inhibition是什么意思 inhibition的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-18 19:24:51烈酒烫喉

1. 词性和词义:'inhibition'是一个名词,表示抑制、减缓或阻止某个过程的能力或作用。它可以用来描述生理和心理上的抑制,如压抑情感、控制行为和抑制生理反应等。

2. 学科领域:'inhibition'在心理学、生物学和神经科学等领域中都有广泛应用,尤其是在研究个体的自我控制和行为调节中。

inhibition是什么意思 inhibition的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 相关术语:'inhibition'也与许多相关的术语有关,如心理抑郁、神经抑制和免疫抑制等。

4. 实际应用:通过研究'inhibition',可以帮助人们更好地理解自我控制和情绪调节等方面,并探索一些可能的治疗方法,如行为疗法、药物治疗和心理咨询等。

5. 例句:

- The fear of failure can create an inhibition that prevents people from taking risks and pursuing their dreams. (失败的恐惧可能会造成一种抑制,阻止人们冒险追求自己的梦想。)

- Children who suffer from ADHD often have difficulty with inhibition and impulse control. (患有注意力缺陷和多动障碍的孩子往往对抑制和控制冲动有困难。)

- The researchers found that alcohol consumption tended to reduce cognitive inhibition and increase the risk of impulsive behavior. (研究人员发现,饮酒倾向于降低认知抑制力,并增加冲动行为的风险。)

- Learning to cope with social anxiety involves overcoming inhibitions and building self-confidence. (学会应对社交恐惧症涉及到克服抑制,建立自信。)

- The immune system's inhibition of cancer cells is a critical mechanism for preventing the development of tumors. (免疫系统对癌细胞的抑制是预防肿瘤发展的一个关键机制。)





1. The alcohol consumption has an inhibition effect on the brain.(酒精对大脑有抑制作用。)

2. The inhibitory effect of the drug can last for several hours.(这种药物的抑制作用可以持续几个小时。)

3. Fear can create an inhibition on our ability to act.(恐惧可以对我们的行动能力产生抑制。)

4. Cultural inhibitions can prevent people from expressing themselves freely.(文化上的禁忌可以阻止人们自由地表达自己。)

5. His inhibitions prevented him from speaking in public.(他的羞怯阻碍了他在公众面前发言。)

6. The enzyme has an inhibition effect on the growth of bacteria.(这种酶对细菌的生长有抑制作用。)

7. The inhibition of certain genes can lead to the development of cancer.(某些基因的抑制可以导致癌症的发展。)

8. The dog's barking was an inhibition to the thief's escape.(狗的叫声阻碍了小偷的逃跑。)

9. Her shyness was an inhibition to friends.(她的羞涩阻碍了她结交朋友。)




1. His shyness is a result of his inhibition.


2. The drug works by causing the inhibition of certain enzymes.


3. She was unable to speak freely due to a sense of inhibition.





例句:No contact inhibition whatsoever, they just pile up. (没有细胞间隙构造阻止它们 他们就一直积聚)


例句:The inhibition of the differentiation and maturity of osteoclast will inhibit bone resorption. (抑制破骨细胞的分化成熟就能有效控制骨的吸收。)


例句:Inhibition of growth and metastasis of human colorectal carcinoma cells by laminarin (昆布多糖对大肠癌细胞生长转移能力抑制作用的研究)


例句:Inhibition rate of each group and the PARP activity of changes. (翻译:观察各组细胞抑制率和PARP活性改变。)


inhibition一般作为名词使用,如在inhibition of inhibition([医] 抑制的抑制)、differential inhibition([医] 分化抑制)、differentiation of inhibition([医] 抑制分化)等常见短语中出现较多。

inhibition of inhibition[医] 抑制的抑制
differential inhibition[医] 分化抑制
differentiation of inhibition[医] 抑制分化
direct inhibition直接抑制
discriminative inhibition[医] 辨别抑制
enzymatic inhibition酶抑作用
enzyme inhibition[机] 酶抑制
endproduct inhibition=feedback inhibition
excitation and inhibition兴奋与抑制


1. Inhibition of growth and metastasis of human colorectal carcinoma cells by laminarin (翻译:昆布多糖对大肠癌细胞生长转移能力抑制作用的研究)

2. Inhibition rate of each group and the PARP activity of changes. (翻译:观察各组细胞抑制率和PARP活性改变。)

3. With the dosage increase the rate of inhibition to BEL-7404 cells did not rise markedly, but an inhibition to LO2 cells appeared. (翻译:随着剂量的加大,AHCSE对7404细胞抑制率上升不明显,但是出现对LO 2细胞的抑制作用。)

4. Effects of pH and temperature on inhibition of capric acid to anaerobic granular sludge (翻译:pH、温度和癸酸对厌氧颗粒污泥产甲烷毒性关系的研究)

5. Kinetic Studies of Enterococci Inhibition on the Germination of Nosema bombycis Spores (翻译:家蚕肠球菌体外抑制微孢子虫发芽的动力学研究)

6. Inhibition Effect of Acidic Inhibitor DLY on Copper and CarbonSteel (翻译:新型高效酸性缓蚀剂DLY对碳钢和铜的缓蚀作用)

7. Inhibition of Tumor Cells by Ethanol Extract of Fomes Fomentarius (翻译:木蹄层孔菌乙醇提取物对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用)

8. GEO xenografts receiving RT also dose-dependent growth inhibition, this inhibition could be reversed after the termination of treatment. (翻译:接受RT也为剂量依赖性生长抑制,这种抑制作用在治疗终止后可以逆转。)

9. And since it is a taboo, they feel inhibition and shameful in talking about it. (翻译:因为这是一个禁忌, 他们在谈论 它的时候感觉压抑和羞耻。)

10. Study on the Inhibition Effect of Kanamycin on Alfalfa Germfree Plantlets (翻译:卡那霉素对紫花苜蓿无菌苗生长抑制效果的初步研究)

11. Mechanism of inhibition of tumor angiogenesis by Bletilla colloid: an experimental study (翻译:中药白芨提取物抑制肿瘤血管生成机制的实验研究)

12. When an inhibition bites a man, it's a fine novel. When a man up and bites an inhibition, it's only a detective story. (翻译:当一种抑制影响到人时,那就是一部好小说。当人占据上风,影响到抑制时,那就只是一篇侦探故事了。)

13. Inhibition of Astilbin on Apoptosis of Myocardial Cells in Mice Heart Transplantation Rejection (翻译:落新妇甙对小鼠移植心肌细胞凋亡的抑制作用)

14. Objective: To research on the in vitro growth inhibition effect of SBG on bacteria. (翻译:前言: 目的:探讨黄芩的体外抑菌作用。)

15. The duration of inhibition of the early component was related to that of DRP. (翻译:该抑制时程长,且早期成分的抑制和DRP在时程上有相关性。)


