indentation是什么意思 indentation的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-23 19:37:46情绪化

1. 词的意思:indentation指的是凹进或突出的痕迹或形状,在技术和制造业领域中也指切割或雕刻出的深度或形状。在写作中,indentation还指段落开头的缩进。

indentation是什么意思 indentation的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:名词,可数。

3. 常用场景:indentation常用于制造业、技术领域、写作领域等。

4. 词组搭配:

- indentation tool(凹痕工具)

- indentation depth(凹进深度)

- line indentation(行缩进)

- block indentation(块缩进)

5. 相关短语:

- make an indentation(制成凹陷)

- indentation mark(凹痕标记)

- indentation level(缩进级别)

6. 发音拼写:/ndenten/



1. The code needs to have proper indentation to be easily readable. (代码需要有适当的缩进才能读起来更容易。)

2. In this paragraph, the first sentence has an indentation of three spaces. (在这个段落中,第一句话缩进了三个空格。)

3. You can use the tab key to create indentation in your code. (你可以使用Tab键在代码中创建缩进。)

4. Please make sure to use consistent indentation throughout your document. (请确保在整个文档中使用一致的缩进。)

5. The second paragraph should have an indentation of one inch. (第二段应该缩进一英寸。)

6. It's important to use proper indentation in your code to make it more organized. (在代码中使用适当的缩进很重要,可以使之更加有组织。)

7. The indentation in this sentence is too large, it needs to be adjusted. (这句话的缩进太大了,需要进行调整。)

8. You can use different indentation styles depending on your preferences. (您可以根据自己的喜好使用不同的缩进样式。)

9. The indentation of the first line of each paragraph should be consistent. (每个段落的第一行缩进应该保持一致。)


读音: [ndenten]


1. 在编写代码时,请确保正确地使用缩进。

When writing code, please make sure to use indentation correctly.

2. 这篇论文的缩进和格式需要改进。

The indentation and formatting of this paper need improvement.




例句:The indentation gives you a visual cue as to which lines are related to each other. (缩进给你一个关于哪些行是相互关联的视觉提示。)


例句:Structures of "Southward Extrusion" and "Northward Indentation" have been recently distinguished within the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. (在东喜马拉雅构造结识别出“南向挤出”与“北向楔入”两大构造。)


例句:The indentation levels of consecutive lines are used to generate indent and DEDENT tokens, using a stack, as follows. (连续行的缩进层次用于生成语言符号INDENT和DEDENT,这个过程中使用了堆栈,如下述。)


例句:Dr Gross at Harvard said only God could correct a narrowing indentation of the left side of the aortic arch. (翻译:哈佛的格罗斯教授说只有上帝 才能解决主动脉弓左侧的收缩性缺口)


indentation一般作为名词使用,如在dynamic indentation(回跳法硬度试验)、hanging indentation(暂悬内缩)、indentation creep(压痕蠕变)等常见短语中出现较多。

dynamic indentation回跳法硬度试验
hanging indentation暂悬内缩
indentation creep压痕蠕变
indentation flaw齿状缺陷
indentation fracture[医] 锯齿状骨折
indentation hardness[化] 压痕硬度
indentation index[化] 压痕指数; 针入度指数
indentation instrument压痕仪器
indentation load压陷载荷


1. The indentation levels of consecutive lines are used to generate indent and DEDENT tokens, using a stack, as follows. (翻译:连续行的缩进层次用于生成语言符号INDENT和DEDENT,这个过程中使用了堆栈,如下述。)

2. Dr Gross at Harvard said only God could correct a narrowing indentation of the left side of the aortic arch. (翻译:哈佛的格罗斯教授说只有上帝 才能解决主动脉弓左侧的收缩性缺口)

3. HAML is "a language that allows you to use indentation to lay out the structure of HTML" , being useful when establishing the tag hierarchy. (翻译:HAML是这样一种语言:”可以通过缩进来对HTML的结构进行布局“,这在搭建标签层次体系时是非常有帮助的。)

4. This article introduces detailed a sort of test measure of measure minuteness indentation depth, the electrical measurement. (翻译:详细地介绍了一种用于测量微小压痕深度的测量方法——电阻法。)

5. Paints and varnishes - Determination of micro-indentation hardness - Part 1: Knoop hardness by measurement of indentation length (翻译:涂料和清漆.显微压痕硬度的测定.第1部分:通过压痕长度的测量测定努氏硬度)

6. He would see every curve, every line, every indentation, and love them because they were part of the beauty that made her unique. (翻译:他能看清每一条曲线 每一道轮廓,每一处纹路 并爱上它们,正是它们造就了她独一无二的美)

7. Below the frame center and just to the right of Alnitak lies the Horsehead nebula, a dark indentation of dense dust that has perhaps the most recognized nebular shapes on the sky. (翻译:画面中央偏下,也就是位在参宿一右方的马头星云,由致密的黑暗尘埃组成,应当是天空中最被认可的形状。)

8. The unit of indentation is four Spaces. (翻译:缩进的单位为四个空格。)

9. We suddenly see that the disc of the Moon, the disc of the Moon... on the Sun's flaming sphere makes an indentation and this indentation, the dark shadow, grows bigger... (翻译:忽然,我们看见 月亮这个圆盘 把太阳挡出了一个缺口)

10. A number of boxes of many locations of indentation is close to the distance between the line, as in the above package of cigarettes hard. (翻译:有不少盒子的很多位置的压痕线之间距离很近,如上面说的硬盒烟包小盒。)

11. As a result of refraction in the area of the indentation of a line of large, complex, as a result, pressure control is important. (翻译:由于折光压痕的面积不小、线条驳杂,因此,不张力的把持很是次给。)

12. It was sort of like a muddy indentation in the sand. And in that indentation, the water sort of seeps up. (翻译:某种程度上说它就像是沙地中的一个泥坑,而且在这个泥坑里,可以说水是渗出来的。)

13. And the tool of attack often causes an indentation in the shape of the object used. (翻译:这种钝击工具往往会造成 与工具形态一致的凹陷)

14. At present, CITO indentation line in more than 100 countries is widely used. (翻译:目前,CITO压痕线在100多个国家得到广泛的采用。)

15. -Call them what you will. But there was a pressure indentation by the creek bed... a stone was kicked over by the outcropping... and someone with a size 11-and-a-half boot has a crack in their heel. (翻译:随你怎么说吧,不过小溪边有印痕 岩层上的石头被踢到过)


