black tie是什么意思 black tie的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-17 09:50:42初春旖旎

black tie通常被翻译为"黑领带、小礼服"意思,其次还有"黑领结"意思,读音为[blacktie],black tie在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到33个与black tie相关用法和句子。

1. The first person was weang a black tie, a tuxedo. it was me.

black tie是什么意思 black tie的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. kantai can tie a tie, if kantai can tie a tie why can't i tie a tie?


3. One of those black tie worthy cse, lousy food kind of things.

4. it's kind of in my uncle's honor, and it's black tie.

5. The first person was weang a black tie, a tuxedo. it was me.


6. it's a tie! it's a tie! it's a tie!

7. - You took woodshop? - Yeah, i made a tie rack.

8. all indoor chch wedding, black-tie, no butterflies.

翻译:小型室内教堂婚礼 半正式礼服 不放蝴蝶 all indoor chch wedding, black。

9. Prefects wear a badge, a special tie (stpes of silver and black) and a blazer which has black and white braid.


10. When George Gershwin played in New York, it was black-tie music.

翻译:乔治. 戈什温在纽约表演 是听众都要到打领带高雅音乐。

11. it says "black tie," which means tux.

12. No biggie. Hey, what about a tie?

13. Suspect is a white male, 30s, black suit and a tie, dving a black Tahoe.

翻译:嫌犯为白人男 三十出头,黑西装,领带 开黑雪弗兰塔豪。

14. it's a black-tie. it's a $2500-a-plate dinner.

15. There was a big black tie wedding here tonight.
