牵丝用英语怎么说 牵丝的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-19 21:20:49心已荒凉

牵丝用英语翻译为" Stnging",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到65个与牵丝相关短语释义和例句。

span pe conveying pe ( 牵引钢丝绳 )

1. You're going to hold my hand?

牵丝用英语怎么说 牵丝的英语翻译

2. "i'll squeeze them tightly"

3. Should we go and get the horses?

4. Construction of Silkworm Transgenic Spider Draggling Silk Gene Expression Vector

5. Just get them to water ght away.

6. He told you to take my hand!

7. Let me get him. Let me get him. Let me get him.

8. i'm prepared to fall for you. i can hear it.

9. With Ct. And not n the real Ct.

10. Can you not let them hold yo hands?

11. i just want to hold yo hand.

12. And we both knowthat at yo age, dating's a little than just holding hands.

13. - Remember o shoplifting club?

14. No. Cherry, get mounted and take Grant here, and Bill-

15. Life is easy pickings if you grab yo chance
