Camelus是什么意思 Camelus的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-10-31 16:23:38book

Camelus是什么意思 Camelus的读音、翻译、用法


例如,在生物学中,’Camelus dromedarius’指的是单峰骆驼,而’Camelus bactri’则是双峰骆驼。在古生物学中,’Camelus gigas’是指古代的大型骆驼物种。此外,’Camelus’也可以用作品种或亚种的名称。


1. Camelus bactri在中亚和中国西部广泛分布,是丝绸之路上的关键物种。(Double hump camel is widely distributed in Central Asia and western China, and is a key species along the Silk Road.)

2. Camelus dromedarius是一种伯国家常见的家畜,被用于搬运和食物供应。(The dromedary camel is a common domesticated animal in Arab countries, used for transportation and food supply.)

3. Camelus gigas是一种已灭绝的骆驼物种,据推测体重超过1000公斤。(Camelus gigas was an extinct species of camel, estimated to have weighed over 1000 kg.)

4. Camelus bactri具有耐寒、耐旱的特性,能够在极端的气候条件下生存。(The Bactrian camel has the ability to tolerate cold and drought, and can survive in extreme climatic conditions.)

5. 蒙古地区的牧民利用双峰骆驼 (Camelus bactri) 进行交通和物资运输。(Mongolian herders use the Bactrian camel for transportation and cargo.)

6. Camelus dromedarius在撒哈拉沙漠地区被广泛使用,被称为“沙漠船”。(The dromedary camel is widely used in the Sahara desert and is known as the “ship of the desert”.)

7. 伯国家有许多关于骆驼的传说和神话,例如关于双峰骆驼 (Camelus bactri) 带来好运的传说。(Arab countries have many legends and myths about camels, such as the one about the Bactrian camel bringing good luck.)

8. Camelus ferus是野生的单峰骆驼物种,分布在亚洲和非洲。(Camelus ferus is a wild species of dromedary camel, found in Asia and Africa.)

9. 双峰骆驼 (Camelus bactri) 的毛皮可以用来制作衣物和毯子。(The fur of the Bactrian camel can be used to make clothing and blankets.)

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