whale是什么意思 whale的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-06 06:02:22樱落

whale是什么意思 whale的中文翻译、读音、例句




- killer whale 鲸

- sperm whale 抹香鲸

- humpback whale 座头鲸

- blue whale 蓝鲸

- beached whale 拍浮在海滩上的鲸鱼


- go whaling 去捕鲸

- whale watching 观鲸

- the whalebone whale 须鲸



1. The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth.(蓝鲸是地球上最大的动物。)

2. They set out on a whaling expedition.(他们出发去捕鲸。)

3. Whale watching is a popular activity in some coastal areas.(观鲸在一些沿海地区是一项流行的活动。)

4. The sperm whale is known for its distinctive head shape.(抹香鲸以其独特的头部形状而闻名。)

5. The fisherman tried to rescue the beached whale.(渔民试图营救被拍浮在海滩上的鲸鱼。)




1. The blue whale is the largest animal on earth.(蓝鲸是地球上最大的动物。)

2. They went on a whale watching tour and saw several humpback whales.(他们参加了观鲸游览,看到了几只座头鲸。)

3. The oil spill had a devastating impact on the local whale population.(油泄漏对当地鲸鱼数量造成了毁灭性影响。)




例句:Team Adam, Midas Whale and Patrick Dodd! (Midas Whale和Patrick Dodd)


例句:Pardon me, pearl, are you acquainted with Monstro, the whale? (呃,请原谅,珍珠 你知道Monstro吗,那只鲸鱼?)


例句:While they were taking the tour, I was in the belly of a whale! (当他们在这里的时候 我还在鲸鱼的肚子里呢)


例句:You know, the difference between you and me is that you see the whale as half empty, but I see the whale as half full! (翻译:你知道咱俩儿的差别在哪儿吗? 你看鲸鱼半个肚子没吃饱 我看鲸鱼半个肚子吃饱了)


whale一般作为名词、动词使用,如在whale at(whale at(或for, on)\n善于…的人;热心于…的人;对…有强烈愿望的人:\nto whale for work\n热爱工作)、whale into(猛力攻击)、whale on(狠揍;猛击;反复打击)等常见短语中出现较多。

whale atwhale at(或for, on)\n善于…的人;热心于…的人;对…有强烈愿望的人:\nto whale for work\n热爱工作
whale into猛力攻击
whale on狠揍;猛击;反复打击
fail whale[网络] 失败鲸;失落的鲸鱼;故障的鲸鱼
fin whale长须鲸
finback whaleun. 长须鲸
fish whale鲸
gray whale灰鲸科
Greenland whale[网络] 格陵兰鲸鱼
grey whalena. 【动】灰鲸 (Eschrichtius glancus)\n[网络] 与灰鲸亲密接触;小鲸鱼;鲸鱼都是灰鲸


1. While they were taking the tour, I was in the belly of a whale! (翻译:当他们在这里的时候 我还在鲸鱼的肚子里呢)

2. You know, the difference between you and me is that you see the whale as half empty, but I see the whale as half full! (翻译:你知道咱俩儿的差别在哪儿吗? 你看鲸鱼半个肚子没吃饱 我看鲸鱼半个肚子吃饱了)

3. These are Inuit children cutting whale blubber. (翻译:这些因纽特小孩正在用他们手里的刀切鲸鱼油脂。)

4. And that gives the whale her chance. (翻译:这就让鲸鱼有了可趁之机 {\3cH202020}And that gives the whale her chance.)

5. Uh, a whale has eaten one of the trainers. (翻译:特效\压制\校对 小新 呃 一条鲸鱼把一个驯兽师吃了)

6. Midas Whale are just incredibly charismatic duo. (翻译:Midas Whale是非常有魅力的二重唱)

7. It's got to be the loneliest whale in the world. (翻译:估计这是是世界上最孤独的一头鲸鱼了。)

8. As their battle nears, Midas Whale and Patrick have one last rehearsal with their coach. (翻译:比赛临近 Midas Whale和Patrick 与导师进行最后一次彩排)

9. The whale is a mammal. (翻译:鲸鱼是哺乳动物。)

10. They sell dolphin and whale meat right in the dolphinarium. (翻译:他们就裸地在海豚馆里 出售海豚肉和鲸鱼肉)

11. Did you eat my friend the whale? (翻译:你... ... 你是不是 吃了我的大鲸鱼?)

12. The receding tide stranded the whale. (翻译:退潮把鲸鱼搁浅在海滩上。)

13. You're not too young to remember the whale, Laird? (翻译:你还不至于太小都不知道鲸鱼的事吧 Laird?)

14. The first such one is called "The Whale Hunt." (翻译:首先,介绍一个名为“捕杀鲸鱼”的项目。)

15. A whale is a kind of mammal. (翻译:鲸是一种哺乳动物。)


