to my light信息详情

生活学习2024-02-28 10:20:15小春

to my light发音

to my light信息详情




My light───我的灯

light to───将亮光引向;用灯光指引

light my fire───点燃我的火

light my life───照亮我的生命

light my way───照亮我的路

my hand light───我的手电筒

bring to light───揭露;发现;公开;揭露,暴露,发现; 抖搂

come to light───暴露;真相大白;众所周知;显露, 为大家所周知; 东窗事发

TO my───n.日本托弥(公司名);多美(数码相机品牌);[电影]这就是我们


Yet, who can think of, it actually changes to a piece of intelligence light falling down to my painting desk?───我在书房原本是想写点什么,灵感没有来,可是谁料它竟然化做一块灵性的光降临到我的画案上?

sky is dark, you are light, belong to my light.───天暗下来,你是光,专属于我的光。

Sometimes I feel like I don't want my light to shine because I am ashamed of a thought or action or pattern in my life.───有时,因为耻于生活中的一种想法,一个行动或一种模式,我并不想让心中的那缕光闪耀。

and the time has come for me to stand in my light and up to my light.───对于我,是时候站在我的光里,上升到我的光中了。

To my light workers soon your work will be at hand. I suggest you get your "houses" in order.───光之工作者们,很快你的工作要开始了。我建议你保持井然有序的良好状态。

God is my witness. I was just; I was faithful to my light.───上帝作证,我是正直的,我是忠于自己的信仰的。

And the dark to my light───和我明媚中的忧伤

