efa是什么意思 efa的中文翻译、读音、例句

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efa是什么意思 efa的中文翻译、读音、例句

EFA是Education for All的缩写,意思是“全民教育”,旨在为世界各国所有孩子提供平等的、免费的、质量高的基础教育。下面从以下四个方面详细说明EFA的含义。

1. EFA的历史


2. EFA的内容


3. EFA的挑战


4. EFA的未来



1. The EFA initiative aims to provide every child with access to quality basic education by 2015. (EFA倡议旨在通过全面开展教育活动,到xx年为每个孩子提供优质的基础教育。)

2. The government of Ghana has made significant progress towards achieving the EFA goals. (加纳在实现EFA目标方面取得了显著进展。)

3. The lack of funding and infrastructure has hindered the implementation of the EFA program in some parts of Africa. (缺乏资金和基础设施阻碍了在非洲某些地区实施EFA计划。)

4. The EFA Global Monitoring Report provides a comprehensive essment of progress towards the EFA goals. (EFA全球监测报告对实现EFA目标的进展进行了全面评估。)

5. UNESCO is committed to supporting the EFA movement and promoting quality education for all. (教科文组织致力于支持EFA运动,推广为所有人提供优质教育。)

'EFA'这个词语来源于英语,全称为'Education for All',意为“全民教育”。它是指全世界各国联合起来承诺,将致力于为每个人提供教育机会,使所有人都有机会参与到教育中来。


1. EFA 是一个全球性的教育战略,旨在确保所有儿童都能够接受教育。 (英语:EFA is a global education strategy aimed at ensuring that all children have access to education.)

2. EFA 旨在解决教育不平等和教育资源匮乏的问题。 (英语:EFA aims to address the issues of educational inequality and lack of educational resources.)

3. EFA 议程包括提高学校质量、改善教师培训和提高教育机会的普及率。 (英语:The EFA agenda includes improving school quality, enhancing teacher training, and increasing access to education.)

4. EFA 议程是20世纪xx年代初提出的,是教科文组织发起的。 (英语:The EFA agenda was introduced in the early 1990s and was initiated by UNESCO.)

5. EFA 是一个长期的计划,要求各国在xx年前实现全民教育的目标。 (英语:EFA is a long-term plan that requires governments to achieve the goal of education for all by 2030.)

6. EFA 议程涵盖了各种类型的学习,包括基础教育、教育和技术教育等。 (英语:The EFA agenda covers a range of learning types, including basic education, education, and technical education.)

7. EFA 议程旨在为最贫困和最不发达的国家提供教育支持。 (英语:The EFA agenda aims to provide education support for the rest and least developed countries.)

8. EFA 议程要求各国增加教育开支,以改善教育质量和扩大教育机会。 (英语:The EFA agenda calls for increased education spending by governments to improve educational quality and expand access to education.)

9. EFA 议程强调了性别平等的重要性,要求各国制定政策,消除性别歧视。 (英语:The EFA agenda emphasizes the importance of gender equality and calls on governments to develop policies to eliminate gender discrimination.)




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例句:If in doubt, red blood cell EFA testing can determine exactly what you need. (如果有疑问,红细胞全民教育测试可以准确地确定你所需要的的。)


例句:Chapter I outlines the concept of Education for All (EFA), its background, development process and its significance of implementation. (第一章首先简述了世界全民教育的概念、提出背景及其发展历程和实施意义。)


例句:EFA Packaging is dedicated to maintaining their reputation of being the most resourceful beauty packaging supplier in the industry. (全民教育的包装致力于维护其声誉是最足智多谋的美容行业的包装供应商。)


例句:If in doubt, red blood cell EFA testing can determine exactly what you need. (翻译:如果有疑问,红细胞全民教育测试可以准确地确定你所需要的的。)


1. EFA Packaging is dedicated to maintaining their reputation of being the most resourceful beauty packaging supplier in the industry. (翻译:全民教育的包装致力于维护其声誉是最足智多谋的美容行业的包装供应商。)

2. If in doubt, red blood cell EFA testing can determine exactly what you need. (翻译:如果有疑问,红细胞全民教育测试可以准确地确定你所需要的的。)

3. Struss, bring me an EVC, EFA 6243. (翻译:struss ,给我一evc ,全民教育6243。)


