毛发不爽用英语怎么说 毛发不爽英语翻译

生活学习2024-02-26 18:12:11断秋风

毛发不用英语说"hair",还经常被译作secondary infertility,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到99个与毛发不相关翻译和例句。

1. "Chalk, sulf, blood, hair."

2. They're not usually so blond.

毛发不爽用英语怎么说 毛发不爽英语翻译

3. You enjoying yoself, mate?

4. Look, horse hairs. i'm not lying.

5. Nothing can be the matter with that couch.

6. Except what he cut off her.

7. it's a little less than that.

8. it's bken. i can't start it.

9. i'm not comfortable- i'm not comfortable with that!

10. Flesh, skin, hair, blood...

11. it's a freaking baboon hair.

12. Not the couch. Yes, the floor.

13. Gup effort or faile, whatr you want to call it.
