学位用英语怎么说 学位的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-28 12:36:30东方素

学位英语可以这样说: Bachelors,还可以翻译为 Universitaos,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到76个与学位相关短语翻译和用法。

8. pfessional degree( 专业学位;职业学位;型学位)

2. honorary degrees([法] 荣誉学位, 名誉学位)

学位用英语怎么说 学位的英语翻译

6. foundation degrees( 基学位;预科学位;基学位课程)

7. joint degrees( 联合学位;聯合学位;联合学位制)

Doctoral degree PhD Doctor Degree ( 博士学位 )

bachelor bachelor's degree Baccalreate degree ( 学士学位 )

honorary degree honorand honorary academic degree Honos Csa ( 名誉学位 )

chemical shift Nucleus-Independent Chemical Shifts nmr chemical shift NI ( 化学位移 物化 )

pfessional degree MJC MBA pfessioning degree ( 专业学位 )

Master Degree Master's Degree Master MFA ( 硕士学位 )

Mutual recoition of higher education degrees and diplomas ( 学历学位互认 )

academic dress academic costume Cap and Gown academicals ( 学位服 )

8. He has a great sense of humothough

2. And i'm doing a double major.

6. - Yes, but... only in medicine.

7. Every single one of all these fends is getting an MBA or a JD or a JD MBA.

9. i can get a degree in business istration.

10. Make se you get good grades.

11. Attended Episcopal School, D.C. B.A., Harvard, PhD, Pnceton.

12. ♫ You don't need a college degree

13. Dr. Boots Hofstadter's degree was honorary.

14. You know that without a degree

15. We employ the pnciples that got you yo degree.
