faye是什么意思 faye的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-15 17:03:03腻味

faye是什么意思 faye的中文翻译、读音、例句

首先,"Faye" 可以是一个人名,通常用于女性。其次,它也可以是某些组织或公司的缩写。此外,它也可以是一种电子通讯协议或者算法的名称。最后,"Faye" 还可以是某个地方或者建筑的名称。


1. Faye is a talented musician who plays the piano beautifully. (Faye是一个才华横溢的音乐家,她钢琴演奏得非常好。)

2. FAYE Corporation is one of the leading providers of software solutions in the industry. (FAYE公司是业内领先的软件解决方案提供商之一。)

3. The Faye algorithm is widely used for predicting future trends in financial markets. (Faye算法被广泛用于预测金融市场的未来趋势。)

4. Faye is the name of a beautiful park located in the heart of the city. (Faye是位于市中心的一个美丽公园的名称。)

5. The Faye Protocol is a messaging standard used for real-time communication between devices. (Faye协议是用于设备之间的实时通信的消息标准。)

faye的中文翻译为菲。读音为 [fe]。


1. Faye is a talented musician.


2. Faye is always happy to help others.





例句:Archie Knox and the fabulous Faye Faulkner. (Archie Knox和惊艳的Faye Faulkner)


例句:Another movie I liked with Faye Dunaway was Three Days of the Condor. (我喜欢另一部费唐娜薇演的电影是《xx日兀鹰》)


例句:Now. F for Faye. She's the fifth victim. (你们看 F代表Faye 她是第五名受害人)


例句:Faye-Faye! Smoke, smoke! Faye-Faye! (翻译:FayeFaye 超级超级的FayeFaye)


faye一般作为名词使用,如在Faye anomaly(= free-air gravity anomaly)、Faye correction(法伊改正)、faye dunaway([人名]费唐娜薇)等常见短语中出现较多。

Faye anomaly= free-air gravity anomaly
Faye correction法伊改正
faye dunaway[人名]费唐娜薇
faye reduction费伊修正
La Faye[地名] 拉费 ( 法 )
faye gravity anomaly费伊重力异常


1. Now. F for Faye. She's the fifth victim. (翻译:你们看 F代表Faye 她是第五名受害人)

2. Faye-Faye! Smoke, smoke! Faye-Faye! (翻译:FayeFaye 超级超级的FayeFaye)

3. Hilary Faye, you bought them for yourself, so it doesn't count. (翻译:希拉里菲儿, 你给自己买的, 所以这不算,)

4. Faye hasn't eaten all day—she must be sickening for something. (翻译:费伊一天没吃饭了—她一定是哪儿不舒服了。)

5. As is known to her colleagues and friends, she used to be adept at singing Faye's songs and English songs. (翻译:她的同僚和朋友都知道,她最擅长王菲的歌还有英文歌曲。)

6. Born Jewish but now a Sufi Muslim, Maryam Kabeer Faye lives in Philadelphia with her grown son, Issa. (翻译:出生于犹太但现在苏菲,玛丽亚姆凯比尔王菲与她生活在费城长大的儿子,伊萨。)

7. I'm sure by now most of you have noticed the beautiful billboard designed and painted by our own Hilary Faye and donated by her father. (翻译:我觉得你们大部分的人都应该注意到了那个漂亮的布告板 这是由我们的希拉里 菲儿一手设计并且弄好的 同时这也是她爸爸捐赠的)

8. Hilary Faye's gonna freak out when I'm not there waiting for her. (翻译:当我不等希拉里 菲儿的时候,她估计会疯调)

9. Hilary Faye seemed to have a spiritual solution for every problem. (翻译:希拉里 菲儿好像对每个问题总能有个精神上解决的办法)

10. So why were you at Hilary Faye's when she was praying for Dean? (翻译:那你干吗在希拉里 菲儿 为迪安祈祷的时候还呆在她家里?)

11. So I'm going to follow it up. If Faye has something, let's see if we can use it. (翻译:剩下的就要看Faye找到的 是否有点帮助...)

12. So now you have to take your marching orders from the likes of Faye Faulkner? (翻译:所以现在 你得根据Faye Faulkner的喜好来工作)

13. Oh, God, no. My friend worked for Faye over at Viking. She quit after a week. (翻译:不会吧 我的朋友在Viking社给Faye工作 一个礼拜后她就辞职不干了)

14. Theodore Van Runkles' costumes and Faye's wonderful hair made this film fantastically watchable. (翻译:西奥多拉范朗克尔的服装和费的美丽发型使这部电影有了极佳的观赏性。)

15. So we can watch Hilary Faye try and get into your Easter basket? (翻译:那我们可以看到希拉里菲儿 抢别人的复活节篮子里了?)
