田七郎用英语怎么说 田七郎的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-15 15:50:44时过境迁


1. The thor also reviews the Shanghai school of economi and the "Lang Xianping′s whirlwind".

田七郎用英语怎么说 田七郎的英语翻译


2. Tsin-tsi... To ce swelling, you fool.

3. if you want someone who can work, then how about that person?

4. We fige he was trying to blackmail him. Rickover hired Kazanski to kill him.

5. Peilang, Zhaong has fallen to lovesickness.

6. Shoot yo partner in the chest.

7. Let's hear it once again, mc state, for yo dynamic duo.

8. Where's Lieutenant Lowenthal?

9. i thought i'd ask you to find out.

10. Tsin-tsi, to ce swelling, you fool!
