borer是什么意思 borer的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2024-02-21 19:20:06book



borer是什么意思 borer的读音、翻译、用法

1. The ash tree in my backyard is infested with borers. (我后院的白蜡树上有蛀虫)

2. The wooden furniture in the antique shop was ruined by borers. (古董店里的木质家具被蛀虫毁坏了)

3. The forester sprayed the trees with insecticide to get rid of the borers. (林务员喷洒杀虫剂来清除蛀虫)

4. The carpenter had to replace the damaged wood caused by the borers. (木匠不得不更换蛀虫造成的损坏木材)

5. The borer larvae can stay inside the wood for several years. (蛀虫幼虫可以在木材内部存活几年)

6. The researchers found a new species of borer in the Brazilian rainforest. (研究人员在巴西热带雨林发现了一种新的蛀虫物种)

7. The borer infestation caused the tree to weaken and eventually die. (蛀虫侵袭使树木变弱,最终死亡)

8. The conservationist is concerned about the impact of borer infestations on the forest ecosystem. (保护主义者担心蛀虫侵袭对森林生态系统的影响)

9. The furniture factory had to implement strict measures to prevent borer infestations. (家具厂不得不实施严格的措施来预防蛀虫侵袭)

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