carg是什么意思 carg的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-07 16:14:31散场情歌

抱怨,是一个不完整的单词。词性为动词。常见的词组搭配有“cargar con”(承担)、“cargar contra”(抨击),以及“cargar las pilas”(充电)。发音为 [kaar]。

1. No te pongas a cargarme con tus problemas.

carg是什么意思 carg的中文翻译、读音、例句

Don't start complaining to me about your problems.

2. El equipo no quiere cargar la culpa por su derrota.

The team doesn't want to take the blame for their defeat.

3. La prensa carg contra el poltico por su controversia.

The press attacked the politician for his controversy.

4. Necesito una manera de cargar las pilas despus de un da ocupado.

I need a way to recharge my batteries after a busy day.

5. Los padres siempre cargan con la responsabilidad de cuidar a sus hijos.

Parents always bear the responsibility of taking care of their children.

6. A veces me pongo a cargarme con cosas pequeas que no tienen importancia.

Sometimes I start complaining about little things that don't matter.

7. Es injusto que tengas que cargar t solo con todo el trabajo.

It's unfair that you have to carry all the work load by yourself.





例句:The first G-men worked under staggering disadvantages. ([G号特工: 最初的G号特工在非常不利的情况下工作)


例句:Actually G.M. Opel used it to create that skeleton you see, in what's called their bionic car. (事实上通用汽车的欧宝已开始运用这项技术 制造你所见过的那种汽车骨架 在所谓的仿生车当中)



2. - Are we going to do this in the car? (翻译:- Are we going to do this in the car?)

3. In the Western music tradition, pitches are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. (翻译:D, E, F, 和G。此后,就循环: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, 等等。)

4. I tell you, my car in the next door (翻译:my car in the next door)

5. Daryl, have you looked at this car? (翻译:Daryl, have you looked at this car?)

6. Bobby, you got a cranial saw in the car? (翻译:you got a cranial saw in the car?)

7. We got to get total control, all parental rights. (翻译:And his little protg)

8. - In the car this morning? (翻译:- In the car this morning?)

9. Now, this man gets into the last car. Car? (翻译:this man gets into the last car.)

10. He was super heated, cooked inside the car. (翻译:cooked inside the car.)

11. This car is not gonna start. (翻译:This car is not gonna start.)

12. There were lots earlier, but I don't know where I parked. (翻译:I was looking for my car.)

13. Good, prepare to start the car (翻译:prepare to start the car)

14. Tell g. Sola to have arrived g. and g? s Deum. (翻译:告诉索拉尔先生 先生和夫人Deume到达。)

15. but not, "Biff drove Chicago the car." (翻译:但不是“Biff drove Chicago the car”。)
