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The pronunciation of Excalibur

Excalibur is a famous sword in Arthurian legend, known for its extraordinary power and significance. The pronunciation of Excalibur is /ɪksˈkælɪbər/, with the stress on the second syllable.

1. Meaning of Excalibur

Excalibur is derived from the Latin word "excalibor" or "ex calce liberatus", which means "freed from the stone". According to legend, Excalibur was said to be stuck in a stone and only the true king of England could remove it. It is often associated with King Arthur, who was able to pull out the sword and become the rightful king.

2. How to pronounce Excalibur

The correct pronunciation of Excalibur can be broken down into four syllables: /eks/ - /kal/ - /i/ - /bər/. The first syllable, "eks", should be pronounced with a short "e" sound as in "egg". The second syllable, "kal", should have a long "a" sound as in "kale". The third syllable, "i", should be pronounced as a short vowel sound like in "it". The last syllable, "bər", should have a short vowel sound followed by an unstressed "-er" sound.

3. Synonyms for Excalibur

Excalibur is often referred to as the Sword in the Stone or the Sword of Kings. It is also known by other names such as Caliburn and Caledfwlch in Welsh mythology. These names are often used interchangeably with Excalibur.

4. Example sentences using Excalibur

- Legend says that only the true king of England can pull out Excalibur from the stone.

- King Arthur wielded Excalibur during his battles against enemies.

- The power of Excalibur was said to be unmatched, making it a highly sought-after weapon.

- In some versions of the legend, Excalibur was returned to the Lady of the Lake after King Arthur's death.

- Many have tried to find and claim Excalibur for themselves, but none have been successful.

In conclusion, Excalibur is a powerful and iconic sword in Arthurian legend. Its pronunciation is /ɪksˈkælɪbər/ and it can also be referred to as the Sword in the Stone or the Sword of Kings. Its meaning and significance have made it a popular topic in literature, film, and other forms of media

Is Excalibur an idiom?

1. Excalibur的定义


2. Excalibur的发音


3. Excalibur的同义词

- Sword of Destiny:命运之剑,在古代传说中也被认为是亚瑟王的神圣武器。

- Holy Sword:圣剑,在基督教文化中,圣剑代表着神圣和力量。

- Magic Sword:魔法剑,在幻想类作品中经常出现的一种神奇武器。

4. Excalibur在例句中的用法

- The knight pulled out Excalibur from the stone and became the true king of Camelot.


- The Excalibur of the digital world is considered to be artificial intelligence.


5. Is Excalibur an idiom?


6. Excalibur在文化中的重要性


Usage and examples of Excalibur

1. What does Excalibur mean?

According to legend, Excalibur is the name of King Arthur's legendary sword, which was said to have magical powers and was given to him by the Lady of the Lake. In modern usage, it can also refer to something that is powerful or legendary.

2. How do you pronounce Excalibur?

Excalibur is pronounced as ik-skal-uh-ber or eks-kal-uh-ber.

3. Synonyms for Excalibur

Some synonyms for Excalibur include: sword, blade, weapon, legendary weapon, magic sword.

4. Examples of usage:

a) "King Arthur pulled the sword from the stone, proving that he was the rightful wielder of Excalibur."

b) "The knights of the round table gathered around King Arthur as he held up Excalibur in triumph."

c) "The hero's sword glinted in the sunlight, its hilt adorned with intricate designs like that of Excalibur."

d) "The ancient sword was believed to be a replica of Excalibur and was said to bring good luck to its owner."

e) "The legend of Excalibur has been passed down for generations and continues to capture people's imaginations."

Antonyms and synonyms of Excalibur

Excalibur is a legendary sword in Arthurian legend, often associated with the rightful sovereignty of Britain. It is believed to have magical powers and has been the subject of many stories and adaptations.


1. Ordinary sword

Example: The knight's sword was no match for Excalibur's power.

2. Unremarkable weapon

Example: The king's army was armed with ordinary swords, while his enemy wielded Excalibur.


1. Sword of Kings

Example: Legend says that only the true king of Britain can pull out the Sword of Kings, also known as Excalibur.

2. Sovereign's Blade

Example: The Sovereign's Blade was passed down from generation to generation, until it was known as Excalibur.

3. Magic Sword

Example: Some believe that Excalibur is a magic sword, capable of granting its wielder great power and strength.

4. Legendary Weapon

Example: The legendary weapon, Excalibur, has been sought after by many brave knights throughout history.

In conclusion, Excalibur is more than just a sword - it represents power, magic, and the rightful rule of Britain. Its antonyms are ordinary and unremarkable weapons, while its synonyms are powerful and legendary swords associated with royalty

Explanation of Excalibur

1. Excalibur的意思


2. Excalibur的发音


3. Excalibur的同义词

在英语中,Excalibur没有明确的同义词。但是根据其含义和用法,可以使用以下词语来替换:holy sword、legendary sword、magical sword等。

4. Excalibur的例句

- The legend says that only the true king can pull out Excalibur from the stone.


- The hero wielded Excalibur with great strength and courage to defeat the dragon.


- The powerful wizard Merlin enchanted Excalibur to protect King Arthur in battle.


Excalibur是一把神圣的剑,具有强大的力量和意义。它在英语中没有明确的同义词,但可以使用holy sword、legendary sword、magical sword等来替换。发音为[ɪkˈskæləbər],重音在第二个音节上。以上是关于Excalibur的意思、发音、同义词及例句的解释

