例句:The company's business model is based on a hub-and-spoke system, with one main office and several smaller satellite offices.

6. Hub city: 中转城市,指航空公司或铁路公司在某个城市设立的枢纽,方便旅客换乘。

例句:Chicago is known as a major hub city for both domestic and international flights.

7. Hubris: 傲慢自大,指过分自信和自负的态度。

例句:His downfall was due to his hubris, as he believed he was invincible and made reckless decisions.

8. Hubby: 丈夫,作为对husband的亲昵称呼。

例句:My hubby surprised me with a romantic dinner for our anniversary.

9. Hubcap: 车轮盖,指用来保护车轮的盖子。

例句:I lost one of my hubcaps while driving on the highway

Synonyms and examples of hub

1. What does hub mean? How to pronounce hub? Synonyms and examples of hub

2. Hub: The center of it all - synonyms and examples

3. Hub: The heart of the matter - similar words and usage examples

4. Discovering the meaning of hub - synonyms and real-life instances

5. Unraveling the mystery behind hub - related terms and sample sentences

6. A closer look at the definition of hub - alternative words and illustrations

7. Decoding the significance of hub - synonymous expressions and practical cases

8. Exploring the world of hubs - synonyms and anecdotes for better understanding

9. Demystifying the concept of hub - related phrases and personal experiences

10. Unveiling the true essence of hub - synonymous terms and relatable scenarios

