powell是什么意思 powell的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-08 05:10:27半萱


powell是什么意思 powell的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:Powell并没有太多的词组搭配,但可能会出现在某些人名或地名中,如:Colin Powell(科林,美国前国务卿)或Powell River(河,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的一条河流)。




1. Powell is a common surname in England and the United States. (Powell是英国和美国常见的姓氏。)

2. Have you heard of General Colin Powell? He served as the first African American Secretary of State. (你听说过科林将军吗?他曾任第一位非裔美国国务卿。)

3. The Powell River is known for its beautiful scenery and recreational activities. (河以其美丽的风景和活动而闻名。)

4. Powell's book on leadership is a bestseller. (的关于领导力的书籍是畅销书。)

5. Mary Powell was a famous suffragette who fought for women's right to vote. (玛丽是一位著名的妇女选举权主义者,她为妇女争取选举权而奋斗。)




1. Colin Powell is a retired United States Army general and politician who served as the 65th United States Secretary of State from 2001 to 2005.


2. Powell always had a pion for music and played the piano and guitar as a young boy.


3. The Powell family went on a camping trip every summer and enjoyed the great outdoors.


powell在英语中代表""的意思,作为名词时有"英国物理学家"的意思,发音音标为['pul, 'paul],powell是一个英语名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到43个与powell相关的例句。



例句:And I didn't say that. Colin Powell said that. (那不是我说的。是 克林 说的。)


例句:Art Tatum, Mel Powell, Father Hines, Fats Waller. (阿特塔图姆,梅尔,海因斯神父,胖子沃勒)


powell一般作为名词使用,如在Michael Powell(n. 麦可鲍尔)、powell creek(包威尔克里克)、powell process(砷糖液沸煮法)等常见短语中出现较多。

Michael Powelln. 麦可鲍尔
powell creek包威尔克里克
powell process砷糖液沸煮法
Edwin Powell Hubble[网络] 哈伯;哈勃;天文学家哈勃
edwin powell hubbles[网络] 哈伯;哈勃;天文学家哈勃\n(edwin powell hubble 的复数)
powell cr.包威尔溪
powell mt.包威尔山


1. That file from Powell's computer, it was a PGP-encrypted, anonymous email account. (翻译:电脑里的那个文件夹 是个用加密软件加密过的匿名邮件账户)

2. Once Powell ingests the scopolamine, it will take effect in roughly five minutes. (翻译:一旦喝了镇静剂 它在5分钟之内就会起过用)

3. They are led by Zaire Powell or as he is better known to his followers (翻译:领导者是,扎伊尔波尔 他是那些人最好的追随者)

4. The implementation of the 1996 act will continue to preoccupy Powell for the duration of his time as commissioner. (翻译:担任这个职位期间,仍将继续关注xx年电信法的实施状况。)

5. The relationship between Powell and Aspin is still more respectful than relaxed. The dust-up later cast a shadow over the president's ability to work easily with Powell over Bosnia. (翻译:和之间的关系仍然比较尊重Aspin比轻松。)

6. Powell is suicidal, but he wouldn't be able to do this on his own. (翻译:Powell自取灭亡了 但他可能不是独自作案)

7. I like Asafa Powell and Tyson Gay, they are new track stars. (翻译:我喜欢阿萨法和泰森盖伊,他们是跑道上的新星。)

8. This Mr Powell reads and tucks in his pocket, where it may still be today. (翻译:读完之后,放到了口袋里,可能直到今天还原封不动的搁在那里。)

9. Powell ruptured a disc in his back and was laid up for a year. (翻译:背部椎间盘破裂,因此卧床xx年。)

10. Tim Powell is a former champion powerboat racer. (翻译:蒂姆曾是汽艇比赛的冠军。)

11. Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, Julie Powell. (翻译:曼哈顿下城发展集团 我是Julie Powell)

12. Fletcher Powell, this court finds you guilty - of the murder of Lucy Wilson. (翻译:弗莱彻,这个法庭判处你 犯露西・威尔逊的死亡。)

13. Both Atwood and Powell are past Oscar winners. (翻译:At wood和Powell都是过去奥斯卡的赢家。)

14. The Post said Powell indicated a commitment made to his wife was a key factor. (翻译:《邮报》说,暗示辞职的主要原因是“想多陪老伴儿”。)

15. I was lucky enough to sing a Cole Porter song in Born to Dance with Eleanor Powell. (翻译:I was lucky enough to sing a Cole Porter song... 我很幸运地在《天生舞者》里 和埃利诺・ ...in Born to Dance with Eleanor Powell.)


