音乐是用英语怎么说 音乐是的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-18 17:57:52乌青

音乐是用英语说"Google Music",其次还可以说成"machine music",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到个与音乐是相关短语释义和例句。

1. it's a dance of voices, Ahmet.

2. Music, boy, is the most betiful queen of art.

音乐是用英语怎么说 音乐是的英语翻译

3. it's the music. Change the station.

4. i can-- Music is about opening.

5. Catian Folklostic Music.

6. Music is medicine. Music changes us.

7. Love is the voice of music.

8. We're here becse of the music.

9. it was music that molded me.

10. We're a music city becse music is necessary."

11. Ga-ga music is my life, yeah.

12. Music is the language of emotions.
