learn是什么意思 learn的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-19 10:35:51厌人心

learn是什么意思 learn的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:learn表示学习或掌握某种知识、技能或经验。可以是通过听、看、阅读、实践等方式学习。

2. 词性:动词

3. 词组搭配:

- learn from:从……中学习

- learn by heart:背诵

- learn a lesson:吸取教训

- learn the ropes:熟悉工作程序和技巧

4. 短语:

- learn about:了解

- learn of:得知

- learn from one's mistakes:从错误中吸取教训

5. 发音拼写:/ln/


1. I want to learn how to speak French fluently.(我想学会流利地说法语。)

2. She learned a lot about history from reading books.(她通过阅读书籍学到了很多历史知识。)

3. He learned the guitar by watching online tutorials.(他通过观看在线教程学会了弹吉他。)

4. Tom learned from his mistakes and made better decisions in the future.(汤姆从自己的错误中吸取教训,并在未来做出更好的决策。)

5. We just learned of the accident and are rushing to the hospital.(我们刚刚得知事故的消息,正在赶往医院。)





1. I want to learn how to play the guitar.


2. He learned English by watching American TV shows.


3. It's never too late to learn something new.





例句:I will have to live and learn (I will have to live and learn)


例句:Where did you learn your stuff? (你这本事在哪学的 Where did you learn your stuff?)


例句:You learn about me and I learn nothing about you. (你了解我 You learn about me 我却一点也不了解你 and I learn nothing about you.)


例句:Read this and learn it fast. (翻译:Read this and learn it fast.)


learn一般作为动词使用,如在learn by(从…学到)、learn of(听说..., 获悉...)、to learn([网络] 学习;吸取教训;学会)等常见短语中出现较多。

learn by从…学到
learn of听说..., 获悉...
to learn[网络] 学习;吸取教训;学会
learn ... lesson[网络] 吸取教训;得到教训;从中吸取教训
learn a lesson接受教训,吸取教训
learn a lot[网络] 学到许多;学到很多;学了很多
learn about学习,听说,得悉,了解
learn by doing[网络] 干中学;在做中学;边学
learn by experience学乖;从经验中吸取教训(= learn to one's cost)


1. You learn about me and I learn nothing about you. (翻译:你了解我 You learn about me 我却一点也不了解你 and I learn nothing about you.)

2. Read this and learn it fast. (翻译:Read this and learn it fast.)

3. - Where did you learn to do that? (翻译:- Where did you learn to do that?)

4. - Live and learn, young protege, live and learn. (翻译:年青人 多学学 young protg, live and learn.)

5. First, hillbilly, you have got to learn some respect. (翻译:you have got to learn some respect)

6. All boys must learn to kill Indians. (翻译:All boys must learn to kill Indians.)

7. -We came to learn the trade. (翻译:-We came to learn the trade.)

8. Give me that, watch and learn. (翻译:给我 好好学着点 Give me that, watch and learn.)

9. When did you learn to do that? (翻译:你什么时候学会这个的? When did you learn to do that?)

10. Abbott? [ Abbott ] Here! Acaro? (翻译:I could learn how with your very kind help.)

11. You are the Anointed and there is much you must learn. (翻译:You are the Anointed and there is much you must learn.)

12. No, listen and learn, son. (翻译:不 听着 好好学 小伙 No, listen and learn, son.)

13. It was a good place to learn. (翻译:那是一处学习的好地方 It was a good place to learn.)

14. How do people learn democracy? (翻译:How do people learn democracy?)

15. Where did you learn magic? (翻译:你哪里学来的? Where did you learn magic?)


