diastole是什么意思 diastole的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-06-04 18:16:37book

1. ‘diastole’是来自希腊语的词语,在医学术语中表示心脏舒张期,即心脏放松以允许血液流入的阶段。

diastole是什么意思 diastole的读音、翻译、用法

2. 下面提供9个带有’diastole’的例句:

– During diastole, the heart muscle relaxes and the heart fills with blood. (在舒张期间,心脏肌肉放松,心脏充满血液。)

– High diastolic blood pressure can be an indicator of heart disease. (高舒张压可能是心脏疾病的指标。)

– The diastolic reading on a blood pressure monitor measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart is at rest. (血压监测器上的舒张压读数测量心脏休息时动脉中的压力。)

– The doctor was concerned about the patient’s diastolic pressure, which was elevated. (医生担心患者的舒张压偏高。)

– During diastole, the heart valves close to prevent blood from flowing backward. (在舒张期间,心脏瓣膜关闭以防止血液倒流。)

– The ventricles of the heart are responsible for diastole. (心脏的室负责心脏舒张。)

– Diastolic dysfunction is a condition in which the heart does not relax properly. (舒张功能障碍是一种心脏不能正确放松的病症。)

– The diastolic pressure is usually lower than the systolic pressure. (舒张压通常低于收缩压。)

– Regular exercise can help maintain healthy diastolic blood pressure levels. (经常运动可以帮助保持健康的舒张血压水平。)

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