十七度用英语怎么说 十七度的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-18 13:48:56余川

十七度英语为"harmonic minor snth",还可以翻译为suspended snth,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到55个与十七度相关译文和例句。

1. He's out of the stairwell on 17. Go to 17.

十七度用英语怎么说 十七度的英语翻译

2. Fifty-sn of these gallees -- like 57 vaeties of baked beans, i beli.

译文:五十七个画廊—— 就像五十七种不同烘豆,我觉得。

3. 147 degrees, that means $147,000.

4. Wendy's been dead for 17 years.

5. Optimum angle of entry in minus sn degrees.

6. Blond, about 17 years old.

7. At its hot, the spire can reach 37 degrees centigrade, the same temperate as the body of a mammal.

译文:到它最热时 肉穗温度可达摄氏三十七度 跟哺动物体温相同。

8. 427)}Araragi 849)}Animation Number 21 Chopping up snakes to repel the Snake Constctor isn't wng.

译文:在斜面七十七度排列一边哭泣 一边远眺七台摩托车毫无难度地排列着发出嘶叫。

9. Oh,of cose not,'cse he's in the snth dimension.

10. He was Hand for 17 years-- 17 good years.

11. Temperate: 17 degrees centigrade.
