billboard是什么意思 billboard的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-24 18:54:43顾北

billboard是什么意思 billboard的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思: billboard是指路边或建筑物上的大型广告牌,通常用来宣传产品、服务或活动等。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:在城市街道,高速公路,人口密集区,商业街区等地方,我们都能看到billboard。它们通常用于宣传新电影、新产品、音乐会、体育赛事等。

4. 词组搭配:

- Billboard chart:美国音乐排行榜。

- Billboard advertising:广告牌广告。

- Billboard hot 100:美国最热门的音乐排行榜之一。

5. 相关短语:

- on the billboard:在广告牌上。

- billboard campaign:广告牌宣传活动。

- billboard design:广告牌设计。

6. 发音拼写: ['blbrd]





1. The concert's billboard was seen all over town. (这场音乐会的广告牌遍布整个城镇。)

2. The company put up a billboard advertising their new product. (公司张贴了一个宣传他们新产品的告示板。)

3. The artist's name was prominently displayed on the billboard. (这位艺术家的名字在广告牌上显眼地展示着。)




例句:The billboard is the brainchild of Adrac, a global advertising and marketing agency. (这个布告牌是一个全球广告营销机构Adrac脑力劳动的产物。)


例句:I've got something planned that's gonna make your little billboard escapade. (我有一些计划 这是要去化妆 你的小广告牌恶作剧)


例句:So the plane landed in between the buildings and got to a full stop in front of this little billboard. (之后飞机降落在一些楼的中间, 并停在了这个小广告牌的前面。)


例句:My best friend actually wrote that guy on TV, Billboard Dad. (翻译:我最好的朋友居然写 那家伙在电视上,广告牌爸爸。)


billboard一般作为名词、动词使用,如在digital billboard([网络] 数位看板)、electronic billboard([网络] 电子广告看板;电子广告板;电子广告牌)、mobile billboard(动态看板)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital billboard[网络] 数位看板
electronic billboard[网络] 电子广告看板;电子广告板;电子广告牌
mobile billboard动态看板
opening billboard节目开始时的介绍
Video Billboard(在人口稠密地区)播放广告信息的大电视屏幕


1. So the plane landed in between the buildings and got to a full stop in front of this little billboard. (翻译:之后飞机降落在一些楼的中间, 并停在了这个小广告牌的前面。)

2. My best friend actually wrote that guy on TV, Billboard Dad. (翻译:我最好的朋友居然写 那家伙在电视上,广告牌爸爸。)

3. So it turned out that not only was the billboard still up but they had put this one right next to it. (翻译:但结果是,不仅那块广告牌还竖在那里, 有人还将这块牌子放在了它的旁边。)

4. And picture, if you will, a billboard, a digital billboard, where you have elements that can be either lit or not. (翻译:如果你愿意,想象一块广告牌, 一个数字广告牌, 在那上面有既可以被点亮, 又可以不点亮的元素。)

5. And after a week of complaints, this racy Chicago billboard has been removed from its downtown perch. (翻译:在被抱怨了一周之后,这幅芝加哥市中心的广告版终于被搬走了。)

6. One of the next Billboard-chart-topping musical artists is patiently rehearsing in her garage. (翻译:下一届排行榜冠军音乐艺术家正在她的车库中不厌其烦地排练;)

7. Oh, so marketing wants sign-off on the new billboard. (翻译:Oh, so marketing wants sign -off on the new billboard. 哦,所以营销要签了新的广告牌)

8. The boy with the ardently independent nature earned Billboard, ASCAP, and World Music Awards, and the 1996 Grammy for best Latin performer. (翻译:这位性格异常的小子囊括了Billboard、ASCAP、世界音乐奖,以及xx年度格莱美最佳拉丁歌手奖。)

9. And picture, if you will, a billboard, a digital billboard, where you have elements that can be either lit or not. (翻译:如果你愿意,想象一块广告牌, 一个数字广告牌, 在那上面有既可以被点亮, 又可以不点亮的元素。)

10. The man was so into you, he painted a billboard of the two of you kissing. (翻译:那个男人那么喜欢你 喜欢到画了一幅你们俩接吻的画)

11. I want to be able to walk down the street, look up at my billboard and be proud to say, (翻译:我想走在街上 抬头看到我的广告牌时能骄傲地说)

12. Okay, okay, but I don't want to be on your billboard. (翻译:- 长在头的两端 - 行了行了,我不们的广告牌)

13. Billboard Dad has a sense of humor, and his kids like him. (翻译:广告牌爸爸有幽默感, 他的孩子们都喜欢他。)

14. This is a billboard that says: "Welcome to the birthplace of General Tso." (翻译:这个宣传栏上写着: “欢迎来到左宗棠的故里。” )

15. And you'll come across a billboard or a magazine and see some kind of a logo (翻译:下一个幻灯片是眼睛停留时间分布 货物占70%,介绍 7%,LOGO 17% 而标题则是6% 可以看出,标题没有我们期待的那样醒目)
