realty是什么意思 realty的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-28 22:34:29沙话

词义:n. 不动产,房地产。指的是指土地和在其上的建筑物,以及与之相关的土地所有权、使用权等权利。

realty是什么意思 realty的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:realty company (房地产公司),realty market(房地产市场),realty investment(房地产投资)

短语:real estate(不动产,房地产)是和realty同义词,不过更常用。



1. This property management firm deals exclusively in commercial realty.


2. The price of realty in that area has skyrocketed in recent years.


3. She inherited a large amount of realty from her parents.


4. The realty company is planning to build a skyser in the downtown area.


5. He made a fortune by investing in realty.


6. The realty market has been unpredictable in recent years.


7. The company specializes in buying and selling high-end realty.





1. The realty market is booming in this city. (这个城市的房地产市场正在蓬勃发展。)

2. The realty company is looking for investors. (这个地产公司正在寻找投资者。)

3. The price of realty in this area is very high. (这个地区的房地产价格非常高。)

4. The realty agent showed us several houses. (房产中介给我们看了几套房子。)

5. He inherited his father's realty holdings. (他继承了父亲的房地产资产。)

6. The development of new realty projects is slow. (新房地产项目的开发进展缓慢。)

7. She works in the realty industry as a salesperson. (她在房地产行业从事销售工作。)

8. The realty tax is based on the value of the property. (房产税是按照财产价值计算的。)

9. The realty market crash caused many people to lose their homes. (房地产市场崩溃导致许多人失去了自己的房子。)





1. He invested all his money in realty.


2. The value of this piece of realty has increased significantly over the years.





例句:Franchise Realty Corporation. (what seems to be the problem?)


例句:I set up and ran a code script to search the probate court's realty transaction records. (我昨晚通宵运行脚本代码搜索 遗嘱法庭的财产转移记录)


例句:Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Simad Bhagavad-Gita, chapter two entitled: Sankhya Yoga: The Eternal Realty of the Soul's Immortality. (到此为止,由《博伽梵歌》斯里信托译自梵文斯玛德《博伽梵歌》的第二章就结束了。标题为: 萨恩可雅瑜珈:灵魂不朽的永恒实在。)

4.房地产 、经

例句:As regards a commonly owned realty or chattel, a joint owner shall, on a common basis, enjoy the ownership of the realty or chattel. (翻译:第九十五条共同共有人对共有的不动产或者动产共同享有所有权。)


realty一般作为名词使用,如在quasi realty([网络] 准用不动产)、realty business(房地产业)、realty industry(房地产业)等常见短语中出现较多。

quasi realty[网络] 准用不动产
realty business房地产业
realty industry房地产业
realty office[网络] 物业办公室
realty tax[法] 不动产税, 房地产税


1. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Simad Bhagavad-Gita, chapter two entitled: Sankhya Yoga: The Eternal Realty of the Soul's Immortality. (翻译:到此为止,由《博伽梵歌》斯里信托译自梵文斯玛德《博伽梵歌》的第二章就结束了。标题为: 萨恩可雅瑜珈:灵魂不朽的永恒实在。)

2. As regards a commonly owned realty or chattel, a joint owner shall, on a common basis, enjoy the ownership of the realty or chattel. (翻译:第九十五条共同共有人对共有的不动产或者动产共同享有所有权。)

3. In the quarter ended Sept. 30, shares of office REITs, such as SL Green Realty and HRPT Properties, rose 91% and 85%, respectively. (翻译:在截至xx月xx日的这个季度,SLGreenRealty和HRPTProperties这两只写字楼房地产投资信托的每股价格分别上涨了91%和85%。)

4. You taking money from Roderick Realty? (翻译:你拿了Roderick Realty的钱?)

5. Now, the Anaconda Realty Trust is what you need to be looking at. (翻译:现在水蟒房地产信托 才是你应该注目的地方)

6. Property Law: Property Law regulates on the rights relating to chattels and realty, including surety rights. (翻译:物权法:物权法的调整范围主要包括了不动产和动产的相关权利,包括担保物权。)

7. What makes you so certain that the killer works at Wintergrove Realty? (翻译:你怎么就那么确定 凶手在Wintergrove工作?)

8. Mrs. Soprano, Virginia Lupo, RE/MAX Community Realty. (翻译:索波诺太太,我是维吉妮亚路波 区房地产)

9. Article 93 A realty or chattel may be commonly owned by two or more entities or individuals. (翻译:第九十三条不动产或者动产可以由两个以上单位、个人共有。)

10. Mike Foust is the owner of Digital Realty Trust. (翻译:迈克福斯特是数码房产信托公司的老板。)

11. Our realty agent says the sales contract is valid. (翻译:我们的房地产代理人称该销售合同是有效的。)

12. I don't know, she seems awfully happy since the Stanley Realty. (翻译:我不知道,她似乎 因为士丹利地产非常高兴。)

13. It's owned by the Alexander Realty Company, but, from what I understand, they finally sold it to a large concern. (翻译:它属于地产公司 但是我听说最后被卖给了一家大商号)

14. Anaconda Realty. Mr. Bennett and his partners own the company. (翻译:Anaconda不动产 Bennett先生和他的合作伙伴共同拥有那家公司)

15. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. (翻译:当我今晨醒看如果它是真正的或如果这是梦想,不动产击中了我,这是唯一梦想。)


