piper是什么意思 piper的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-20 17:34:03薄荷糖⊕


1. 词性及词义:Piper是一个名词,指的是吹笛子的人或者一种口哨形状的管乐器。它还可以指飞机制造商皮珀飞机公司(Piper Aircraft)。

piper是什么意思 piper的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 衍生词:Piper还可以作为姓氏使用,Piper家族在英国是一个常见的姓氏。此外,还有一种植物叫做胡椒属(Piper),它是产生各种辣椒和胡椒的植物。

3. 特定领域内的意义:在金融行业,Piper Jaffray是一家提供金融服务的公司。在电影《绿鞋子》(Green Ss)中,Piper是女主角的名字。

4. 神话传说中的意义:在苏格兰民间传说中,有一个叫做皮珀的魔鬼,经常会在人们吃晚饭的时候出现,然后诱拐孩子。

5. 常见用法:除了上述内容,Piper还可以作为缩写词出现,例如PIP(Picture-In-Picture,画中画)、PAP(Piperacillin And Tazobactam,一种抗生素)等。


1. The piper played a beautiful tune at the wedding.(那个吹笛子的人在婚礼上演奏了一曲美妙的音乐。)

2. I ordered a Piper Cub plane from the Piper Aircraft Company.(我从皮珀飞机公司订购了一架Piper Cub飞机。)

3. Mr. Piper Jaffray is a renowned financial advisor.(皮珀贾弗瑞先生是一位著名的金融顾问。)

4. The legend of the Pied Piper has been retold for generations.(风笛手的传说被讲述了几代人。)

5. Please enable PIP function on your television.(请在电视上启用画中画功能。)



1. The piper played a beautiful melody at the wedding.(风笛手在婚礼上演奏了一首美妙的曲子。)

2. The Scots have a long tradition of bagpipe music, and many pipers play at events throughout the year.(苏格兰人有着悠久的风笛音乐传统,许多风笛手在xx年中的各种活动中演奏。)

3. The piper’s skillful playing could be heard throughout the entire village.(风笛手的熟练演奏可以在整个村庄中听到。)

4. The band was looking for a new piper to join them for their upcoming tour.(乐队正在寻找一位新的风笛手加入他们的即将到来的巡演中。)

5. The piper marched at the head of the parade, leading the way.(风笛手在队伍的前面行进,引领着大家前进。)

6. The sound of the piper’s music ecd through the hills.(风笛手的音乐声在山间回响。)

7. The piper wore a traditional kilt while playing at the Highland games.(风笛手在高地游戏中演奏时穿着传统的苏格兰褶裙。)

8. The crowd cheered as the piper played a rousing tune.(观众在风笛手演奏一曲振奋人心的时候欢呼起来。)

9. The piper’s music could be heard across the river, drawing people closer to listen.(风笛手的音乐可以在河对岸听到,吸引着人们靠近聆听。)




1. The piper led the parade with his mesmerizing music.(吹笛者以他迷人的音乐引领着队伍。)

2. The sound of the piper's bagpipes ecd through the hills.(风笛手的风笛声在山间回荡。)

3. The piper watched over his flock of sheep as they grazed in the meadow.(放牧人看着他的一群羊在草地上吃草。)




例句:Is Senator Morra a cold-blooded murderer, or did Piper Baird kill her boyfriend? (Morra议员是个冷血杀手 Is Senator Morra a cold -blooded murderer, 还是Piper Baird杀了自己的男朋友?)


例句:We love the name Pied Piper. (We love the name Pied Piper.)


例句:But the CEO of Piper Brothers Hank Rosenbaum, he might. (但是皮珀兄弟的CE0汉克‧罗森鲍姆 他可能会介意)


例句:At the end of the night, I was no closer to knowing if Piper was a disgruntled former operative or a victim of Morra and Sands. (翻译:到了半夜 我还是搞不清楚Piper的身份 At the end of the night, I was no closer to knowing 是跟Morra和Sands不欢而散的同伙 if Piper was a disgruntled former operative 还是他们的受害者 or a victim of Morra and Sands.)


piper一般作为名词使用,如在genus Piper([网络] 笛子属)、horn piper([网络] 喇叭)、John Piper([网络] 派博;约翰派博;派博牧师)等常见短语中出现较多。

genus Piper[网络] 笛子属
horn piper[网络] 喇叭
John Piper[网络] 派博;约翰派博;派博牧师
Maris Piper[网络] 梅莉斯吹笛手
pay the piper承担费用
pied pipern. 穿花衣的吹笛手, 善开空头支票的领导者
Piper Alpha[网络] 阿尔法;阿尔法平台;派普艾尔法
Piper arborescensn. 兰屿胡椒
Piper arboricolan. 小叶爬崖香


1. But the CEO of Piper Brothers Hank Rosenbaum, he might. (翻译:但是皮珀兄弟的CE0汉克‧罗森鲍姆 他可能会介意)

2. At the end of the night, I was no closer to knowing if Piper was a disgruntled former operative or a victim of Morra and Sands. (翻译:到了半夜 我还是搞不清楚Piper的身份 At the end of the night, I was no closer to knowing 是跟Morra和Sands不欢而散的同伙 if Piper was a disgruntled former operative 还是他们的受害者 or a victim of Morra and Sands.)

3. We're grabbing a bite. Bernie, I like Catherine Piper. (翻译:Bernie 我喜欢Catherine Piper 我非常想她能好好地生活)

4. Piper was in the apartment, but she ran before the police got there. (翻译:当时Piper在公寓里 但是她 Piper was in the apartment, but she ran)

5. She's gone through a lot of names. Piper is only the last one. (翻译:她经常换名字 在上一次的婚姻中她叫皮珀尔)

6. We haven't officially met. - Hello, dear. (翻译:Hello 亲爱的 Catherine Piper)

7. Beyond that. Lieutenant Piper is the best and get help. (翻译:关于这点,派波中尉非常优秀 他可以做你的副手)

8. We were fairly certain Sands would check the DNA of the body found at the scene to be sure it matched Piper. (翻译:我们知道为了确保那就是Piper We were fairly certain Sands would check the DNA Sands肯定会去检查现场尸体的DNA of the body found at the scene, just to be sure it matched Piper.)

9. And why does Piper want to talk to me, anyway? (翻译:还有Piper到底为什么想找我谈谈呢? And why does Piper want to talk to me, anyway?)

10. Piper was just telling us about your first date. (翻译:-I think I got him pretty well figured out.)

11. is this the latest in the Don Piper mystery series? (翻译:这是最新的Don Piper悬疑小说系列吗?)

12. You turned down $10 million to keep Pied Piper. (翻译:你为了保住魔笛手拒绝了一千万美金 You turned down ten million dollars to keep Pied Piper.)

13. And a big part of that is developing the Piper Brothers online community in a way that's befitting of the Piper Brothers name. (翻译:而很重要的一点就是 先做一个网上社区 要做一种适合这个品牌名字的社区)

14. I'm supposed to be the model Piper Brothers mother! (翻译:我本来应该是 母婴皮珀兄弟公司的代言人的)

15. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? (翻译:如果PeterPiper拿了一堆腌辣椒,那么PeterPiper到底拿了多少只腌辣椒呢?)


