porsche design是什么意思 porsche design的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-19 08:08:58易春

词义:Porsche Design是指由保时捷汽车公司旗下的设计工作室Porsche Design Studio制作的高端奢侈品牌。Porsche Design通常与高端手表、太阳镜、手提箱、运动鞋等相关产品联系在一起。

词性:Porsche Design是一个名词短语。

porsche design是什么意思 porsche design的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:Porsche Design Studio(保时捷设计工作室)、Porsche Design P’9983(保时捷设计的黑莓手机)、Porsche Design Tower(迈阿密海滩的奢华公寓楼)。


发音拼写:[p dzan]


1. 保时捷设计工作室(Porsche Design Studio)与沃尔沃汽车公司合作推出一个豪华手表。

2. Porsche Design P’9983是一款由保时捷设计的黑莓手机。

3. 该公司最新的奢华产品是Porsche Design Tower,一个面向海滩的高端公寓楼。


1. Porsche Design Studio has created a high-end watch collection in partnership with Volvo Cars.

2. Porsche Design P’9983 is a BlackBerry smartphone designed by Porsche.

3. The company's latest luxury product is the Porsche Design Tower, a high-end beachfront apartment building.

4. Porsche Design has teamed up with Adidas to create a range of high-performance sports ss.

5. The Porsche Design Book One is a powerful high-end laptop with a detachable keyboard.

6. Porsche Design has collaborated with Huawei to create the Mate 10 smartphone.

7. Porsche Design and HUAWEI have joined forces to create a breathtaking high-performance smartphone that combines leading-edge technology with Porsche Design's signature style.

Porsche design是指保时捷设计公司,是保时捷汽车公司的子公司,主要从事汽车外观设计和生产以及其他奢侈品设计和销售。


读音:p dzan


1. The Porsche Design Porsche 911 GT3 Chronograph is the perfect accessory for any Porsche driver or enthusiast.

这款保时捷设计保时捷911 GT3计时表是任何保时捷司机或爱好者的完美配饰。

2. Porsche Design has always been renowned for its minimalist and functional designs.

