
生活学习2024-02-12 07:59:46自考教育网



1. 定义



2. 动词用法

作为动词,exceed可以表示“超过”,即在数量、范围或程度上超出某个限制或标准。例如:“The number of applicants for this job exceeded our expectations.”(这个职位的申请人数超出了我们的预期。)此外,exceed还可以表示“胜过”、“优于”,如:“His performance in the competition exceeded all others.”(他在比赛中的表现胜过了其他所有人。)

3. 名词用法

作为名词,exceed指的是“超额部分”、“额外费用”等。例如:“The cost of the project was within budget, but the exceed will have to be covered by the company.”(该项目的成本在预算范围内,但超出部分将由公司承担。)

4. 同义词及例句

与exceed意思相近的单词有surpass、outdo、transcend等。例如:“Her achievements in the field of science surpassed those of her peers.”(她在科学领域取得的成就超越了她的同龄人。)另外,“exceed”也可以与“expectations”(期望)搭配使用,表示“超出预期”,如:“The film exceeded all expectations and became a box office hit.”(这部电影超出了所有人的预期,成为票房大卖。)

5. 发音



1. 发音:[ik'siːd],读作“ik-seed”

2. 同义词:surpass, outdo, go beyond

3. 例句:

- His performance exceeded all our expectations.


- The company's profits have exceeded last year's record.


- She always tries to exceed her own limitations.



1. exceed的意思及读音


2. exceed的同义词


- His achievements surpass those of his peers.


- The company's growth has outstripped all expectations.


- Her talent transcends her age.


3. exceed的用法


- exceed expectations/speed/limit/authority等。


- The sales figures exceeded our expectations.


- The car was traveling at a speed that exceeded the limit.


- He has exceeded his authority by making this decision without consulting the team.


4. exceed与其他动词搭配


- exceed standards/needs/requirements等。


- This product exceeds industry standards in terms of quality and safety.


- The company's profits have exceeded our needs and expectations.


- The project has exceeded its budget by 20%.


5. exceed的双语例句

- The cost of the project has exceeded the original estimate.


- The athlete's performance exceeded all previous records.


- Her beauty exceeds that of all other women I have ever met.


- The company's profits have exceeded expectations for the third consecutive quarter.


- Please do not exceed the recommended dosage of this medication.




1. Surpass - exceed in quality, degree, or extent.

Example: The new model of the car surpasses its predecessor in terms of performance and design.

2. Outstrip - exceed in speed, performance, or achievement.

Example: The athlete's performance outstripped all expectations and set a new world record.

3. Excel - be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject.

Example: She excels in mathematics and has consistently scored the highest marks in her class.

4. Eclipse - surpass in importance, fame, or reputation.

Example: The singer's latest album has eclipsed all her previous ones in terms of sales and critical acclaim.

5. Transcend - go beyond the limits of something.

Example: The artist's work transcends traditional boundaries and challenges societal norms.

6. Top - be better than (a previous achievement).

Example: His latest film tops all his previous ones in terms of box office success.

7. Beat - surpass (a record or achievement).

Example: The team beat their own record by scoring 10 goals in a single match.

8. Outdo - do better than (someone) at a particular activity.

Example: He always tries to outdo his colleagues by taking on more challenging projects.

9. Exceeding - going beyond what is allowed or expected.

Example: The budget for the project was exceeded due to unexpected expenses.

10. Overtake - catch up with and pass while traveling in the same direction.

Example: The car overtook us on the highway with lightning speed

exceed是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“超过”、“超出”。它的发音为[ikˈsiːd],读法为[ik-SEED]。exceed作为动词,可以用来描述某物超过或超越了某个数量、范围或限制。例如,“The sales of the new product exceeded our expectations.”(这款新产品的销售量超出了我们的预期。)除此之外,exceed也可以用作同义词来增强句子的表达力,如surpass、go beyond等。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个单词。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我将继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
