不着寸缕用英语怎么说 不着寸缕英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-17 09:08:42放鶴

不着寸缕在英语中翻译是"dimensionally tolerance",在常中也可以翻译为"oneinch",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到32个与不着寸缕相关释义和例句。

1. The moon ses high, cut thugh a thbd a gzy cloudlet in dshg .

不着寸缕用英语怎么说 不着寸缕英语翻译

2. Billions of tissues... ry one of them is singing paean of yo name...

3. There's no rush, really. No rush. it's...

4. This really is the middle of nowhere.

5. Yard by yard, fussing on the details

6. - Slice of sun in New York City.

7. Silken threads anxious of youth

8. Listen, i'll go get him, okay?

9. One inch on the left or one inch on the ght.

10. We're in the middle of nowhere, miles fm anywhere.

11. Ggo, show Lexi o gratitude.

12. Six inches forward and five inches back

13. Where i got nothin' on. i got someone observing me thugh a slot in the wall.

14. This is running fingers thugh yo hair, okay?
