torpedo是什么意思 torpedo的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-18 15:12:52半烟

torpedo是什么意思 torpedo的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:'torpedo'是一个名词,表示鱼雷,也可以用作动词,表示或使失败。


- The torpedo hit the enemy ship and caused a mive explosion.(鱼雷打中敌舰,引发了一次巨大的爆炸。)

- The company's ambitious plan was torpedoed by a lack of funding. (公司雄心勃勃的计划因为缺乏资金而夭折了。)

2. 词源和历史:'torpedo'源于拉丁语 'torpere',意为"麻痹"。 最早的鱼雷是在19世纪制造的,用于在水下攻击敌舰。


- The first successful torpedo attack was carried out by the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley in 1864.(第一次成功的鱼雷攻击是由南方邦联潜艇H.L. Hunley在xx年执行的。)

- Torpedoes have been used in ware for over a century.(鱼雷已经在战争中使用了一个世纪以上。)

3. 相关词汇:'torpedo'有一系列相关的词汇和短语,如'torpedo tube'(鱼雷发射管)、'torpedo boat'(鱼雷艇)、'torpedo attack'(鱼雷攻击)等。


- The submarine fired several torpedoes from its tubes.(潜艇从其发射管中发几枚鱼雷。)

- The enemy torpedo boats were no match for our destroyers.(敌方鱼雷艇在面对我们的驱逐舰时毫无竞争力。)

4. 文化和艺术:'torpedo'在文化和艺术领域中也有应用,如电影《深海攻击》中的鱼雷攻击场面、小说《潜艇红队》中的鱼雷战等。


- The movie's most thrilling scene featured a torpedo exploding next to the hero's submarine.(电影最惊险的场面是一枚鱼雷在主人公的潜艇旁边爆炸。)

- The novel vividly describes the tense moments before the torpedo hits the target.(小说生动地描写了鱼雷击中目标前的紧张时刻。)



1. The submarine fired a torpedo at the enemy ship. (潜艇向敌舰发一枚鱼雷。)

2. The navy conducted a successful torpedo drill.(海军进行了一次成功的鱼雷演习。)

3. The torpedo exploded upon impact with the ship.(鱼雷在撞击舰艇时爆炸。)

4. The torpedo was equipped with a magnetic sensor.(鱼雷配备了磁性探测器。)

5. The ship wa by a torpedo and sank quickly.(舰艇被鱼雷击中后迅速沉没。)

6. The torpedo narrowly missed its target.(鱼雷差点没能击中目标。)

7. The submarine crew prepared to launch the torpedo.(潜艇船员准备发射鱼雷。)

8. The enemy detected the incoming torpedo and evaded it.(敌方发现了来袭的鱼雷并躲避了。)

9. The torpedo tube was loaded and ready to fire.(鱼雷发射管已经装填好,准备射击。)




1. The submarine shot a torpedo at the enemy ship.


2. The torpedo missed its target and exploded harmlessly.


3. The navy is upgrading its torpedo technology.





例句:- Verifying that the torpedo's internal... (-螘蟺伪位畏胃蔚蠉蝇 蟿喂蟼 蟿慰蚁蟺委位蔚蟼. -螖蔚谓 魏伪蟿伪位维尾伪蟿蔚.)


例句:COB, you get that antivenom and seal off the torpedo room. (COB,你得到的抗蛇毒血清 和封锁鱼雷室。)


例句:The captain closed the distance before the torpedo could arm itself. (舰长将射程缩短了 By turning into the torpedo, 鱼雷来不及引爆 the captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.)

4.鱼雷 、完全摧毁

例句:West Virginia, subjected to six torpedo hits and several deck fires. (翻译:西维吉尼亚号 被六颗鱼雷击中 许多船舱失火)


torpedo一般作为名词、动词使用,如在empty torpedo(空鱼雷)、electric torpedo([军] 电动鱼雷)、encapsulted torpedo(囊荚鱼雷)等常见短语中出现较多。

empty torpedo空鱼雷
electric torpedo[军] 电动鱼雷
encapsulted torpedo囊荚鱼雷
explosive torpedo爆炸鱼雷
fish torpedon. 鱼雷
ground torpedo海底鱼雷
homing torpedo自动寻的鱼雷
nuclear torpedo[军 核] 核鱼雷
otter torpedo[网络] 拖炸鱼雷
pive torpedo被动式声导鱼雷


1. The captain closed the distance before the torpedo could arm itself. (翻译:舰长将射程缩短了 By turning into the torpedo, 鱼雷来不及引爆 the captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.)

2. West Virginia, subjected to six torpedo hits and several deck fires. (翻译:西维吉尼亚号 被六颗鱼雷击中 许多船舱失火)

3. And please, please don't torpedo your own ask. (翻译:而且, 千万别在询问时 搬起石头砸自己的脚。)

4. Sonar/Conn, Conn/Sonar: Second torpedo incoming! It's gonna be close! (翻译:声纳室 这里是控制室 不 控制室 这里是声纳室 第二枚鱼雷接近 这枚会很靠近)

5. Sending torpedo planes with bombs? (翻译:是不是把装有陆军 的飞机当鱼雷机用?)

6. Torpedo 1 and 2 are ready, sir. (翻译:一、二号炮管准备 收到,一、二号炮管准备!)

7. Conn/Sonar: Second torpedo in the water bearing 242! (翻译:控制室 这里是声纳室 水中有第二枚鱼雷 方位242)

8. Sonar/Conn: Aye. Man battle stations torpedo. (翻译:声纳室 这里是控制室 全艇控制音量至最低)

9. That torpedo is still active. (翻译:鱼雷没停下来 它在寻找别的目标 That torpedo is still active.)

10. - Torpedo impact in 15 seconds. (翻译:鱼雷15秒后命中 Torpedo impact now in 15 seconds.)

11. Torpedo impact: 20 seconds. (翻译:鱼雷20秒后命中 Torpedo impact: 20 seconds.)

12. Torpedo impact: 12 seconds. (翻译:鱼雷命中时间: 12秒 Torpedo impact: 12 seconds.)

13. Stick it on the end of a torpedo, and we fire it into the sun. (翻译:我们要怎么处置它 What are we going to do with it? 我们把它放在鱼雷上 Stick it on the end of a torpedo, 然后射向太阳 and we fire it into the sun.)

14. Conn-torpedo. Request permission to arm flare, sir. (翻译:鱼雷舱呼叫指挥舱 要求准予发射信号弹,长官)

15. - The torpedo broke up on impact. (翻译:舰长 鱼雷未命中 Captain, torpedo broke off on impact.)


