
生活学习2024-02-12 08:18:45自考教育网

标题:探秘“excessively”,揭开行业热词的神秘面纱! 内容: ['excessively的拼音和发音', 'excessively的词性和词义解释', 'excessively的用法和例句', 'excessively的同义词示例', 'excessively的反义词示例'] 导语:随着社会发展,各行各业都有自己特定的术语,而其中不乏一些让人费解的热词。今天,我们就来揭开一个备受关注的行业热词——“excessively”的神秘面纱!它是什么意思?如何正确发音?它又有哪些用法和例句?还有哪些同义词和反义词可以替代?让我们一起探索这个令人困惑的单词吧!



excessively的拼音为 [ɪkˈsesɪvli],发音为“ik-SESS-iv-lee”。这个词来自于形容词“excessive”,意为“过度的,过分的”。它的词源可以追溯到拉丁语的“excessivus”,意为“过量的”。在英语中,它通常用来形容某件事物超出了正常或合理范围,具有贬义含义。比如,“She spends excessively on clothes.”(她在衣服上花费过多。)


1. 词性:副词

2. 词义解释:过度地,过分地。指某种行为、情况或感情超出了正常或合理的程度,具有负面的含义。例如:“她对自己的外表要求过于苛刻,总是excessively地追求完美。”



1. 用于修饰形容词的例句:

- She is excessively talkative and never lets anyone else get a word in.


- The price of this dress is excessively high, I can't afford it.


- He was excessively angry when he found out that his car had been towed away.


2. 用于修饰动词的例句:

- She exercises excessively in order to maintain her slim figure.


- The company's profits have been growing excessively over the past few years.


- He was reprimanded by his boss for working excessively and neglecting his personal life.



1. Extremely

- Meaning: to a great degree; very

- Example: The weather was extremely hot, so we decided to stay indoors.

2. Overly

- Meaning: excessively; too much

- Example: She was overly excited about her birthday party.

3. Exorbitantly

- Meaning: unreasonably high or excessive in amount; extreme

- Example: The prices at the new restaurant were exorbitantly expensive.

4. Unnecessarily

- Meaning: without any need or reason; not required

- Example: He spent an unnecessarily long time getting ready for the party.

5. Inordinately

- Meaning: to an unusually or disproportionately large degree; excessively

- Example: She was inordinately proud of her son's achievements.

6. Ridiculously

- Meaning: in a way that is silly or unreasonable; absurdly

- Example: It's ridiculous how much money they spent on that car.

7. Extravagantly

- Meaning: in a wasteful or excessive manner; lavishly

- Example: The wedding was planned extravagantly, with no expense spared.

8. Immoderately

- Meaning: beyond reasonable limits; excessively

- Example: He drank immoderately and ended up with a terrible hangover the next day.

9. Overwhelmingly

- Meaning: to an extremely large extent; overpoweringly

- Example: The support from the community was overwhelmingly positive for the charity event.

10. Grossly

- Meaning: in a very obvious and unacceptable way; flagrantly

- Example: He was grossly negligent in his duties as a doctor, resulting in harm to his patients


1. Moderately - 适度的

Moderately是excessively的反义词,意为“适度的”、“适当的”。它强调事物的程度或数量合理,不过分或不过少。例如:He is moderately tall. (他身高适中。)

2. Reasonably - 合理地

Reasonably也是excessively的反义词,意为“合理地”、“公平地”。它指某种行为或情况符合常理或道理,不过分或不偏激。例如:The price is reasonably high. (价格合理高昂。)

3. Adequately - 充分地

Adequately是excessively的反义词,意为“充分地”、“足够地”。它强调达到一定标准或程度,不缺乏或不过多。例如:She has been adequately trained for the job. (她接受了充分的培训来胜任这份工作。)

4. Moderately - 适中地

Moderately也可以作为excessively的反义词,意为“适中地”、“平均地”。它指某种状态或情况处于正常水平,不偏激或极端。例如:The weather is moderately warm today. (今天天气温和适中。)

5. Sufficiently - 足够地

Sufficiently也是excessively的反义词,意为“足够地”、“充足地”。它强调满足某种需要或要求,不缺乏或不过多。例如:The food was sufficiently spicy for my taste. (这道菜对我来说辣得够了。)

6. Moderately - 适度地

Moderately也可以表示excessively的反义词,意为“适度地”、“适当地”。它指某种行为或情况符合一定标准,不过分或不偏激。例如:He was moderately happy with his new job. (他对新工作感到相当满意。)

7. Acceptably - 可接受地

Acceptably是excessively的反义词,意为“可接受地”、“令人满意地”。它指某种事物符合一定标准或要求,不过分或不偏激。例如:The quality of the product is acceptably good. (产品的质量相当令人满意。)

8. Reasonably - 合理地

Reasonably也可以表示excessively的反义词,意为“合理地”、“公平地”。它指某种行为或情况符合常理或道理,不过分或不偏激。例如:She was reasonably upset about the situation. (她对这种情况感到相当沮丧。)

9. Adequately - 充分地

Adequately也可以作为excessively的反义词,意为“充分地”、“足够地”。它强调达到一定标准或程度,不缺乏或不过多。例如:The information provided was adequately detailed. (提供的信息相当详细。)

10. Moderately - 适中地

