
生活学习2024-03-11 21:55:16自考教育网



1. 词性:名词,复数形式为humans。

2. 含义:指人类,也可以用来泛指所有人类的集合。


3. 同义词:people、individuals、mankind等。

4. 例句:

a) Humans have the ability to think and reason.


b) Humans are social creatures, we thrive in communities.


c) The humans on this planet are facing many challenges.



1. 发音及读法


2. 同义词

humans的同义词包括人类(human beings)、人们(people)、人类群体(human race)等。

3. 例句

- Humans are the only species on Earth with the ability to reason and think critically.


- The survival of humans is dependent on their ability to adapt to changing environments.


- Despite being classified as animals, humans have evolved and developed unique characteristics that set them apart from other species.


4. 其他相关表达

- Human:作为名词,表示“人”或“人类”,作为形容词,表示“人类的”。

- Humankind:表示“人类”或“全人类”。

- Humanity:作为名词,表示“人性”、“仁慈”、“善良”,也可以指代整个人类社会。

- Mankind:表示“男性”或“全体人类”,有时也被用来指代整个地球上的生命。

- Homo sapiens:拉丁语中表示“明智的人”,是人类学上对人类物种的学名。

humans作为一个名词,指代地球上的智慧生物,具有独特的思维能力和进化特征。它的发音为“hyoo-muhnz”,同义词包括人类、人们、人类群体等,相关表达还有human、humankind、humanity、mankind和homo sapiens


1. humans的意思


2. humans的发音


3. humans的同义词

humans的同义词包括:people, individuals, persons。

4. humans的例句及翻译

1) Humans are the only animals that can use language to communicate complex ideas.


2) The impact of humans on the environment is becoming increasingly evident.


3) Humans have a natural instinct to survive.


4) The study of human behavior is a complex and fascinating subject.


5) Humans have been exploring outer space for decades.


6) The evolution of humans has been a long and gradual process.


7) Humans are capable of great acts of kindness and compassion.


8) Humans have a strong desire for freedom and independence.


9) The relationship between humans and animals has changed over time.


10) Humans are constantly adapting and evolving to their surroundings.


5. humans的用法


1) As humans, we have the power to change the world.


2) The human brain is a complex organ.


3) Humans have always been curious about the unknown.


4) Scientists are studying the behavior of humans and animals.


5) Our society is built upon the interactions of humans with one another.


6. humans的双语例句

1) The relationship between animals and humans has been a subject of study for centuries. (动物与人类之间的关系是几个世纪以来一直被研究的课题。)

2) Humans have been able to adapt to a wide range of environments. (人类能够适应各种各样的环境。)

3) The evolution of humans is a topic that has fascinated scientists for years. (人类进化是一个多年来一直让科学家着迷的话题。)

4) Humans have the capacity for both good and evil. (人类有着善良和邪恶的双重能力。)

5) The behavior of humans is influenced by various factors such as culture, upbringing, and environment. (人类的行为受到文化、教养和环境等多种因素的影响。)

6) The human brain is capable of incredible feats, such as creating art and solving complex problems. (人类大脑有着令人难以置信的能力,比如创作艺术和解决复杂问题。)

7) Humans share many similarities with other primates, but also have unique characteristics that set them apart. (人类与其他灵长类动物有许多相似之处,但也有独特的特征使它们与众不同。)

8) The history of humans on this planet dates back thousands of years. (人类在这个星球上的历史可以追溯到数千年前。)

9) As humans, we have a responsibility to take care of our planet and all the living beings on it. (作为人类,我们有责任照顾我们的星球和上面所有的生物。)

10) Humans have the ability to learn and adapt, which has allowed us to thrive as a species. (人类有学习和适应的能力,这使我们作为一个物种得以繁荣。)


1. 人类 (ren lei) - 这个词来自于汉语拼音,是humans的中文翻译。它指的是地球上最高级的生物种类,也就是我们自己。

例句:Humans are the dominant species on Earth.

2. Homo sapiens (hoh-moh sah-pee-uhns) - 这个拉丁语短语可直译为“智慧人类”,是humans的学术用语。

例句:Homo sapiens have evolved over millions of years.

3. Mankind (man-kahynd) - 这个词源于老英语,意为“人类”,通常用来指代整个人类群体。

例句:The progress of mankind has been remarkable.

4. People (pee-puhl) - 这个词可以指代任何具有共同特征或共同目标的群体,也可以用来指代humans。

例句:People are capable of great things when they work together.

5. Individuals (in-duh-vij-oo-uhls) - 这个词强调每个人的独特性和个性,也可以用来指代humans。

例句:Each individual has their own strengths and weaknesses.

6. Human beings (hyoo-muhn bee-ingz) - 这个词组强调了我们作为生物种类的身份,并且具有一定的正式感。

例句:Human beings have the ability to think and reason.

7. Homo sapiens sapiens (hoh-moh sah-pee-uhns sah-pee-uhns) - 这个拉丁语短语是对Homo sapiens的进一步强调,意为“智慧的智慧人类”。

例句:Homo sapiens sapiens are the only surviving species of the genus Homo.

8. Mortals (mawr-tlz) - 这个词可以指代所有有生命的人类,强调了我们有限的生命。

例句:Even the most powerful mortals must face death eventually.

9. Earthlings (urth-lings) - 这个词用来指代居住在地球上的人类,有时带有一点幽默感。

例句:Earthlings have explored space and discovered new worlds.

10. Homo sapiens sapiens sapiens (hoh-moh sah-pee-uhns sah-pee-uhns sah-pee-uhns) - 这个拉丁语短语是对Homo sapiens sapiens的再次强调,意为“智慧的智慧的智慧人类”,也可以用来开玩笑地形容自己。

例句:As a member of Homo sapiens sapiens sapiens, I am proud to be a human being


1. 词汇解释

- humans: 指人类,是指地球上智慧生命的一种。

- meaning: 意思,指某个事物所表达的含义或理解。

- pronunciation: 发音,指单词或语句的正确读法。

- synonym: 同义词,指意思相同或相近的词语。

- example sentence: 例句,指用来说明某个词汇意思的句子。

2. humans同义词

- people: 指人类,常用于泛指或强调群体。

- individuals: 指个体,强调每个人都有独特性。

- human beings: 指人类,强调其作为生物的身份。

- mankind: 指人类,常用于文学作品中。

3. humans相关表达方式

- What does "humans" mean? (humans是什么意思?)

- How do you pronounce "humans"? (你怎么读“humans”?)

- Can you give me a synonym for "humans"? (你能给我一个“humans”的同义词吗?)

- Could you provide an example sentence for "humans"? (你能提供一个关于“humans”的例句吗?)

4. 例句

- Humans are the most intelligent species on Earth.(人类是地球上最聪明的物种。)

- The word "human" is pronounced as /ˈhjuːmən/.(单词“human”的发音是/ˈhjuːmən/。)

- "People" is a synonym for "humans".(“People”是“humans”的同义词。)

- He used the word "human" in his speech.(他在演讲中使用了“human”这个词。)

