fesem是什么意思 fesem的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-18 11:07:52幻龙

fesem是什么意思 fesem的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:没有这个单词,可能是拼写错误。

2. 词性:无法确定词性,因为不是有效的单词。

3. 词组搭配:无法确定任何词组搭配,因为它不是有效的单词。

4. 短语:无法确定任何短语,因为它不是有效的单词。

5. 发音拼写:fesem没有标准的发音或拼写,因为它不存在。


1. I searched for "fesem" online, but no results were found. (我在网上搜索"fesem",但没有结果。)

2. Fesem is not a word recognized by the English language. (fesem不是英语被认可的单词。)

3. It is important to avoid typos like "fesem" to effectively communicate in writing. (在书写中,避免像"fesem"这样的打字错误是很重要的。)

4. The student misspelled the word "fesem" in their essay. (这位学生在论文中拼错了单词"fesem"。)

5. The word "fesem" cannot be used in Scrabble, as it is not a valid word. (单词"fesem"不能在Scrabble中使用,因为它不是有效的单词。)



1. 我们使用fesem观察了样品的表面形貌。

We used fesem to observe the suce morphology of the sample.

2. 这个实验室的fesem非常先进,可以达到高分辨率的观测效果。

The fesem in this laboratory is very advanced and can achieve high-resolution observation effect.




例句:- Hey, Em, you want to help me take this stuff outside? (- 嘿,EM, 你要帮我 拿这东西外面?)


例句:I personally witnessed one of these auto-da-fes. (我亲眼见到了这些信仰自动有罪 I personally witnessed one of these auto -da -fs)


例句:Fuzzy Expert System (FES) is the advanced means for electric heated boilers controlling. (模糊专家系统是控制电热锅炉运行的有效手段。)


例句:We used to have another little girl, but, em she died. (翻译:我们曾经有过 另一个小女孩,但是,EM ... 她死了。)


fesem一般作为名词使用,如在FESEM(abbr. field emission scanning electron microscope电场发射扫描电子显微镜)等常见短语中出现较多。

FESEMabbr. field emission scanning electron microscope电场发射扫描电子显微镜


1. Fuzzy Expert System (FES) is the advanced means for electric heated boilers controlling. (翻译:模糊专家系统是控制电热锅炉运行的有效手段。)

2. We used to have another little girl, but, em she died. (翻译:我们曾经有过 另一个小女孩,但是,EM ... 她死了。)

3. Wave your thermometer at'em? Blind'em with your Latin? (翻译:对他们挥动你的体温计吗, 用拉丁文让他们成为吗)

4. # Buy 'em, buy 'em, buy 'em, buy 'em, buy 'em, Hackidu! # (翻译:#买呀,买呀,买呀, 买呀,买呀,Hackidu#)

5. Responsible for log. Process improvement and FES tools implementation and internal training. (翻译:负责物流过程改进,FES工具的实施和培训;)

6. We spent 'em and traded 'em, and frittered 'em away on drink and food and pleasurable company. (翻译:我们把这些金币全都花掉 大吃大喝、玩女人)

7. What were you doing out there? (翻译:Em. What were you doing out there? 艾米,你刚才干嘛去了?)

8. We'd like to increase production for Em and sell nationwide. (翻译:我们想要增加Em的生产量 销售到全国各地)

9. You keep 'em stalled, keep 'em calm, keep 'em talking. (翻译:你要让他们慢下来 让他们冷静下来 让他们不停的说话)

10. When the Scimitar de-cloaked, there was a spike in the tertiary EM band. (翻译:当舒米达号隐形时 第3EM频带就会受干扰)

11. - We got 'em, Cap. - We got 'em, we got 'em! (翻译:我们抓住他们了,员警 我们抓住他们了...)

12. Em, get to the side of the stadium. (翻译:艾玛 去体育场的侧面 我很快就到 Em, get to the side of the stadium.)

13. To put that out here, next to Emotion and Em, (翻译:把那样的商品... 和情感与Em的商品 陈列在一起)

14. Loves 'em and leaves 'em alone (翻译:∮ So alone ∮ @ 孤胆英雄 @)

15. Oh... em... it doesn't really matter now anyway, does it. (翻译:呵呵. EM . 这其实并不重要,现在 反正做的。)
