shaman是什么意思 shaman的读音、翻译、用法

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shaman是什么意思 shaman的读音、翻译、用法



1. 오늘은 샤먼의 꿈을 꾸었다. (韩语) – 今天我做了一个萨满的梦。(中文) – Today I had a shaman’s dream.

2. Tuva halknn trenlerinde amanlar genellikle rol alr. (土耳其语) – 土瓦人的庆典上通常由萨满扮演角色。(中文) – Shamans usually play a role in the ceremonies of the Tuvan people.

3. . (俄语) – 萨满讲灵语。(中文) – The shaman spoke in the language of spirits.

4. Shamanen anropade andarna fr att be om vgledning. (瑞典语) – 萨满祈求灵魂指引。(中文) – The shaman called upon the spirits for guidance.

5. Szamani wierzyli, e kady przedmiot ma swojego ducha. (波兰语) – 萨满相信每个物体都有自己的灵魂。(中文) – Shamans believed that every object has its own spirit.

6. Il popolo Saami ha una grande tradizione sciamanica. (意大利语) – 萨米人有着悠久的萨满传统。(中文) – The Sami people have a rich shamanic tradition.

7. Juuri ennen lhtni minun piti kyd viel shamaanin luona. (芬兰语) – 在我离开之前,我必须去看萨满。(中文) – Just before I left, I had to visit the shaman.

8. Ang mga shaman ay lubhang mahalaga sa kultura ng mga Mongol. (菲律宾语) – 蒙古人文化中的萨满非常重要。(中文) – Shamans are very important in Mongolian culture.

9. Shamanerna anvnde musik och dans fr att komma i kontakt med andevrlden. (瑞典语) – 萨满们使用音乐和舞蹈与灵界取得联系。(中文) – Shamans used music and dance to connect with the spirit world.

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