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The pronunciation of excessive

Are you struggling with the pronunciation of "excessive"? Don't worry, you're not alone. This word can be a bit tricky for non-native English speakers. But fear not, with a little bit of practice and some helpful tips, you'll be saying it like a pro in no time!

1. What does "excessive" mean?


Let's start with the meaning of this word. "Excessive" is an adjective that means more than what is considered normal or necessary. It can also refer to something that is too much or extreme.

2. How do you pronounce "excessive"?

The correct pronunciation is ik-SES-iv, with the stress on the second syllable. Some people may also pronounce it as ik-SESS-iv or ek-SESS-iv, but both are acceptable.

3. Synonyms for "excessive"

If you're looking for other words to use instead of "excessive," here are some synonyms: extreme, immoderate, extravagant, overabundant, and excessive (yes, excessive has a synonym!).

4. Examples of using "excessive"

To better understand how to use this word in context, here are a few examples:

- His excessive spending habits led him into debt.

- The teacher scolded the students for their excessive noise during class.

- The government was criticized for its excessive use of force against peaceful protesters.

5. Tips for mastering the pronunciation

Now onto the important part - how to actually say this word correctly! Here are some tips to help you out:

- Pay attention to the stress on the second syllable.

- Practice saying it slowly at first and then gradually increase your speed.

- Record yourself saying it and compare it to a native speaker's pronunciation.

- Break down the word into smaller parts: ex-ce-sive.

So there you have it - everything you need to know about the pronunciation of "excessive." Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and you'll have no trouble saying this word confidently

How to read excessive

1. 了解词义:excessive是一个形容词,意为“过度的,过分的”,常用来形容某物或某种行为超出了正常或合理的范围。

2. 发音指南:excessive的读音为/ɪkˈsesɪv/,重音在第二个音节。

3. 同义词推荐:如果你想要避免使用excessive这个词,可以考虑使用以下同义词替换:extreme、unreasonable、exorbitant、overabundant等。

4. 例句赏析:

- His excessive spending habits have landed him in debt.


- The excessive noise from the construction site made it difficult for me to concentrate on my work.


- She has been criticized for her excessive use of social media.


5. 总结提醒:当你遇到类似于excessive这样的形容词时,要注意把握其负面含义,避免在表达时给人一种过度或不合理的印象

Usage and examples of excessive

1. Meaning of excessive

Excessive is an adjective that describes something as being more than what is considered normal, appropriate, or necessary. It can also refer to something that is beyond a reasonable limit or amount.

2. Pronunciation of excessive

The word "excessive" is pronounced as ik-ses-iv, with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms of excessive

Some synonyms for excessive include: extreme, immoderate, extravagant, unreasonable, exorbitant, overabundant, and surplus.

4. Examples of usage

- His excessive drinking led to serious health problems.

- The company's profits were affected by their excessive spending on unnecessary luxuries.

- The teacher reprimanded the student for his excessive talking during class.

- The government was criticized for its excessive use of force during the protest.

- She was known for her excessive generosity towards others.

5. Idiomatic expressions using "excessive"

- Excessive force: the use of more physical strength or violence than is needed in a situation.

Example: The police were accused of using excessive force during the arrest.

- Excessive sweating: sweating more than usual or necessary.

Example: He suffers from a medical condition that causes him to have excessive sweating.

- Excessive noise: loud and unpleasant noise that is too much and unnecessary.

Example: The neighbors complained about the party's excessive noise late at night.

6. Common collocations with "excessive"

- Excessive consumption: consuming more than what is needed or healthy.

Example: His doctor advised him to reduce his alcohol consumption due to his liver damage caused by excessive consumption.

- Excessive speed: driving faster than what is allowed or safe.

Example: The driver received a ticket for driving at an excessive speed on the highway.

- Excessive workload: having too much work to do within a given time frame.

Example: She resigned from her job due to the excessive workload and stress it caused her.

7. Negative connotations of excessive

While excessive can sometimes have a neutral or positive connotation, it is mostly used to describe something in a negative light. It implies that something is too much or beyond what is considered appropriate, which can lead to negative consequences.

In conclusion, excessive refers to something that is more than what is needed or considered normal. It can have negative connotations and often implies that something is beyond a reasonable limit. Synonyms, idiomatic expressions, and common collocations are used to provide a better understanding of its usage

Phrases with excessive

1. What does "excessive" mean?

"Excessive" means more than what is considered normal or necessary.

Example: His excessive drinking led to serious health problems.

2. How do you pronounce "excessive"?

"Excessive" is pronounced as ik-ses-iv.

Example: The teacher criticized the student for his excessive talking in class.

3. Synonyms for "excessive"

- Overabundant

- Extravagant

- Immoderate

- Extreme

- Unreasonable

4. Examples of using "excessive"

- She was fired from her job due to her excessive absences.

- The company was fined for their excessive use of plastic packaging.

- His excessive spending habits put him in debt.

- The athlete was disqualified from the race for using excessive force against his opponent.

- The government implemented new laws to regulate the country's excessive pollution levels.

5. Other phrases with "excessive"

- Excessive amount/quantity: too much or more than necessary

Example: The doctor advised him to reduce his excessive amount of sugar intake.

- Excessive noise: too loud or disruptive

Example: The neighbors complained about the excessive noise coming from the party next door.

- Excessively long/short: longer or shorter than expected or needed

Example: Her speech was excessively long and bored the audience

Synonyms for excessive with examples

1. What does excessive mean?

Excessive is an adjective that means more than what is considered reasonable or necessary. It can also refer to something that is too much or too extreme.

2. How do you pronounce excessive?

The correct pronunciation of excessive is ik-ses-iv.

3. Synonyms for excessive

- Overly: The party had an overly large number of guests.

- Extravagant: She spent an extravagant amount of money on clothes.

- Extreme: His extreme behavior caused concern among his friends.

- Immoderate: Her immoderate spending habits led to financial troubles.

- Unreasonable: The price for the concert tickets was unreasonable.

- Exorbitant: The hotel charged exorbitant prices during peak season.

4. Examples of excessive in a sentence

- Her excessive use of social media was affecting her productivity at work.

- The teacher reprimanded the student for his excessive talking in class.

- The doctor advised him to cut back on his excessive drinking habits.

- She was criticized for her excessive makeup and revealing outfits at the office party.

- The company received complaints about their excessive packaging, which led to environmental concerns.

- His love for sweets was becoming excessive and affecting his health.

In conclusion, excessive can be used to describe something that is too much or beyond what is considered normal or appropriate. Other synonyms include overly, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, unreasonable, and exorbitant. It is important to maintain a balance and avoid being excessive in our actions and behaviors

excessive是一个形容词,读音为/ɪkˈsesɪv/,意为“过度的、过多的”。它可以用来描述某物或某人的行为、情感或数量等超出了合理或必要的范围。例如,“The excessive noise from the construction site kept me awake all night.”(建筑工地传来的噪音让我整夜无法入眠。)“Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction.”(过度使用社交媒体可能会导致上瘾。)除了excessive之外,还有一些同义词可以用来表达类似的含义,比如overly、extreme、unreasonable等。如果你想更加生动地表达excessive,可以尝试使用一些搭配词组,比如excessive amount of、excessive behavior、excessive emotion等。希望今天的介绍能够帮助你更好地理解和运用这个词汇。我是网站编辑,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的英语学习内容。祝愿大家在学习英语的路上都能取得进步!
