浮筒码头用英语怎么说 浮筒码头英语翻译

生活学习2024-02-29 06:24:15绯尘︵

浮筒码头用英语说"pontoon pier",其次还可以说成"in floats",在《英语A实用语法词典》中,共找到60个与浮筒码头相关译文和例句。

浮筒码头用英语怎么说 浮筒码头英语翻译

1. South side Mana. Green East Harbor.

2. There are cattle being dven down the wharf.

3. - Who? - This morning down by the docks.

4. Oh, gosh, i'm sorry.We overbooked the flight.

5. Canary Wharf Dlopment at West india Docks in the London Docklands.

6. Meeting King George V dock now.

7. - i wouldn't want to be on that dock.

8. Wants to meet at the wharf.

9. it is very nice here at the mana.

10. a stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or pontoon parallel to the hull.
